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Do Your Dream, Stretch Your Limits & Fly! New Moon/Solar Eclipse Christmas Day

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Another Moon cycle is about to close. The weeks & days leading up to the New Moon/Solar Eclipse on Christmas Day have been harried, tying up loose ends, closing the doors on 2019, & looking Forward to a renewed sense of self in 2020!

Leading up to an Eclipse, especially this 3rd one of 2019 in our Cardinal Earth sign of Capricorn, I look for sudden & unexpected changes around us out in the world. Here are a few pertaining to the realm of Capricorn - authority figures, future security, handling responsibility - to name a few:

  • Leader of our Conservative Party & Opposition to our Prime Minister's Liberal Party, Andrew Scheer, stepped down unexpectedly this month after successfully creating a Minority Government here in Canada during our October Federal Election, taking away many seats the Liberals thought were shoo-ins. Leadership comes in many versions, & with it the responsibility to BE a leader who can lead. To run with those political wolves, to deal with the less than integral others (even those within his own party & caucus!) to fight the good fight for the Good of ALL Canadians. Within his own heart, Andrew Scheer knew he didn't have the support to keep on keeping on. He didn't believe in himself enough, nor did his party, to be the leader Canada needs in the near future.

  • Elizabeth May also stepped down as leader of the federal Green Party after 13 years. Her party is where a lot of votes went during past Federal elections when the leaders of the day were less than inspiring or of no clear choice.

  • Prince Andrew's public interview (Capricorn rules our public reputation) & controversy regarding his association with Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted sex offender, & then stepping down from all his royal duties. Again - integrity, reputation & leadership issues. As well as personal decisions that impacted his public image & reputation. Shocker, this one!

  • Don Cherry's dismissal from Sportsnet's Coach's Corner regarding his on-air comments criticizing immigrants for not wearing Remembrance Day poppies. His final monologue...controversy is not accepted by the status quo nor traditional institutions.

Capricorn rules the 10th House of our Career, Reputation & that which we give to others through our skills & talents on the job. It's also about Reaching Goals & how we go about doing so (with or without integrity) with the opportunities that present themselves. Success & Recognition - what are our accomplishments? Are they seen by others, or are they how we feel about & see ourselves in the achievement of them? The integrity of the process of achieving them in the long-term.

Capricorn rules our Traditions - in 2019 we'll have had 3 eclipses bringing down traditions that no longer support where we are now nor who we support now. With Pluto & Saturn & Jupiter & the South Node all moving through Capricorn - huge transformation as we release controlling tendencies - as well as the rulers who control us in ways we no longer think is right nor proper. Within business communities, the shifts & changes of new town alliances are being seen here in Okotoks too!

Saturn has been following Pluto these past 2 years, restructuring those traditions/institutions & integrity issues, asking all of us to set our goals, to know them, to strive for them. And to take on responsibilities along the way that we may not have thought possible before now. Jupiter, newly arrived into Capricorn, asks to ensure these goals are WORTHY, to work relentlessly towards them this coming year, logically & systematically - taking RISKS & moving beyond current safe boundaries the Ego-self loves so well!

Making mature decisions far into the future that no longer seems certain nor knowable. All we can do now is stay in the moment, feel our way forward & intuit next steps - after we set down goals - which may or may not change, over time - as we also resolve those issues from past lives - of NOT having the courage to take that risk, or being too greedy to expand into the Unknown, or making others responsible, or pulling others down in order to step over them in your strive to the top of your Capricorn mountain of success.

Pluto has another 5 years in Capricorn transforming power & control into Empowerment; Saturn has until December 18, 2020 to finally move into Aquarius, restructuring our lives through 2020's 6 Eclipses (!); while Jupiter continues to be Loud & Clear about boundaries & risks needed to jumpstart goals until December 20, 2020; & that South Node - clearing the air of old past life issues until May 6th, 2020.

We'll have 1 more Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn July 4th, 2020 after tomorrow's Solar eclipse - Lunar meaning Moon/Emotional Body, Solar meaning Sun/Soul Body. Soulfully, Christmas night at 10:13 pm MST, the New Moon/Solar Eclipse at 04 degrees Capricorn 07' bring a double dose of accelerated NEW CHANGE to embrace & move towards in 2020. What are you moving towards? Where is Capricorn in your birth chart? What House(s) of Life Experience will all this change be streaming from?

Having the South Node aligned with this Solar Eclipse you may feel a drain on your energy, leaking somehow, unless & until you wrap up your previous phase of experience. Release desires of the Ego - perhaps experience an identity crisis along the way - as you release that which your Ego-self has held onto dearly from other lifetimes! There may be a feeling of a lack of vitality, your sense of self depreciated. Release is key in order to embrace the changes & the new that is coming. Allow the cobwebs to be cleared, to see your future more clearly!

The Lord of the Christmas Day Solar Eclipse is "Saturn - ruler of Capricorn - signifying our elders, minor state executives, civil service employees, landowners & various authorities [from Celeste Teal's Eclipses Predicting World Events & Personal Transformation, 2000].

Saturn limits, disciplines, conserves & restricts. Those involved in the business & organizational activities governed by Saturn will find this eclipse is a prelude to important transitions - Karmic happenings to come!" Makes me wonder what new & greater changes await us in 2020?

Alberta has already seen, post the 2019 Federal Election, an exodus of large oil & gas companies leave the province, letting go thousands more employees to add to the already burgeoning numbers of unemployed that's been growing here since 2015. These redirectional shifts in employment force all of us to 'seek' (Jupiter) new opportunities & resources elsewhere - be it in Alberta's other industries or other provinces/countries.

Change is good, so they say. Change is constant. Eclipse energies need to settle out for 3 days after it occurs - so wait a bit before starting new grand plans! There can be a destabilizing feel to everything around us. Make your choices with discernment - always! Follow your heart's desires, yes, & your intuition will tell you to "Wait!" or to "Go now!" or "This isn't mine!" - trust in yourself.

Trust your Inner Guidance. Release those fears. Tis a battle between the Spirit & the Ego - so reminds me of the last Star Wars movie I watched today. "But I'm not ready!" "I'm not worthy!" says the Ego. The Spirit is always willing to seek the Higher Purpose - only the Ego stands in our way...


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