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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Mercury Rx in Taurus, April 28 - May 22, 2016

Mercury begins to Station Rx (retrograde - seemingly about to move backwards) for the second time this year. On April 28th at 11:20a MDT Mercury begins the logical vacation it takes three times yearly.This round has Mercury going back over the same degrees it travelled directly through since April 14th, bringing a chance to rethink, respeak, reprocess thoughts and conversations we've had until April 28th.

As Mercury turns Rx, the usual outward and direct energy turns inward for further reflection. What have I said, thought about and learned of that now needs some time to percolate? This includes how we talk to ourselves. Lovingly or not so much?

The degrees and sign Mercury is revisiting will be between 14 degrees of Taurus 20' and 23 degrees of Taurus and 35'. Wherever this range of longitude resides in your birth chart is where your "do-over" occurs until May 22nd when it Stations Direct again at 7:20a MDT.

Mercury in Taurus brings out our value systems for review,what we value about the collection of skills, talents and personal resources we have to offer in the world. How are you showing up with them? Are some hidden? Why? Are you ashamed of showing those skills? Do you not feel worthy of having them? Perhaps you have natural talents untested by degrees and certificates that seem to be required in today's job market? What do you VALUE about yourself?

If you are having difficulty determining what values are, let alone what yours are, consider this link to Dr. Demartini's Valuation exercise - - and see for yourself. I have done this exercise a few times within the past three years. Whenever I seem to undergo a major inner transition time I feel the need to re-evaluate myself via my values. Could be because I have my Moon in Taurus and South Node right beside it. I need to feel (Moon) what I value now compared to where I was in the past (South Node). And to do so tactily (Taurus).

Taurus also brings forth the need to connect sensuously - as in ALL our senses - not just the mind! Hence smells, tastes, feelings, what we see, hear and touch will all combine to show our way forward, mindfully, after this Mercury Rx period completes itself. I also include my 6th sense - intuitive insights - into the mix.

Taurus, ruled by Venus, asks us , "What do you want to create by yourself(vs. the other sign Venus rules, Libra, wishing to create WITH someone else - via partnership and relationship). Taurus is a fixed earth sign - hands-on, tactile, actually creating something you can physically pass on to another. Dedicated to the task at hand, concentrated effort and energy to get the job done! Hence all the workmanship of woodworking comes to mind - detail work of embroidery, lace-making, artwork, design, cooking, baking - you see the theme.

Taurus in your chart shows where you generate something physical to share with others. For me it is two-fold: I have Taurus within my 9th House of being teacher, creating handouts for my clients and Astrology students - something they can refer to into the future after the readings and classes are long over. I am also student here - so the copious amounts of notes I create as I study and research topics I am interested in.

Taurus straddles into my 10th House of my professional/public life. Here, when I work in office jobs, I tend to create procedural manuals, collecting all the knowledge and processes of how to do this job into one source, for future referral by others when I am long gone. I have also brought this talent into community newsletters I've written about recycling as a volunteer. Do you see how this could translate into your life?

Mercury Transits through the Houses (according to Robert Hand's Planets in Transit) show possible themes being retraced in your life at this time, depending on where Taurus falls in your birth chart:

  • 1st House: expressing your point of view to others - with Taurus I'd say via the written word mostly - emails, texts, letters. Yet with all your others senses at play - be creative!

  • 2nd House: Taurus rules this House, therefore you will attentively be drawn to what you value in life - materially, intellectually or spiritually - and how to plan for them, negotiate property or loans, your financial planning time of year (we Canadians have been sending in our Income Tax returns before the April 30th deadline!). Good time to explore and define what YOUR values truly are (see that link above).

  • 3rd House: Mercury rules this House, therefore his energies will intensify via group discussions/conversations, network and meet new people, possible local travel, with more connections with relatives, the people you live with and your neighbours.

  • 4th House: here you'll withdraw from the world to reflect upon all the ideas you've encountered since April 14th especially. Examine your personal and domestic life, with immediate family discussions.

  • 5th House: A great time to journal about Self, expressing your thoughts creatively, then sharing them with others. Use the mind for amusement via reading, writing, playing games that require mental agility.

  • 6th House: Two categories here - Work and Health. At work pay more attention to detail, using the best processes possible. Plan carefully, work out the details in advance so there are no surprises. You can be critical of others here and be careless of other's Ego needs. Healthwise - can feel nervous or anxious about non-rational fears. You may become concerned about your health and exercise regimen or at least have your attention drawn to it in some regard.

  • 7th House: Excellent time to clarify and explain issues to close relationship peeps in your life (friends, partners, clients, coworkers). Also a good time to consult with a professional on an issue you are concerned about.

  • 8th House: Here we tend to take time for deep, inward reflection about the truth of self - anything hidden, especially those Ego-based fears you've been hiding from yourself. You may have to deal with joint resources and property issues at this time.

  • 9th House: Excellent time for study or further education - or at least looking into future courses you'd like to take. Eager for knowledge and new experiences, wanting to see the bigger picture in your life, how the many parts make up the whole of your Life Purpose.

  • 10th House: Plans for your professional life and perhaps a club or organization that you can volunteer in that expresses you in the outer world.

  • 11th House: You'll be thinking about dreams and wishes, goals for your next year of Life Experience. Time to reflect on previous goals - have they come to fruition? If not, why? How well did they manifest? Are these goals your own or something others wanted for you instead? Examine attitudes re: group ideals and standards - where do you stand?

  • 12th House: Here is the Hidden Self House - so you may tend to keep what you're thinking and feeling to yourself. Or, become more in touch with these hidden aspects of yourself, spiritually, via unconscious drives of your personality showing themselves to you via meditation, yoga etc.

Remember, each Mercury Rx timing or transit brings any or all of the following:

  • Expect the Unexpected - via information you didn't know you needed to know! From a book, a TV show, a conversation, chance encounter with an old acquaintence or stranger, or something technical breaking down - aka computers, phones, cars, office machines - anything electrical that brings us communication or ability to travel locally.

  • Pay Attention! Your mind needs to BE in the Moment - otherwise you'll miss an error, create an accident, miss an opportunity to create something new (Taurus) that you might not have connected the dots to before now. Double and triple check those documents and contracts! Don't sign anything unless you absolutely 'feel' it is right to do so.

  • Think outside the logic box - play with the thoughts, brainstorm with others, look at all sides rather than just the usual side. Our mental focus and attention shifts - and when Mercury is Rx, away from logic. Creative troubleshooting via feeling your way, intuiting new avenues of direction and process.

  • Be conscious of your words - and their affect on others. What is true for self to be direct and up front may be felt as a slap for someone who is more sensitive. Delivery of your conversation, no matter the heartfelt intention, can be misconstrued. Hence why I love Mercury Rx - a chance for a do-over! Perhaps in person next time?

  • Speaking of - when was the last time you listened to your Inner Talk with yourself?I mean honestly listened to the rote of it? Any bad habits creating a rut? Bring in more loving and creative means. Think of your Inner Talk as if you were talking to a dear friend - would you take to them the way you talk to yourself? Hhhmmm...

  • People from the past - colleagues, friends, allies, groups you belonged to -  someone will come forward at some point to reconnect. Information you didn't know you needed to know....

  • Once Mercury Stations Direct again May 22nd, we have the post-Rx Shadow timing of yet another do-over! Direct again - where we were at April 14-28th! This will last until Mercury returns to 23 degrees of Taurus - June 7th! Here is yet another opportunity to directly communication what you value, however that may look.

Yes there will be mishandled communications, tasks dropped, calls misconnected, you name it. There is always a reason to the WHY of it. Be patient, watch your stubbornness to hold the party line or just your own line, rather than allowing to 'see' the other's opinion and point of view. Create something of lasting value, Within and Without.

Blessed BE!

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