Understanding the
Moon Cycles
Every month the Moon – our night sky luminary that guides us to FEEL our way forward,
attune to our Intuition,
and ‘see’ where our daily habits are working for us or against us –
brings a new cycle of Self/Soul growth potential.
Each month’s New Moon will be in a zodiac sign that in turn activates themes within your Horoscope.
After a few months you’ll be amazed at what you begin to ‘see’ more consciously about yourself,
how you Emotionally deal with situations and people in your life
(depending upon the theme activated that month).
New Moon
A seed of unrealized potential is planted this day, with the theme from the sign the Moon is in at that moment. In turn, you learn WHERE this seed is activating within your own chart, for the next month. Here the Sun and Moon sit in the same place in the sky – a combination of fire/action/Soul with water/emotion/Ego. This phase begins the waxing portion of the Moon Cycle – growing, moving, changing.
Crescent Moon
A phase where there is a struggle between letting go of the Old (same old habits or way of BEing, Emotionally) in order to make room for the New – a new aspect of your Soul Self making its way into your consciousness.
1st Quarter Moon
This phase brings some kind of CRISIS to ACT, whereby the ACTION breaks the binds of old habits in order to initiate much-needed CHANGE showing up from deep within you.
Gibbous Moon
By this phase we see the development of our Self/Soul growth and are able to evaluate how well we are doing with it (as in, is there any Ego resistance, denial, distractions taking place yet?).
Full Moon
Here the Moon is fully reflecting the light of the Sun (they sit opposite one another) revealing the Sun’s unconscious desires (and AHA! moments) finally BEing illuminated now. Here we ‘see’ what we’ve really been growing anew from deep Within, easily or not, depending on how active our Ego self has been so far this Moon cycle!
Disseminating Moon
This phase denotes the waning portion of the Moon cycle – something within us is dying – consciously or not – with ease and grace or not (depends on how creative and wily our Ego is!). Here we reap the Wisdom of the abundance of what we learned from the New Moon to Full Moon phases, and perhaps be teacher to others in our world as we share this Wisdom.
Last Quarter Moon
This phase really shows us how our Ego is showing up via resistance, denial, acting out as it needs to, trying to prevent some piece of itself from dying. There will be a Crisis of Consciousness – a reorientation of some sort within Self. Making a decision, one way or another.
Balsamic Moon
This last phase brings an Emotional Release of ALL of what you have unearthed this Moon cycle – please allow it to occur. We don’t want to bring it with us into the next New Moon phase or cycle. LET GO and LET GOD / GODDESS / GREAT SPIRIT.
VENUS - her 19-month Synodic Cycle -
Venus meets with the Moon 7 times as Morning Star, then 7 times as Evening Star as she performs her "INANNA Journey" - the ancient Sumerian mythology of the Goddess traveling with the Moon and Sun every 19 months, 5 times within 8 years.
She has several phases in between her sky view as Morning Star or Evening Star -
she begins each 19-month New Venus cycle while she is Rx/retrograde, Rising as Morning Star in the predawn sky, before sunrise.
then she stations Direct and is at her "In Between" phase readying for her Descending Journey towards the Underworld.
then she relinquishes a piece of clothing/jewelry - representing Distortions being released from each of her Chakras - when she meets the Moon once a month for 7 months in her Descending Journey - the Venus-Moon Chakra Gates.
then she's in the Underworld while she journeys with the Sun for about 60 days disappearing from the sky, "dying to her former self" releasing even more distortions from the Chakra Gates of the previous 7 months!
then she Rises as Evening Star once she pulls away from the Sun enough to be seen in the night's sky, after sunset, returning to yet another "In Between" space of readying herself for her Ascent back up from the Underworld.
then she collects each piece of clothing/jewelry she removed as Morning Star, while also casting off any Underworld "shadow issues" at each of the next 7 monthly Venus-Moon Chakra Gates, to bring in renewed more loving energy into her Chakras.
Do you know your VENUS Phase Signature? Are you interested in learning how this Divine Inner Feminine Energy is being experienced in your life? And how does Venus work in the Phase you were born under?
Learn how the Moon, Venus and Sun dance with one another every 19 months times 5 within 8 years in your life, creating a Star or Pentagram pattern in your Horoscope/Birth Chart!
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$90 - via Etransfer or PayPal
Contact Laurie Rae to Book this Reading by pressing the button below:
Life can be a Puzzle – Astrology Reveals Your Missing Pieces…
The Moon waxes energetically from New Moon to Full Moon; then wanes and slowly dies from Full Moon to the next New Moon. What aspects of YOU are waxing anew and what are you letting go of, allowing to ‘die’ within you thereafter?
Each Moon cycle brings in the NEW, what's to be ILLUMINATED, and what will die/be let go of, Within, Emotionally.
You will learn more about the seasons, how Astrology truly is a natural science, and how well you are attuned to your Inner seasons along the way! You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what you learn about yourself and SEE your own Evolution!