The New Moon phase, initiating this current Moon cycle, began at 11:53p MST on December 28, 2016 at 07 degrees of Capricorn 59' (aka 08 degrees of Capricorn). Mercury was (and still is) in Rx (Retrograde) also in Capricorn (06 degrees and 47') creating a team environment to MINDFULLY (Mercury) work towards communicating (with others and within Self) our respective goals towards any or all of the following:
Material Gain: mindfully, what does this concept mean to you? How do you DO material gain in your life? Pluto has been travelling through Capricorn since 2007/08 transforming how the world views and interacts with our material world. How has Pluto transformed this within your world? For example: job loss, debt, floods or hurricanes/tornados taking your home, death of loved ones - any or all of these occurrences forces us to rethink our material needs. Erases/eradicates former value systems we used to cling to. Where are you now with all of this? How do you now gain, materially? As in physically being able to put your hands onto something tangible. Do you NEED lots of tangible, or not as much as before?
Attaining Greater Heights: Capricorn's glyph depicts the horn of the Mountain Goat or the tail of the Sea-Goat. The Sea-Goat climbed up from the oceans, to be on land (earth/tangible) and now climbs whatever mountain it is on. Goals move us forward into evolution of our respective lives. What is your goal for 2017? Is it the same material one you held dear in 2016? Has it changed? How has it changed? Do you see the new path forward/upward? What do you need for your journey and new path (that is, at the same time, ON your evolutionary path forward at this time)? Do you need to climb a totally different mountain compared to the one you were on in 2016?
Responsibilities: here's the crux of the Capricorn energy - What am I responsible for in my life? AND (!) What am I NOT responsible for? Some of you may be so responsible for others that you are NOT being responsible for YOU and your life! Be honest here - check on your own motives. Saturn rules this Moon cycle and Capricorn - Saturn rules our fears.Currently, Saturn has been travelling through the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius - seeking our higher truth of Why am I here? What IS my purpose? What fears are manifesting for you that are blocking your forward and upward movement up your own path, on your mountain? Too many responsibilities you deem more important than living your own life for you? Excuses...Ego-Self delusions / illusions? Here is where we can stay stuck and plateau out - stay stagnant and not move forward in our own life.
Authority Figures: Saturn/Capricorn rule the masculine/father-figure types. How is your own Inner masculine taking a stance on what you are already an authority of? We all have something that we are really really good at. Can you mentor someone else with your wisdom and experience? Share knowledge with other authority figures? Partner with someone whose wisdom/experience dovetails with your own, creating a totally NEW (so Capricorn!) resource or service that the world needs now?
Structure: Capricorn is all about business, CEO-mindsets, the traditional organizations and institutions we've known for over 2,000 years! Pluto's transit through Capricorn these past 8 years shows the cracks and even disintegration of the structures of many businesses and practices we took for granted until now. Look at Alberta - money Ontario (and our federal government) took for granted all these decades from our oil and gas industry has dried up and then some for the last 2.5 years - and the high numbers of us unemployed in Alberta and especially in Calgary, ever since! Integrity plays a key role. What new business practices, that embrace what is right and just for the good of all, are required now, for a better future? These industries and companies wouldn't be dying unless change is truly required - this is the transformation Pluto brings to the table! Change or die. Bringing it down to the personal level: where is Capricorn in your chart?This is the area of your life where change that is required - what you've been doing over and over until now, if it hasn't been successful - change it! Drop it! Move on to another path/tack!
Physically, Capricorn rules the skeletal structure, the knees, teeth and skin. If any of these physical aspects have been 'speaking to you' aka in pain, broken, or full of rashes - something Within you is trying to gain your attention! Listen! Take note! One of my favourite books, "The Secret Language of Your Body" by Inna Segal, tells us possible contributions emotionally/mentally that can be creating said pain, breaks or rashes in the physical body. If we've been ignoring our thoughts and feelings up until now, the last place they imbed themselves into is our physical body. How LOUD does it have to get before you stop and listen and do something about it? And taking on too much responsibility, feeling overwhelmed and lost - these all can contribute to creating possible physical ailments, over time, if we're not dealing with it in the Now moment.
We've been in the Crescent Moon phase since January 1st at 9:20p MST at 26 degrees of Aquarius 57'- this phase brings a crisis of 'seeing' something from Within the Darkness of our Ego-Self that needs to be brought into the Light (which we'll understand more fully by Full Moon). Aquarius rules being authentic, original and futuristic. Connecting with our Future Self. Those 'bright ideas' and innovative plans/motives. What aspect of your Future Self is your Ego-Self totally afraid to let into the Light of your Life? Where is Aquarius in your chart?
This is where your true authentic self wants to THRIVE! Your Ego-Self may be blocking it from shining brightly. Why? There is a struggle here between the Old and the New - the New wants entry, the Old wants to hold it back to keep the same old, same old. Which will win?
The 1st QTR Moon phase begins January 5th at 12:48p MST at 15 degrees of Aries 40' - another cardinal sign (initiating the new) in the element of FIRE - spiritual inspiration to CREATE something new in your life! Yay! The Crisis comes when you must take some sort of ACTION - of whatever it is you saw for yourself within the Crescent Moon phase. Question is: will you or won't you? Take action?
Tracking Venus' journey of regaining all the Vestments she let go of from September 2015 until March 2016 -as of January 2nd, 2017, at 29 degrees of Aquarius, via our 3rd Eye or Brow Chakra - our Inner Seeing aspect of Self - we are regaining our Royal Staff. How are you walking WITH your intuition these days? Your ability to 'see' beyond the physical? To connect with your Inner Future Self and allow those innovative bright ideas into the Light of Today? What were you afraid of embracing until now? Think back to 2015/2016 - can you now see your courage and stamina, and all fears you have since let go of?
Mercury Rx in Capricornhas helped us to 'take care of our own business' by changing our minds about something that we thought was key prior to the beginning of December. Now with this New Moon cycle in Capricorn (both the Moon and Sun working together)our emotional/feminine and active/masculine parts of ourselves are also being called upon to FEEL and INTUIT new avenues of business for ourselves - AND to take ACTION upon them. Capricorn is the cardinal earth sign- initiating the new, using current resources in new ways. Create something new AND tangible. Capricorn always reminds me of Beaver - creating new houses out of current resources (trees) as needed. We don't need to throw out the baby with the bathwater! Or reinvent the wheel! What does YOUR Life need, now, to be revitalized and evolved into a higher state?
What are your current resources? What do you need to create, now, for your future self and life? How will Venus, our Desire Body, bring forth those true desires as you carry your Royal Staff? Is it a walking stick to use on your new path forward/upward? Or is it a stick you beat yourself (or others) up with? Is it a leadership staff, heralding the wisdom/knowledge you have to share with other leaders, mentor others or be a leader yourself? Perhaps for the very first time, ever? Yikes!
Look at what's blocking your way forward/upward. Don't try to go around it or avoid it. The more you do so, the bigger it becomes! Try embracing the thing you fear most and move through it - walk through it - don't run and hide! Courage comes to those who breathe, take a stance, and envision a better, wiser and more loving aspect of Self. Take care of your own business - and do it now!
Blessed BE and Namaste