2025 Here We Go For CHANGE!
WELCOME to 2025!
ALL Astrology chart Readings are offered via Phone or online Zoom Video
As We Take in the Upcoming CHANGES in 2025:
Extreme OOB/Out of Bounds New Moon in CAPRICORN Dec 30, 2024 at 3:26 pm MST
READ ALL ABOUT IT - check out my "It's In The Stars!" Blog (above in MORE) for a freshly published bit of Astrological Weather News!
"Taking Care of Business"in a way that's "out of this world" or Wildcard energies at play as we Emotionally ground ourselves into 2025! What are you intending to BUILD in this year of CHANGE, 2025? The upcoming Full Moon in Cancer - opposite sign to Capricorn - will also be extremely OOB/out of bounds - put your Creative Intuitive Emotionally Sensitive hat on - and FEEL your way forward to what actually NURTURES YOU!
Daily Habits is what our Moon cycles consciously make us aware of and HOW WELL we're nurturing our Inner needs that are mirrored by our physical environment. Become consciously aware of HOW you FEEL physically/energetically within your SPACES - at home, at work, in the car. Anything need changing?
Venus is now Evening Star at the 3rd Eye Chakra Portal of her 19-month Synodic Cycle.
We had the sixth Venus-Moon Gate at the Brow/3rd Eye Chakra JAN 3, 2025 at 9:21 am MST at 00 PISCES 34', giving us a taste of what our SPIRITUAL Perceptions will be throughout 2025-2026 when Venus begins a New 19-month Synodic Cycle MAR 29, 2025 at 28 PISCES 53' in her Morning Star/Retrograde Rising timing - for the first time in 155 years! The Lunar Nodes will be assisting this journey within the watery mystical mysteries of Pisces after the LUNAR STANDSTILL we've been counting down on since DEC 31, 2024 to the exact timing JAN 11, 2025 when the North Lunar Node is at 00 ARIES 00' / South Lunar Node at 00 LIBRA 00' at 1:55 pm MST that day. Then at 4:03 pm MST they will change from the Cardinal signs they've been in since JULY 2023 to the Mutable signs of PISCES/North Lunar Node's Soul Direction and Purpose and VIRGO/South Lunar Node's Karmic/Unresolved Issues from Past Lives re how we're Being of Sacred Service out in the world. Are we aligned Spiritually/Soulfully or have we been doing self-sabotage through addictive and escapist behaviour? Time will soon tell all!
Saturn entered Pisces March 7th, 2023 and is now in Direct forward motion again at 14 Pisces 50' as of JAN 4, 2025 - to bring forth physical Change through all the restructuring Saturn's doing in our lives, as we realign ourselves more Spiritually and energetically, creating healthier energetic boundaries with one another. Within the Direct motion means we've completed all the DEEP-SEATED Inner Processing - reassessing, reviewing, renewing what needs Releasing that no longer serves us, Spiritually. Any Drama Triangle role-play of Victim or Rescue(r) or Bully - been released from you / your life since JUNE 29th? Pisces brings us back to Soul-Higher Self orientation, while Saturn brings up any fears we may have about physically connecting within ourselves more Spiritually. How are you magically/mystically restructuring these areas of your life? Saturn will be here until FEB 15, 2026 - take your time as you work towards long-term spiritual goals and Values!​
Uranus is in Taurus since MARCH 2019, to ensure we honour our unique values, how we deal with our financial situations, know your own worth with Unexpected Twists and Turns along the way. Many businesses are closing or downsizing or seem "dormant" right now, especially since Uranus stationed Rx/retrograde SEPT 1, 2024 until JAN 2025. Needs must, as economic issues continue to plague we Canadians and other countries. Speak Your Truth as you stand up for what you Value in Life. How are you showing up with your Inner Genius/being innovative with your hands-on creativity with something that you value, using skills/talents you know are worthwhile? Uranus continues to be closely connected with SEDNA, also Rx/retrograde now, at 00 GEMINI, bringing in a NEW review of our VICTOR vs VICTIM oriented conversation, self-talk, thought-processes, learning curves. What information/knowledge are you gathering right now? Does it SUPPORT your values, and critical thought? Or does it pull you down? How are you sharing it? And with whom? Uranus will join SEDNA in Gemini as of JLY 8, 2025 for an 8 year stay! Heads up!
Neptune's in Pisces FEB 2012 until March 31, 2025 - Neptune is now at 27 degrees Pisces 21' - we've been dissolving the Illusions / Delusions we've been carrying for so long, to connect more with true Reality - despite our addictions, need for escapism, and creating drama when truly - do we need any of that? 2025 continues to give us a last chance to figure it all out - dream your dreams; imagine the Magic; then allow it to manifest in your life.
JUPITER entered Gemini May 26, 2024 and leaves it JUNE 9, 2025 for Cancer.
Here's where we we've been determining what our New Stories will be - to stop repeating the same old worn out phrases and "O Woe Is Me!" lines - Jupiter brings jovial moods, excitement, the need to Take a Leap of Faith Into the Unknown with optimism. Possible new ventures if you're open to it and actively listening/networking for them! What's your Intention here? Gemini is how we communicate, gather information/data/knowledge and then, what do we DO with it? Do we hoard it or share it? And how will you share it, with whom, and when? Previous timing of Jupiter in Gemini was JUNE 12, 2012 - June 26, 2013. Where were You at, personally, back then? What were you undergoing, changing up, settling for, that needs a shake up and somehow renewed in your life, now in 2025? Have you found your Higher Purpose through better knowledge of Self? Five months to go!
The Lunar Nodes - North / South - About to Change signs JAN 11 2025 at the LUNAR STANDSTILL!
Change and the Unexpected within the cardinal Zodiac signs of ARIES / North Node Soul Direction and LIBRA / South Node unresolved issues from the Past/Past Lives. Interestingly, the Lunar Nodes move in a Rx/retrograde motion, beginning their journey from the 29th degree of ARIES/LIBRA, moving through the 30 degrees of these signs since JULY 2023. They've both arrived at 00 Degrees ARIES/LIBRA DEC 31, 2024 and will be at the LUNAR STANDSTILL - the Great Reset - as of JAN 11, 2025 at 1:55 pm MST - 00 degrees 00' of ARIES/North Node and LIBRA / South Node - heralding a Time of HUGE CHANGE as they then change Signs at 4:03pm MST later the same day! From ARIES to PISCES and from LIBRA to VIRGO. Initiating much-needed CHANGE re our Spiritual Self/connection/practice Soul Direction and letting go of Perfectionism/Sacred Work that isn't truly the kind of Service we truly are meant to be doing in 2025, onward. Look back 19 years ago - what did you experience back then about these themes? You're about to go through it again - on a higher mindset/heartset than before! Your choice, as always, to do so.​​​
ASTRO101 Basics of Astrology and
ASTRO201 Basic Interpretation
Online Classes in 2024!
I taught ASTRO101 the Basics of Astrology again as of JAN 6 - FEB17, 2024
We had a fun and insightful and intriguing time of it!
Another round of enthusiastic ASTRO101 students are now processing all of what they learned from me in 2023 (and 2021/2022!), and several took in the next level, ASTRO201, APR 6 - MAY 25, 2024.
And now I have students interested in taking my ASTRO301 level classes - cool!
We're all excited to learn more advanced interpretation Astrology techniques and the different
Chart Readings an Astrologer may be asked to Read. Are you one of them?
Email Laurie Rae to begin this interesting and deep dive into Astrology - which has been around for 6,000 years to assist all of us to know ourselves deeper, broader, and how connected we truly are to the Cosmos! Click on the link below to find out more!
Gift Certificates for All Gifting Occasions
For your 2024 Gifting needs - buy the gift of a Birth Chart Reading -
what I call the Sacred Contract - the initial Astrology Reading that tells us
what we signed up to experience and learn from, Soulfully.
Certificates are available for the full price of any Reading I provide, or in any amount, as needed.
If your loved one/friend has already had their Birth chart read -
there are specific Astrology chart readings I offer year-round.
You can find out MORE about each Reading from my READINGS Room page,
or allow your loved one/friend to choose for themselves.
If they've already had their Birth chart read by Laurie Rae, she will already know the possible next choice to make!
You'll receive a digital Gift Certificate to give as a gift via Email
Call or Email me anytime to BOOK Your Appointment, Request a Gift Certificate, or for more information - I am here to assist you through any Emotional, Mental and/or Spiritual challenges, as we move through 2024 together