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584-day Synodic Journey of Venus from Leo: Leadership of the Feminine Heart

On July 18, 2015,a new leg of the 8-year long Synodic Journey of Venus began a 584-day Journey, began from the fixed fire sign of Leo. Each 584-day period x 5 periods = 8 years, creating a pentagram pattern in the sky. I've been wanting to write this post for many months, but the Time wasn't right to do so, until today. August  3, 2016.

According to Shamanic Astrology, Venus in our birth chart represents our pre-existing desires and needs (via money, assets and resources) and the Value we place upon these outward things that are significant to us (the Taurus face of Venus) and transforms them, over time, to how we relate to them internally, energetically. Hence the sometimes "emotional attachment" we can have with THINGS!!

She also ushers in our 'family' of relationships (be they close friends, colleagues, co-workers, bosses, significant intimate partnerships, clients, business partnerships - the Libra face of Venus). Her transits (or journey She undergoes in the NOW) set us up for significant Karmic recall/re-examination. We attract those people/situations into our lives to live out past/current emotional/physical/mental/spiritual blockages, NOW, that we've either created this lifetime and/or brought forward from past lifetimes, to hopefully heal and finally embrace with love, within this lifetime.

Venus, as the Goddess of Love, Peace, Harmony and her many 'faces'- as maiden, mother and crone, has worked tirelessly to this end, together with the Asteroid Goddesses of:

  • Ceres (since 1801), Goddess of Agriculture, the Harvest, and Abundance of the Land - Mothering.

  • Pallas Athena (since 1802), Goddess of Wisdom, Patron of the Arts - the Feminine Wisdom principle.

  • Juno (since 1804), Queen of the Gods, Patroness of Marriage and Fertility, our need for committed, fulfilling relationships (the Sacred Marriage).

  • Vesta (since 1807), Goddess of Hearth/Home Fire and our devotion to duty, plus our respective sexuality.

  • Hygeia (since 1849), Goddess of Hygiene, Health, and our health practices.

  • And the newly discovered feminine planets of Sedna (since 2003), Goddess of Infinite Supply - who feeds the tribe - vs. Victim/Lack Consciousness, and

  • Eris (since 2005), Sister to Mars, Goddess of Strife/Discord - represents the part of Self you've neglected to INVITE to the party of YOUR LIFE!

The Divine Feminine Principles and energetic power returned to this Earth during the June 2012 transit of Venus moving across the Sun, for the world, and Universe, to see and experience. All women/girls of every walk of life and age have been undergoing a huge internal shift deep Within, be they conscious of it or not. We are learning to stand in our power as the Divine Feminine energy we truly are, regaining and mastering equality within this world that is Earth. After who knows how long, the Divine Feminine Energy Principle stands up to MEET, in EQUALITY, with the Divine Masculine Energy, to finally stand side-by-side.

Men have also been undergoing huge shifts Within, of THEIR Divine Feminine Power energy too! In order to do so, THEIR Divine Masculine Power energy has had to take a step back to ALLOW the EQUAL portion of their Inner Feminine to step in and take up more room within each of them.Not an easy or seamless process for them (letting go of power and control especially)! And yes, it is a process that is still ongoing...for all of us...

What exactly IS the Divine Feminine Power energy? The subtle realms of intuitive knowing, insights, 'seeing' symbolically, connection Within to your daily feelings, emotions, following your intuition, allowing the compassion, empathy, forgiveness and love to BE received, felt then shared. Our connection to the Divine, how we RECEIVE those messages. The Divine Masculine Power then Takes Action from those intuitive hits.

A pentagram star is created by Venus' synodic journey (in the sky) from the date of our respective births, and is completed every 8th year. The significant birthdays for all of us are: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96 and 104, and we experience a Synodic Venus Return that year.

Each of us are born during a particular phase of the Venus Cycle, and when Venus returns to her original position, with the Sun, near those birthday ages noted above, we in turn return to that phase in Her journey, within our life.

According to Cayenne K Castell, Shamanic Astrologer, "we move to an even higher octave of the feminine expression we came to earth to experience during each Venus Return timing. For women, it is all about our emerging feminine identity for this life, what aspect of the Goddess you have come to explore, express and help evolve. For men, this is their connection to the sacred feminine and what they intend to integrate as their Inner Other or Inner Beloved. Each 8-year Synodic Venus Return Cycle is a powerful initiation time intended to deepen our experience as well as be a part of the evolution of these Divine Feminine archetypal energies."

"The 584-day Synodic cycle begins and ends from Heliacal Rise (meaning the planet Venus' rise before the Sun does, when She is Rx - retrograde) to Heliacal Rise, up in the physical sky.

On July 24, 2015 Venus Stationed Retrograde (Rx - began to move supposedly backward/energetically Inward) at 00 degrees of Virgo 45' and disappeared from the evening sky on August 9, 2015 at 27 degrees of Leo. Interestingly, note that Jupiter also entered Virgo August 12th, 2015, seemingly guiding Venus on her Journey! Expansive and amplifying energy, to assist Her (and us!) past limited boundaries, taking leaps of Faith towards NEW heights. A rare event!

Venus spends 40 days Rx, moving from Evening Star (seeing Her in the evening sky) to Morning Star (seeing Her in the early morning sky). During Her Rx phase, Venus conjuncts with the Sun, and a few days later RISES as a Morning Star, and each step of the way as Morning Star She connects (conjuncts) with 7-8 Moon phases! Over 7-8 Moon cycles / months, Venus and the Moon connect. More on this later...

The Heliacal Rise of Venus August 21, 2015 occurred at 19 degrees of Leo and Stationed Direct September 5, 2015 at 15 degrees of Leo." All of this sounds a wee bit technical, yet I ask you to think back in your life to these dates I mention: where were you, Within, and within your Life? How did you feel? What did you like/dislike about your life back then?

Question: have you heard of the story of the Descent of Inanna (Venus' Summerian name) or Ishtar (Venus' Babylonian name)? This is exactly what Venus' 584-day Synodic Journey is all about! And has been recorded and celebrated for many 1,000s of years! Read on...

"Morning Star Venus (as Inanna/Ishtar) begins her descent into the Underworld. She meets with the waning Moon 7 times (sometimes 8) going through the 7 Gates into the Underworld. At each Gate she gives up a Vestment associated with the 7 Chakras, releasing any distortions linked with these Chakra energies:

  • Gate 1 - Crown Chakra - The Gate of Authority (removing Her crown) - occurred September 10, 2015 at 15 degrees of Leo, within the Balsamic Moon phase - where we experience a 'death' of some aspect of our Ego-Self, and seeds a re-birth soon to come during the next New Moon phase.

  • Gate 2 - Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra - The Gate of Perception (removing Her royal staff) - occurred October 8, 2015 at 00 degrees Virgo, during the Balsamic Moon phase.

  • Gate 3 - Throat Chakra - The Gate of Compassion (removing Her breast plate) - occurred December 7, 2015 at 03 degrees Scorpio, during the Balsamic Moon phase.ase.

  • Gate 4 - Heart Chakra - The Gate of Compassion (removing Her breast plate) - occurred December 7, 2015 at 03 degrees Scorpio, during the Balsamic Moon phase.

  • Gate 5 - Solar Plexus Chakra - The Gate of Personal Power (removing Her ring of power) - occurred January 6, 2016 at 10 degrees of Sagittarius, during the Balsamic Moon phase.

  • Gate 6 - Sacral or Belly Chakra - The Gate of Creativity (removing Her ankle bracelets) -  occurred February 5, 2016 at 17 degrees of Capricorn, during the Balsamic Moon phase.

  • Gate 7 - Root Chakra - The Gate of Manifestation (removing Her royal robe) - occurred March 7, 2016 at 24 degrees of Aquarius, during the Balsamic Moon phase.

  • Gate 8 - The Death by Intent Gate, occurred April 6, 2016 at 01 degrees of Aries, during the Balsamic Moon phase. In other words, we began a symbolic 'death' of some sort within each of our respective lives!

Venus joins the Sun for 60 - 90 days - the Underworld phase. Here Inanna/Ishtar dies, then is reborn 60 - 90 days later, after She meets with the Sun, or Source of Life. Dying to Her old self, and preparing to be reborn anew.

Venus disappeared from the morning sky April 30, 2016 at 01 degrees of Taurus, and met the Sun on June 6, 2016 at 16 degrees of Gemini.

Venus rose as the Evening Star on July 13, 2016 at 02 degrees of Leo. From April 30 to July 13, we experienced our respective walks through the Underworld for 74 days! What aspect of Self died within you then?

As Evening Star, Venus meets with the waxing Moon 7-8 times, returning through the 7 Gates in the reverse order, now Transformed and Empowered from Her initiation as She regains her Vestments:

  • Gate 1 - Root Chakra - The Gate of Manifestation(regaining Her royal robe) - occurred TODAY, August 3, 2016 at 28 degrees of Leo,during the New Moon phase - where we initiate change, new beginnings, a rebirth of some sort!

  • Gate 2 - Sacral Chakra - The Gate of Creativity(regaining Her ankle bracelets) - will occur September 3, 2016 at 05 degrees Virgo,during the New Moon phase, 2 days AFTER the Solar Eclipse / New Moon at 09 degrees of Virgo 23'!

  • Gate 3 - Solar Plexus Chakra - The Gate of Personal Power(regaining Her ring of power) - will occur October 3, 2016 at 13 degrees of Scorpio,during the New Moon phase, 20 days after the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 24 degrees of Pisces 13'!

  • Gate 4 - Heart Chakra - The Gate of Compassion(regaining Her breast plate) - will occur November 2, 2016 at 19 degrees of Sagittarius,during the New Moon phase.

  • Gate 5 - Throat Chakra - The Gate of Communication(regaining Her necklace) - will occur December 3, 2016 at 25 degrees of Capricorn,during the New Moon phase, just prior to the Crescent Moon phase (challenge/struggle between the New vs. the Old Ego-Self ways).

  • Gate 6 - Brow or 3rd Eye Chakra - The Gate of Perception(regaining Her royal staff) - will occur January 2, 2017 at 29 degrees of Aquarius,during the Crescent Moon phase.

  • Gate 7 - Crown Chakra - The Gate of Authority(regaining Her crown) - will occur January 31, 2017 at 28 degrees of Pisces,during the Crescent Moon phase, and 11 days prior to the Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon at 22 degrees Leo 34'!

  • Gate 8 - The Ascension Gate - Life by Intent- will occur February 28, 2017 at 13 degrees of Aries,during the New Moon phase, and 2 days after the Solar Eclipse/New Moon at 08 degrees of Pisces 09'!

Venus begins Her Rx phase in the evening sky March 3, 2017 at 13 degrees of Aries, and is Rx for 40 days, disappearing from the evening sky March 18, 2017 at 09 degrees of Aries. Then Venus travels with the Sun for 7-8 days, meeting with the Sun, exactly conjunct on March 25, 2017 at 05 degrees of Aries.

Venus emerges in the morning sky on March 31, 2017 at 01 degree of Aries, as a whole NEW archetype of the Feminine - a.k.a the Heliacal Rise of Venus, and the start of a new 584-day cycle!

For YOU To Do Next: think back on your life since July 2015. What changes have YOU undergone, deep within? Perceive what YOU let go of, via each Gate / Moon phase / Chakra from September 10, 2015 until the 'death by intent' April 6, 2016. Here are some keywords about each Chakra's energetic influence (according to the Chopra Centre), Within YOU:

  • Root Chakra: influences physical identity, stability and sense of safety; when blocked, you may experiencelack of physical energy, a sense of being ungrounded.

  • Sacral Chakra: influences emotional identity, creativity and desire; when blocked, you may experience creative blocks, intimacy issues, inability to flow with change.

  • Solar Plexus Chakra: influences ego identity, personal power, ambition; when blocked, you may experiencelow self-esteem, lack of willpower, fear of rejection.

  • Heart Chakra: influences social identity, love, relationships; when blocked, you may experience difficulty with relationships, lack of compassion, hopelessness.

  • Throat Chakra: influences self-expression, communication, integrity; when blocked, you may experience difficulty communicating your thoughts and speaking your truth.

  • Third Eye Chakra: influences self-reflection, intuition, clarity of sight; when blocked, you may experience difficulty making decisions, poor intuition, lack of inspiration.

  • Crown Chakra: influences self-knowledge, spirituality, connection to the Divine; when blocked, you may experience difficulty meditating, lack of spiritual connections, aimlessness.

You will 'see' how well each of your Chakras were already working prior to your descent to the Underworld between September 10, 2015 and April 6, 2016. As you look back in time, what did YOU Let Go Of along the way, during each of those Gates/Moon phases? Be it consciously or unconsciously?

Now 'see', as of TODAY: what you are REGAINING, via your Root Chakra/1st Gate of Manifestation,that you DID NOT HAVE or were BLOCKED from, back on September 10, 2015! Do you 'see' your Inner Self's changes along the way? Do you 'see' your Inner Growth? Yay! THIS is what Venus' Synodic Journey brings to the table within each of us.

As you progress through the rest of the Gates between today and March 31, 2017, regaining more of what you TRULY wish for YOU, keep the following Leo Archetype symbolism (according to Shamanic Astrology) of Venus' Synodic Journey since July 2015 in mind:

  • "Venus in Leo is not satisfied with simply surviving! Her impetus is directed to THRIVE, to gain MORE joy, pleasure, reward, love and acknowledgement!

  • Increasing our sense of Desire and Deserving of ALL good things!

  • Venus in Leo stokes the fire Within with added confidence, enthusiasm, optimism, and creative instinct.

  • Venus in Leo creates a time to renew our love affair with Self and with LIFE!This transit will prompt you to an Inner Search and Retrieve of the 'good stuff' that you may have forgotten or let go of before this cycle!

  • She will set the wheels in motion to awaken your sense of "I DESERVE!", in turn launching the CREATE-IT Process! [I love how the Oprah/Deepak Chopra 21-day Meditation challenge this past month was ALL ABOUT Creativity, exactly setting us up for TODAY!]

  • When your sense of deserving is well-centred,a more fruitful stage is set for the calling forth of reward!"

We will learn to  embody the STRENGTH of both Mars and Saturn Rx within Sagittarius this  Moon cycle too - both part of our Inner support system. Leo rules the heart AND the back/spine - do you HAVE the backbone (aka strength) to ASK for (verbally, OUT LOUD) and CREATE what you heartfully WANT in your life? We require this, to CHOOSE from STRENGTH, rather from FEAR...from our own Higher Creative Self in other words.

This Moon cycle began with the Yod, Finger of God pointing to the Sun/Moon position in Leo. Today I want to mention the Mutable Grand Square within the upcoming Lion's Gate Portal, August 8th- the day of Divine heartfelt downloads of messages for each of us, creating flowing solidness (backbone/spine) for each of us to stand up from Within, from the following planetary players:

  • Midheaven in Gemini: what information/data are you RECEIVING during this Lion's Gate Portal timing? How does it serve you?South Node and Neptune (Rx) in Pisces:retrieving and keeping the 'gems' of our Spiritual / Divine Self, AND archiving the old Drama Triangle/martyrdom roles we played so well...then IMAGINE to New Life you wish for yourself!

  • Mars and Saturn (Rx) in Sagittarius: what ACTION will you take, BE responsible for, OUT in the wider world? How will you seek your Higher Truth/Purpose - your role THIS lifetime? Take some time August 8th to look at the BIG PICTURE of your life to this point - where have you been? How have you travelled to this time and place since birth? What MORE do you desire to DO/BE/THINK/DESIRE? Can you 'see' what's beckoning you on to Next Steps forward?

  • Mercury and North Node in Virgo: How, and what, are you deciding to BE of service with or for? How does this look different to where you were back in September? Any of the aforementioned - how is it BETTER, AUTHENTIC, TRUER for you now?

As I mentioned in the previous post about the New Moon in Leo, I feel Hilary Clinton's very public rise to where she is now, running for the position as the next President of the United States, brings to mind a few things: does she have the heart for it? Does she have the backbone to do the job? And will she LEAD with HEART? Another key phrase that is Leo. What do the American people need more of? Hope for?

It will be interesting to see how Hilary herself undergoes this Gate, and the next 3 Gates, regaining her royal robe, ankle bracelet, ring of power and breast plate, respectively, between now and the US Election November 8th (which occurs during the 1st QTR Moon phase in Cancer - all about FAMILY, and a Crisis of Action to be taken to break the bindings of the Past in order to create CHANGE!). She and Queen Elizabeth are two different female leaders. Who comes from the heart, leading the way by standing true to her Inner Divine Feminine Power? And what changes will occur to both women/leaders between now and then?

What changes are YOU intending in your own life? I will remind each of us, during the coming Moon cycles and Eclipse timings, what we are REGAINING - women AND men! BE the CHANGE you want to SEE! Stay tuned...

Blessed Be

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