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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Gibbous Moon in Capricorn...And YOD Activation...

Today at 12:11p the Moon moves into the Gibbous Moon phase, at 07 degrees Capricorn 22'. By this time of the Moon cycle we are evaluating our Inner Growth progress/process - what do you CONSCIOUSLY know about yourself that you didn't before, since the August 2nd New Moon in Leo? Heartfully, where are you?

Capricorn brings us to a cross-roads of sorts: do I stay the course I have been on OR do I head upon a higher, more challenging, yet fulfilling pathway? Where are you at? What Higher Ambition are you seeking for further Inner Fulfillment?

Capricorn asks us to set forth some goals towards long-term plans that may not show fruition soon. Can you stay the course? Do you have faith and the wisdom to commit? And there is that portion of Capricorn that looks for the material gain here - what will you be GAINING if you stay where you are vs. moving higher up along a new path?

The other item of note today: At the New Moon there was a YOD, or Finger of God formation pointing directly at the Moon/Sun position in Leo August 2nd.The two planets that create the base of this formation are:

  • Pluto, Rx (retrograde) at 15 degrees Capricorn - the Great Transformer of all things power/control/greed into EMPOWERMENT for Self and Others - aka a win-win situation all the way round. Pluto comes by to peel back the carpet of whatever our Ego/brain has been hiding underneath re: fears of moving forward, for whatever reason, excuse, piece of denial it can seek until this moment in time.

  • Neptune Rx at 11 degrees Pisces - She dissolves issues of illusion/delusion we may possibly have - especially if we still have shards of connection to that Drama Triangle from the Old Age of Pisces (victim-rescue me-bully + Martyrdom). All the excuses our Ego/brain can IMAGINE to stir up MORE fears to do otherwise...If we choose to do so, we can IMAGINE BETTER, MORE, and EASE & GRACE for ourselves. We can! Change the perspective...easy peasy!

  • South Node Rx at 12 degrees Pisces - Holding hands with Neptune Rx, the South Node or Dragon's Tail also brings us a CHOICE: Do I choose to allow that Dragon's Tail to swish away ALL the PAST ways of how I've dealt with that Drama Triangle AND choose to IMAGINE Better, More, with Ease & Grace etc for myself? AND bring forth ALL the GEMS of what still works from the Old Age of Pisces (faith, connection to Spirit/God/Light of All whatever you name it) with the  inner knowing that I am supported, guided and will NOT Fall/Fail on a Higher Path into the Unknown of what is my Destiny (because we really don't know how it will all work out - and may be pleasantly surprised to SEE MORE/BETTER/HIGHER - far beyond our own creative imaginings)! OR, just stay the course, do the same old/same old things, like we've been doing over and over and over again for How Many Lifetimes Now? Your choice.

Between today and just prior to the August 21st Disseminating Moon phase in Aries, therefore through the Full Moon in Aquarius (I will write a post separately for this phase) we will ALL be struggling in some regard with:

  • Pluto Rx in Capricorn letting GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning re: choosing HEART (Leo) vs. GAIN (Capricorn) AND Heartfully Gaining in the Process. What would happen if you LEAD from your Heart's Desires towards Material Gain, without Power/Control issues leading the way? What are your Old Patterns of Conditioning in this regard? You will soon find out...

  • Neptune Rx with South Node Rx in Pisces letting GO of Old Patterns of Conditioning to HEARTFULLY have FAITH in your Higher Creative Self/Intuition/Inner Knowing of Listening Inside yourself (meditation/mantras/BEing in silence with yourself) that Following the Heart's True Desires WILL Manifest Greater rewards in your life- and it all begins with your IMAGINATION - what can you enVISION that is MORE/BETTER/HIGHER for your Life now? Without judgement, or fear, or scoffing at the very idea?

  • While we all undergo this process, guess what also happens? Pluto Rx in Capricorn learns to WORK WITH Neptune Rx + South Node Rx in Pisces! We create an AND in some regard, Within Self, that hasn't been forged before now. A new skill, way of coping that hasn't seen the Light of Day. Cool! Aren't you excited to 'see' how this is all going to come out? I am!

The Full Moon in Aquarius will ILLUMINATE any issues that still need to be addressed within that phase/during that phase- so a HUGE wakeup call for some of us, in some regard, as to HOW we've been ignoring our Heart's True Desires. Perhaps you'll realize what IS your Heart's True Desire for the very first time this lifetime!And, Aquarius represents THIS New Age of Aquarius - and Leo (New Moon) IS the opposite sign to Aquarius.

My question to all of you:How will you navigate forward through these early days of the New Age of Aquarius if you DO NOT have Heart? If you do NOT have FAITH? If you do NOT have GOALS to imagine and move towards? Heartfully? Truly. Really.

Best of luck to you all on this interesting next piece of the Journey this Moon cycle has in store for you. And remember:what we manage to CREATE, HEARTFULLY during this Moon cycle sets us up for the September Eclipses! Energy of change that has influence in our lives for up to 3.5 years into the future!

Also: Mercury will be assisting all of us with how we are MINDFULLY deciding what truly works re: our daily work/BEing of Service out in the world, and the health processes of our physical bodies. If we don't have our health, how High can we Climb to Higher Heights on our Upward, Evolving Life/Soul Paths? No matter what age you are now - where do you FEEL you need to head toward now? How HIGH do you wish to climb?

Blessed Be

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