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Balsamic Moon Phase in Gemini...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Here we are once again - within the 8th and last Moon phase of the current Moon cycle begun June 16th. Interestingly, we began in Gemini and now end in Gemini - a mutable Air sign - all about data gathering, information sharing via communication with Others and within Self - how we relate with/to Others, AND within Self via our own inner self-talk.

Gemini brings in information from varying sources/people/situations to us. Question is: what information came to you this Moon Cycle for your Self growth? AND, what have you/will you DO with it?

Within this Balsamic Moon phase we have the CHOICE to Let Go of some aspect of our fearful Ego-self that was triggered somehow at the New Moon phase (be it consciously or unconsciously). By the Full Moon phase (July 1st) we most likely had an 'AHA!' moment of some sort that brought us into AWARENESS of that which this Moon Cycle is teaching us, personally.

What have you learned about yourself this Moon Cycle? How are you handling this view / awareness of your Inner You? Or are you huddled in a corner in deep fear and not wanting to 'see' further into your issue(s), not wanting to take further steps into the healing/let go phase just yet?

What is interesting about our respective Self-growth processes is this: each one of us has our own unique PROCESS to travel. Our process is OUR process. There is no RULE that we all have to DO our process like anyone else! There is no RULE that there is a time limit of 'getting that awareness or AHA! moment and figuring it ALL out NOW!' whew!

Hence why I love love love Astrology! Planetary/luminary cycles are in place to assist all of us with opportunities to CHOOSE when and how and where we allow change and growth into our lives. WE ALL HAVE CHOICE - always and in all ways. There is no 'one size fits all' remedy or scheme or piece of knowledge that fits everyone! This is NOT a race! It IS and always HAS been a PROCESS, a JOURNEY, towards 'seeing' Self more clearly/closely/lovingly...heartfully...this is the goal, simply put: Love Thyself...

Since Sunday @ 2:38a MDT the Balsamic Moon phase began, bringing with it a return to the same sign (Gemini) AND most likely House of Life Experience within your birth chart (it did for me) that was activated June 16th during the New Moon phase. NOW is the time to reflect on the following:

  • What exactly did I learn about myself this Moon Cycle?

  • What further action steps do I need to take (and not to say 'DO it all in one day')?

  • How do I FEEL about what I have learned about myself?

  • Am I walking through those feelings, or am I distracting myself to prevent looking deeper at possible root causes that point to past traumas/pain that haven't healed before now?

  • What are those past traumas/pain events that seem to still be operating deep within?How do I go about healing/let go of my emotional attachment to past hurts/pain/trauma? I say emotional attachment because we are dealing with the Moon's cycle - she represents our Emotional Body, how we feel/intuit, the daily habits of the Ego-self (and any resistance to change this part of your Self that is brought to the daily table of Life).

  • Can I go about investigating any/all of this by myself or do I need to ask for help?How far can I go exploring this aspect of myself that is getting in the way of my moving forward NOW in my life?Am I Ready? Am I Willing? And do I Want To?

Gemini brings in CURIOSITY - how curious are YOU re: getting to the root of your issue? How far will you allow yourself to go, in search of your Higher Truth of your Inner You?

Gemini wants to connect with local peeps and share share share. Chats and conversations long into the night - and most likely returning time and again to the issue until it is resolved.

The Balsamic Moon phase brings emotions to the surface to BE released - all part of the healing phase within each Moon Cycle. A grieving phase - because there is an aspect of Self that is dying - BEing let go of - that is no longer working FOR us. It is somehow blocking NEW growth - similar to the Big White Elephant in the room that no one wants to see or hear or acknowledge. How courageous are You to BE curious enough to 'see' and acknowledge there is an issue, then facing that issue, then healing it?

AND, know this: each Moon Cycle BRINGS new Self-awareness, always in all ways. AND, depending upon how deep the Self-awareness runs, it may take TIME to deal with and heal. There will be Moon Cycles that bring healing / letting go all in one fell swoop - yippee! And then there will be an ongoing chipping away at the same damn issue over many cycles BECAUSE we may need that TIME to 'see' more clearly, feel more fully, find the courage to face/release/heal/love it all. In other words, it is OKAY to NOT know / understand / 'GET' the Inner Knowing that leads to healing in the moment. It may be many 1000's of moments from NOW until it is the right and proper TIME to let it all go. Yes, banging your head on that proverbial Red Brick Wall time after time after time - there is a reason for all of it!

Therefore, please know that each Moon Cycle brings its own special CYCLE of Inner Knowing, Inner Loving, Inner Acknowledgement - no two Moon Cycles work the same because of HOW and WHERE each of the eight Moon phases activate YOUR birth chart! Especially if those Moon phases hit on a planet within your chart or one of the sensitive points (Rising sign, Midheaven sign, North/South node positions, PreNatal Eclipse positions, to name a few). These Moon Cycles are the heavy-duty ones, where we learn there is more going on UNCONSCIOUSLY than we first thought or expected.

Deep Within our Inner Self is a wealth of information, data, insights and feelings that are Unmasked and brought out of our respective Closets in Divine Timing. Our planets in our solar system are there for a reason, a season and a lifetime. Who we meet, what we see, how we interact and respond/react to any and all situations/conversations we attract to ourselves - THIS is what makes up OUR respective PROCESS of Inner healing/loving of Self. A life-long process, uniquely Yours. What a gift!


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