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Something Destined This Way Comes...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Tonight's Full Moon @ 11:24p MDT occurs in Scorpio - 02 degrees 31' to be exact.Which is what Scorpio is all about - details details details. Depth. Passion. Fear....Trust issues.

What is extraordinary about tonight's Full Moon is the Star of David formationcreated from two Grand Trine sets of planets/points within the Full Moon chart. One Grand Trine is made up of planets within Earth signs, pointing Up; the other is made up of planets/points in Water signs, pointing down. As Above, So Below.

One of the sensitive points within the Water Grand Trine is the Vertex - a point of Destiny or Fate, sitting within the cardinal water sign of Cancer.The family, mothering/fathering, nurturance, home and hearth. Possessiveness, compassion, caregiving, emotional body of feelings and intuitive insights. Also, exit stage left skittering away to avoid all confrontation.

Or digging one's heels in, refusing to budge AND digging a hole for oneself in the process.

This sensitive point, the Vertex, brings forth unexpected CHANGE into our lives. Something unforseen, unplanned. Joined elementally to Juno Rx (Retrograde) in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces,we have a highly emotional and sensitively intuitional connection. Neptune dissolves our illusions/delusions away, while Juno brings in the emotional NEED for a balanced, equal blend of Man/Woman, masculine/feminine energy power. BOTH are needed at this time. Combined with the Vertex in Cancer - what NEW family connections are coming our way? Soul family? Business family? Extended family we've not been in touch with until now?

The Earth Grand Trine joins Pluto Rx within Capricorn with Vesta and Mercury in Taurus, then Jupiter and the North Node, both Rx, within Virgo. Here we undergo inner EMPOWERMENT (Pluto Rx) to climb higher than usual to find our material gain (or, rather, take a totally different path than usual towards it). With concentrated focus (Vesta), mindfully (Mercury), we take a hands-on approach to create something by using our respective toolboxs of personal talents, skills and experience. Once we've figured these two out, THEN we move forward towards our Soul's intented direction (North Node) allowing ourselves to step out of our usual limitations and boundaries of who we thought we were re: BEing of Service out in the world. Discerning the processes and rules of engagement along the way. Being the apprentice or mentor or teacher/student.

During every Full Moon event, the Sun sits directly opposite the Moon. Tonight the Sun is at 02 degrees Taurus 31'.Values, possessions, sensual accuity to create something tangible, our personal talents and skills and experience that we use to bring money towards us. The Sun's vital force energy asks us what ACTION do we wish to take, while the Moon's emotional/intuitional energy asks us what do we wish to RECEIVE?

Some believe the Full Moon is a reflection of the Sun's unconscous desires. Considering Venus rules Taurus (how can I create this by myself), as our Desire Body, what has been an Unconscious Desire until now? What do you value about YOU? What do you distrust? The opposite sign, Scorpio, brings hidden depths of passions and the fears to allow others to SEE the passion we have! Here we may distrust ourselves to the point of hiding relevant parts of ourselves, totally denying those aspects to BE seen, heard and answered!

What are you afraid of, deep down? Tonight's Full Moon will Illuminate those hidden fears as well as the passions held down below those fears. I'd rather live a passionate life than a fearful one, wouldn't you? LIVING Life is passion. Hiding from Life is fear.

Pluto Rx within Capricorn is the Lord or Ruler of Scorpio, hence Lord of this Full Moon.Allow yourself to glimpse down into your own Underworld to 'see' what you've buried deeply within that is begging to 'see' and BE in the Light of this Full Moon. Transformation may be your Destined path. Allow it to occur, As Within, So Without.

Blessed BE!

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