Another Moon cycle is winding down as I write this post. March came in like a Lamb and definitely went out like Lion - energetically speaking! We experienced the two Eclipses - Solar Eclipse in Pisces with the last New Moon March 8th, then a Lunar Eclipse in Libra with the Full Moon March 23rd. Tell me you didn't undergo some excelerated inner growth?! I dare you....
We all left behind more of the Old Age of Pisces "drama triangle" roles behind us (victim and/or rescuer and/or persecutor/bully), many of you actually stepped off and away from that addiction for drama (!!) along the way. BEing in the moment, as your truest self, centred, at peace is the end game now. We can all learn to let go of our addiction to drama, to BE enLIGHTened Within! Keep on Keeping on everyone. Let's move onto what's in store for us in the next Moon cycle...
Tomorrow, Thursday April 6th, we begin a new New Moon at 5:24a MDT in the cardinal fire sign of Aries, where the Moon and Sun sit together at 18 degrees of Aries 05'.Check your charts - what House of Life Experience does Aries reside in? Could be one or two if it's straddling between two Houses. Check your House cusps, they'll tell you the starting degree/minute of the Sign therein. The cardinal fire of Aries demands the NEW, instinctually, physically, assertively. BE your own inner Warrior/Pioneer in ways never ventured into before now.
The House in your chart that contains 18 degrees of Aries is the House of Life Experience you will be finding LIBERATION within soon enough, due to the upcoming conjunction between Uranus and Eris in June! We all begin to FEEL this need to BE our independent selves as of this New Moon cycle! Pay attention to yourself. Instinctual need to take Action, BE Assertive, bring forth your Inner Warrior of Courage, and Pioneer paths Within not travelled before now, will be key themes to look for.
Mars rules Aries, and currently sits within the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius (at 08 degrees) - this planet rules this New Moon cycle. Mars demands assertive action (not combative nor aggressive!) to stand UP for Yourself, your beliefs, and take your righful position re: your Life Purpose this Moon cycle.
In the New Moon chart, I see many players still within Pisces, and some that have moved off into Aries now. Interesting rolling stelliums in both signs - planets so close together they are figuratively 'holding hands' learning to work and play well with one another! Let's take a closer look now:
Pisces contingent is:
Neptune then South Node Rx + Chiron + Ceres: here we have the planet of Dissolution, Imagination, Dreams/dreaming, and Magic, Movies and lllusion (Neptune) hanging back from the rest. What did the previous Pisces New Moon dissolve in you? Did your Ego-self allow the old suit of Drama to be removed once and for all? If not, you have another opportunity to allow this to happen within this new Moon cycle!
Any unresolved issues from our collective past (South Node) re: addictions, escapism, drama (!) will continue to be healed (Chiron) along with any disconnection wounds from our Spiritual bodies.
Nurturance of Self (Ceres) is key! She wants to show us what we needed for nurturance as children AND how we allow nurturing in now as adults.
Together, the South Node Rx + Chiron + Ceres are showing us a Higher Way of Letting Go via forgiveness of self and others in order to HEAL our wounds of spiritual disconnect we've carrying around for many lifetimes within our cells/DNA, then thoughts/actions of kindness, gentleness, and love with self and others come forth.
Aries contingent is:
Venus, then Sun/Moon + Uranus + Eris: our Desire Body planet, Venus, brings forth a need for solitude, alone time, space to connect with ME, Myself & I this month! How else will you know for sure what it is YOU want and require moving forward? What do you DESIRE (Venus) to attract into your life now? How will you answer this question if you are running around willy nilly looking after others' needs and not your own? Take time out for YOU this month - very important - and listen to your Heart's Desires. Journal about it all. Take time out for YOU.
A whole lot of forward movement with the rest of these Aries players! Once they 'hear' what it is you truly want/need - what is your Intention via Venus? When you do that work, then the Soulful action will take place (Sun), with Emotional Body issues to feel, intuit from, and receive hits of insight of (Moon) regarding what Daily Habits are no longer serving You, blocking your path forward (!!). BE honest with yourselves. Any resistance from your Ego-self will indicate you are on the right track!
Then, Expect the Unexpected (Uranus) and allow your futuristic innovations and originality to come forth! You've been asking for the changes - are you prepared and ready to RECEIVE them? Will your Ego-self and/or mind create Fear-based resistance to keep you back behind that Old Curtain of Illusion/Delusion Neptune is wanting to dissolve for you?
Then Eris brings forth that which you have long neglected Within you - needs and desires that have been IGNORED, by You! Eris doesn't like to be ignored, nor does she enjoy being left out of the party! Otherwise deep anger can rise up, seemingly out of nowhere! Take note! If you become angry, even full of rage at any point within this Moon cycle- this is a good sign that you have been triggered to 'see' and 'feel' whatever it is you have DENIED yourself up until now! Again, daily journalling will help you keep track of what's coming up for you. And no projecting your anger or blame others for that which you have denied yourself! It was never their responsibility in the first place! The buck starts and stops with you.
Mercury will go Rx (Retrograde) for the second time this year this month.I will blog about those details in another post! Stay tuned!
Good grounding for us all due to an Earth Grand Trine connection between Pluto in Capricorn, Vesta in Taurus and Jupiter + Vertex Point + North Node Rx in Virgo!That Vertex Point - fated/destined people/circumstances this way come! Karmic healing will be very LOUD due to Jupiter's influence to head directly INTO the direction our Souls wish us take (North Node)! Yay! Watch out for the Shadow portion of Virgo here - procrastination due to perfectionistic tendencies...just saying....
Pluto continues to TRANSFORM our integrity issues around material gain - what is it you FEAR most about receiving materially? Pluto is sending a love line to Jupiter Rx in Virgo where we want to BE of service - Pluto wants all of us to BE emPOWERed by Jupiter's prosperity influences. Unexpected doors of opportunity will open - walk through them! Don't hesitate, don't make excuses - just GO!
Could be an invitation to a party, to coffee conversations, to a referral for other work - we never know what is waiting for us around the next corner unless we MOVE and trust that our intuition knows best! If alarm bells go off - ensure it's not your Ego-self having a tantrum or is in resistance (i.e. meeting new people in a new place, feeling unsafe etc). Take a deep breath, go anyway - because if anything is really wrong with the situation, all you need do is walk away. As long as we show up, we are taking action and living Life.
Vesta brings forth concentrated focus to create something beautiful for yourself with Pluto and the gang in Virgo! Transform the fears Pluto peels back to uncover, then allow old fears to surface (if any), meet up with those karmic peeps/conditions that trigger old stuff, and WALK through it, BREATHE through it, HEAL IT. Be Not Afraid. I'd like to BE that contented Bull, chewing its cud in the middle of a bright, sunny pasture, laying back with pride, smiling to myself, saying, "How you doin'?" and nodding with relief that I DID IT! This is the Taurus portion of the program - enjoying all my senses, content Within myself that I valued myself enough to show up and create something beautiful that is my Life!
And if, after all this planetary assistance already mentioned above doesn't help you, well guess what? We have a T-Square to help push up the inner pressure to CHANGE!I love it! Saturn in Sagittarius sits at the apex of this formation, asking us to head forward with Faith and Trust, being responsible for looking for our True Life Purpose, Why Am I Here? Saturn is being squared by, wait for it....none other than the South Node Rx and Chiron in Pisces, both sitting in opposition to...wait for it...Jupiter + Vertex Point + North Node Rx!!! Yay! If you think you'll dodge that Earth Grand Trine bringing forth karmic healing, think again! LOL! We all have a wee see-saw effect going on between the Pisces peeps and the Virgo peeps.
"Will I run BACK into my addictions/escapism/denial tendencies, do the Drama of Old (South Node) that feels SO FAMILIAR, and deny being HEALED (Chiron)? Will I run forward INTO that karmic situation, see those human peeps I used to know/work for or with, hear what they have to say (and say what I needed to say yet didn't?) no matter how prepared I may NOT be (remember that procrastination/perfectionism thingy). OR....will I DO BOTH and create an 'AND' here? " Having a Fire New Moon cycle means double-quick time and timing folks! What used to take us years or even decades to work through, can be done in almost nanoseconds now, I kid you not! BELIEVE and it will BE True!
This T-Square brings MUCHO Inner Stress and Tension to create CHANGE! Enjoy! Take Action to Let GO of the past/old trauma/issues AND move forward through whatever karmic situation presents itself - tis a test don't you know? Walk throught it, breathe, love it, forgive and move along to that next door of opportunity that's a-knocking!
Blessed BE!