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Full Moon in Taurus...Part II

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

I must mention the proliferation of pine cones and fir cones and all cones sprouting on the tops of our evergreen trees here in Calgary! Wow! The squirrels will have a heyday with collecting all those seeds hidden within. Yet another sign from Mother Nature as to how abundant we truly are, now, in this moment, no matter what our outside world says to the contrary!

As of today’s Full Moon in Taurus, those 30 pieces of Silver that got in the way of what Humanity thought to be greed and betrayal almost 2,000 years ago (and occurred in the beginning of the New Age of Pisces) actually symbolized HOW easily we could be led down the path of greed and betrayal via the “Having Power Over” factions in the world then, and even more so, now. What happened to our Faith along the way?

Interestingly, Taurus rules money, how we value it, and value ourselves in the generating of it. This is where we bring in our own skills, talents and experience to the table of work, industry and moving toward creating Beauty in our world.

The Old Age of Pisces represented the Mother and Child (Madonna and Jesus) captioned as “Who Will Look After Us?” In the New Age of Aquarius, we are understanding a new reality: ME and WE at the same time, AND with it the creativity of the child (Leo, the opposite sign to Aquarius) leadership from the heart, and the return to romantic love that leads to more solid unions and partnerships along the way. WE can look after ourselves, and others. We don’t need to wait for “THEM” to do so.

The Full Moon in Taurus began Tuesday at 6:06a MDT at 03 degrees of Taurus 45’. Where in your chart does this occur? What VALUES are ILLUMINATED today for you? How do you value money? Those 30 pieces of silver – what would you do with them today?

Many religious experts speak only of the betrayal and greed of Judas Iscariot that led to the death of Jesus. What if there is a truth yet to be revealed? Could it be that Judas’ role in the death of Jesus was his Destiny, to begin the process of what was Divinely Ordained to BE? That in order to save Humanity, Jesus had to die. End of. Judas assisted in this – he was Chosen to do so.

Throughout the whole of the Age of Pisces we have collectively lived the Drama Triangle at some length within lifetime(s) in any one, or all, of the positions noted below:

  • BE a Victim, or

  • RESCUE ME, or rescue others, or

  • PERSECUTE ME, or persecute others, only to return to

  • The Victim position and continue the cycle.

In our current culture, we continue to see endless scenarios of this Drama Triangle worked out on TV, in movies and arcade videos. The violence has escalated exponentially. What does all of this have to do with the current Full Moon in Taurus?

A return to Values, basic down-to-earth values, with Love. Venus rules Taurus, hence the LOVE of beauty, balance, equality, harmony, the arts – all of this has been lost in the shuffle of war, greed and more money please! Pluto’s journey through Capricorn since 2008, plus Uranus through Aries since 2011, and now Neptune in the sign it rules, Pisces, all signal a halt and revamping of our collective programming. ‘Tis time to LOVE all of it, to pieces if need be!

What do YOU value now that economic downturns have upset the status quo? For me, this past week, having crystal clear windows to look out of! Who knew that bringing in a man who loves to see the immediate fruits of his labours (using HIS time-worn 5-step method of window cleaning) could bring me so much joy and pleasure, every day? The VALUE of HIS labours of love have also brought ME pleasure and joy. THIS is what I am talking about.

Those 30 pieces of silver symbolize another release from bondage we’ve collectively been in these past 2,000+ years re: HOW we value money, the work we do for it, AND the talents and skills we all bring to the table to create it for ourselves. How many of us are stuck in a RUT of DOing the same old work over and over, unhappy, and then whoosh! Our industry has died out, seemingly overnight? Now what do we DO for work? How have we forgotten ALL that we are and bring to the world of work? We are NOT just one piece of work; we are multi-faceted, always have been! RE-INVENT yourself, continually, now. Get out of that rut of HOW you used to value the work you have done until now. AND, you are never too OLD to do so!

Capricorn and Taurus are both earth signs. Taurus represents the everyday woman/man doing their level best to generate what they value in life. Capricorn represents the boss, owners of businesses who employ others to work for them, creating an even bigger value out in the world for the good of all.

Taurus gets down and dirty in the everyday, looking after the details of DOing the daily bull-work. Capricorn is the bigger picture of career, business, the goals we set for ourselves, our businesses that others may benefit from. Each has its purpose. Pluto is ensuring we wake up to the integrity of it all, since 2008. Re-eVALUating everything along the way.

Today, this Full Moon in Taurus, we are re-eVALUating our purpose. Could be we return to the basics of life lived, wholesomely, wholistically, and for the good of all. With Jupiter traveling through the other earth sign, Virgo, for the next 10 months, we will see an expansion and amplification of HOW we want to BE of Service, DOing what we value for work, to bring in the money to pay for what we value in our Life. It all goes hand in hand.

As you experience the next several days of this Full Moon phase (until 1:23p MDT October 30th) BE aware of what those 30 pieces of Silver represent for you in your life, for your life. Do you still fear money? Or do you love it? What does money represent to you, now in the New Age of Aquarius? Are you bringing in new innovative original thought and process to it, or using it in the same old same old way? HOW are you embodying Money? Are you LOVING it down to the DNA of your Soul self? Or are you in fear of it, creating debt loads far beyond your ability to pay it off?

This New Moon cycle has been asking all of us to CHANGE in some regard to a key relationship in our collective lives. In between the New Moon phase and the Full Moon phase, we have all experienced, full on, that T-Square of Change. This Full Moon phase brings to us a spotlight of awareness re: the relationship we now have with Money, our Values, and HOW we work to create beauty in the world around us. Each individually (Aries), AND with Others (Libra), EMPOWERING all of us (Pluto in Capricorn) along the way.

BE the change! Who said this originally? Martin Luther King? President Kennedy said it in a similar way during his Inaugural Speech. Do not wait for anyone else to take a stand for VALUES. BE of Value to yourself, in your life and to others’ lives. Sit, as the Taurus Bull does, in your pasture, within the light and warming heat of the Sun, and chew on all of this within the next several days. BE the change you want in the world!

Blessed BE!

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