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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon Gatherings in Okotoks, AB

Every New Moon I've facilitated (since 2011) a Gathering of seekers (women and men) who feel called to learn to connect with themselves emotionally and intuitively while also opening up to receive INsights, intuitive pulls and listen to their feelings.

A New Moon begins when the Moon & Sun sit together at the same Zodiac position in the sky (today it was just after noon MDT) initiating a NEW cycle of conscious awareness, emotionally, for all. Each New Moon Gathering focuses on the Zodiac sign's position in your birth chart, the themes around that sign AND the House of Life Experience that is activated in your chart. Together, you will find ways to navigate that Emotional Body of yours, feel those feels and intuitive INsights Within, and evolve into a more Mature Spiritual connection Within.

In Okotoks, I hold my monthly New Moon Gatherings on a Tuesday (7:00 - 8:30 pm) and a Thursday (5:00 pm MDT for 1.5 hours). I require your birth data: time, place and date of birth - to create your birth chart from which we work with.

Each Gathering member receives key handouts that help with the learning curve of the Moon's phases and why we can be so emotional around the New and Full Moons. Cost is $25 per person per month.

If you're unable to attend in person, ask for the written version ($30) that I email to your inbox. Don't miss out on the key information that helps you navigate the emotional waters of Life Experiences every Moon cycle!

Contact Laurie Rae now: myhouseofastrology 'at' or call/text: 587-437-3520 here in Okotoks, AB Canada for more information and reserve your spot for this INsightful Gathering!

I look forward to facilitating this wondrous evening of Inner Awareness for all of you!


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