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Moon's Nodes Shift into Cancer / Capricorn - Emotional Change

The last time we experienced the North Node moving into cardinal water Cancer & the South Node  moving into cardinal earth Capricorn: April 9, 2000 through to October 13, 2001.

Where were you back then? What were your dreams, goals and emotional needs at that time? How solid was your financial foundation? What were your career goals? How well did you listen to your feelings/intuition then, being guided to change your Emotional Body's daily habits?

The Nodal Sign Change, now, began November 6, 2018 at 11:09 am MST and lasts until May 5, 2020. Where are you at, NOW, with whatever you started/initiated that brought emotional change into your life in 2000/2001? Are you BEGINNING all over again, now or just in need of tweaking significant habits?

What House in your birth chart do 29 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn reside? Unlike the planets and luminaries, the Moon's Nodes travel in a Retrograde manner, changing signs and entering the new sign from the END of that sign (hence 29 degrees) until they move through all 30 degrees, reaching 00 degrees of that sign 18 months later.The activated Houses of Life Experience, by the Moon's Nodes, will give you the Key of WHERE these Life changes occurred for you back then - and are activating your Life now.

The element of Water in Astrology brings forth a connection with our Emotional Body (ruled by the Moon), intuition, ability to receive - insights, intuitive hits, signs and symbolism. Embracing and spending time WITH the emotions/feelings that surface Within vs. ignoring, escaping from, being in denial of having. Dealing with energetic boundaries, being SENSITIVE to the feelings/trauma of those you interact with.

The Water of Cancer (ruled by the Moon) is represented by the Crab and IS water  - tears, rivers, lakes, oceans, rain, the water we drink, shower and wash with - the clarity, cleansing and releasing that comes with this amazingly nourishing and life-giving element. Our moods, how we connect emotionally with ourselves, family and those we consider to be 'family'. Cancer, as the Crab, has the tendency to "exit stage right" and/or dig themselves deeply in the sand to avoid confrontation - Within or Without! What did you ignore Within back in 2000/2001 that requires your attention now?

The element of Earth in Astrology is our connection to Earth, being grounded here Within your Physical Body, dealing with practicalities of Life in a hands-on way. The Earth of Capricorn is the most dense and slowest-moving (ruled by Saturn)- long-term goals to reach for.

Represented by the Mountain Goat Capricorn is where we use the current resources at hand to create something NEW to be shared with the collective, now. I consider the Beaver and its ability to use current resources (trees) to create and anchor its home (in a combo of earth and water) to be an example of this. The Mountain Goat looks upon her/his 'mountain' via trails/trials of upward movement. There will be periods of "hitting a plateau" whereby Upward movement is replaced by stagnancy and stillness. Be wary of lingering too long here - without Goals to achieve in your life (be they Career-related, business-related, empire-building-related) how do you know WHERE you are heading? And yes, it's not the DESTINATION that is important - it is the PROCESS of what you undertake, experience and express Within that brings forth the fruits Without.

According to Elizabeth Spring's North Node Astrology, the North Node in Cancer / South Node in Capricorn brings forth the following to consider and experience change from now:

  • Soul Purpose: It's important for you to heal from duty and necessity -  you may need to cry a few tears to unblock your emotions and express your true feelings. You may also want to make it a priority to give and receive love, and to watch what happens when you tend to the process of Life rather than the goal. Dare to risk new beginnings that lead to metaphorical death, re-birth and resurrection, taking calculated risks. Use your sense of humour to repair, entertain, and mend bridges between family and friends.

  • The Soul Purpose is represented by the North Node - the direction our Soul wishes us to head into, experience and grow and mature from. This direction is not one we are all comfortable with - hence the Soul Growth - moving through resistance to change.Shadow:Honouring the demands of "sheer practicality" can be an excuse to both be in touch with your feelings of sorrow or joy. By not allowing the feminine and "lunar or looney" side of your personality out, it can make you appear to be a bit of a glum "Eeyore" at times. Another defense mechanism you might be tempted to use could simply be an appearance of pride - the kind of "Hubris that cometh before a fall."

  • The Shadow is represented by the South Node - the direction we have LOTS of experience with from earlier this lifetime, and many past lives. Here we bring forth personal skills and talents from those lifetimes to use NOW, in this lifetime. We also bring forth UNRESOLVED ISSUES FROM THE PAST - some call it Karma - that require healing, now. This can be within relationships, circumstances and situations that are brought forth for us to re-experience, walk through vs. running from, breathing through all the emotions/feelings that come with these experiences. This is where our Emotional Body truly becomes Wise and Mature.

  • A significant public figure born with a Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node: English blues rock guitarist, singer/songwriter Eric Clapton. Through his love of the "blues" and not denying how he felt/shutting down his feelings during key crisis in his life, Eric used his feelings to move himself through these periods, through 'the blues'. He learned to mix the Saturnian hard-working nature of Capricorn with his fluctuating emotional life (Moon/Cancer) to make a powerful impact in the world of music. Using his music to connect deeply with the promptings of his heart, healing himself, and healing the world around him.

Looking back to 2000/2001- how well did you listen to and feel your feelings while working out how to deal with them? What did you build back then and how solid was that foundation - is it still a part of your life, now?

As we begin another round of this Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node journey, what cracks in your Inner Foundation require healing? How do you deal with your Emotional Body's needs for nurturance, love, compassion and healthy energetic / emotional boundaries with family and friends? Self-care vs. 100% care-giving / care-taking others is key now. The energizer bunny can only go for so long before it burns out from a lack of self-care. ASK for what you need, and allow yourself to take it in, use and embrace it. Put down the belief that asking is weak, needing is weak, leaning is weak. It is STRENGTH to know when to recharge your Emotional Body - to intuit whom to ask for help - to embrace those denied feelings - finally. Western society seems to be built upon DOING vs BEING/FEELING - definitely time to re-balance this!

Those born with their North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn will experience a Nodal Return and see these next 18 months as a significant sea-change of their life (which occurs every 19 years!). Those born with their North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer will experience a Half-Nodal Return - whereby the current North Node will connect with their natal South Node; and current South Node will connect with their natal North Node - doing double-duty of healing Unresolved Issues from their past AND heading into new waters of Emotional Body change, Within!

For the rest of us: we'll undergo significant sea-change too - it is TIME (Capricorn) to FEEL (Cancer) those feelings and create goals of better self-care. Interestingly, the Moon, which rules Cancer, also rules our Daily Habits - what are your daily Emotional Body self-care habits and do they require a tune-up?

What I LOVE about Astrology: are the opportunities for Self/Soul growth that cycle back again and again via the luminaries (Moon & Sun) and planets/asteroids. They bring forth OPPORTUNITY for change and growth, to look back at where we've been and see that Inner Growth/Wisdom over time. You bring OPENNESS to RECEIVE and EMBRACE these moments for yourself. BE that CHANGE.


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