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New Moon in Libra: Balance, Love, Letting Go & Relating

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

The New Moon began this latest Moon cycle Monday October 8th (Canada's Thanksgiving Day) at 9:47 pm MDT at 15 degrees of Libra 48' of celestial longitude.

Libra brings opportunity to re-balance your life.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon (from The Sabian Symbols and Oracle by Linda Hill & Richard Hill, 1995):

  • "After A Storm, A Boat Landing Stands In Need of Reconstruction"- even situations built on solid foundations can be swept away by the tidal-wave forces of emotion. You may be feeling overpowered in this way. You will have to reconstruct some usually secure part of your life - you're wiser and will in future build something stronger. Having 'no-where to dock' one's emotions. Temporary Loss. Emotional Repair.

  • If coming from the Shadow: making excuses instead of taking the necessary responsibility. Feeling emotionally swamped and powerless.

Interesting, this symbolism. Libra is our cardinal Air sign - initiating change mentally in how we relate, network, socialize one-on-one (vs. in a group), within our various partnerships - so where does the emotioncome into play?!

The re-balancing to repair those emotions - looking back to January 1st, 2018 we experienced the Full Moon in Cancer - our cardinal water sign that is highly sensitive, moody, emotional - and Cancer sits in a square position to Libra within the natural wheel of the Zodiac. A squared angle brings forth stress and tension Within, which creates the NEED TO CHANGE - something - a perspective, action, personality trait, belief, thought process - whatever IT is...and we all know how HEALING it can be to allow deeply buried emotions to come up into the Light of day/the Moon (!) to look at it, feel it, heal/love it, and let it go. 10 months later - are you ready to do so?

Looking at the chart for this New Moon I see the following:

  • Pull Up & Out of Your Power & Control Issues: When did you give your power away and to whom? Pluto in Capricorn also squares this New Moon (Sun + Moon in Libra). Capricorn is that so-called solid earthly foundation and Pluto rules Scorpio, our fixed water sign of deeply-held passions, fears, emotions. Like the Phoenix, Pluto will do what it takes to get to the root of the problem, feel it, deal with it, then allow it all to die (as we let go of it), to then be REBORN more whole and conscious and renewed! Are you ready to root out/transform that deep-set emotion(s) (tidal-wave here we come!) that centre around emPOWERment of Self? Be it anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, shame, guilt, grief - whatever THE feeling or group of feelings are - open Pandora's Box, see what needs to be seen/felt as the root cause, walk through the emotions and be reborn, anew.

  • Expand & Heal Beyond the Known: here we continue to have Jupiter in Scorpio + Chiron in Pisces, Rx (retrograde) sending a love line to each other. Move beyond what feels safe, trust the process, and heal yourself OFF that Drama Triangle merry-go-round of Victim-Rescue Me-I Feel Persecuted/Bullied role-playing (and are you bullying yourself?). Jupiter asks us to expand beyond known boundaries (are you hanging on tightly to your emotional blankie still?!) - LET IT GO- the fears, the anger, the tears, the self-abuse you've been unconscious about until now. Chiron shows where we're hyper-sensitive to the pain and suffering of others around us AND hyper-sensitive to being REJECTED for dealing with that pain/suffering in our own unique way.

  • Pisces brings this dilemma to the fore: do I take the High, Spiritual, Road OR do I keep going the way my Ego-self feels safe Within that Drama Triangle: o woe is me, I want to be rescued somehow (rather than pulling myself up out of the muck), and don't bully me! Staying Within the KNOWN has its setbacks and challenges. It takes COURAGE to move out of KNOWN roles and habits (which the Moon cycles help us heal!) - away from our own pain and suffering.

  • Letting Go of Old Patterns of Conditioning: Neptune, also in Pisces, Rx, is angled with the New Moon team (Sun + Moon) in Libra whereby we NEED to let go of old patterns (habits) of conditioning - how do I commit to my Higher Self AND keep my relationship with my Ego-self (Little Self) AND create equilibrium, balance, peace and harmony between my Soul Self (Sun) + Emotional Body (Moon)? Here again, the fear of letting down your guard, lowering the walls of resistance (how we keep everything/one out of reach) vs. allowing that tsunami or tidal-wave to come up and out to finally HEAL those old patterns into a more compassionate, self-loving, patient You!

  • Neptune rules Pisces - and we have the opportunity, now, to Imagine our own Garden of Eden to be realized down here on Earth. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, your abilities, your dreams, your needs and SOMETHING BETTER. Beyond the fears...

  • DESIRING PAST THE FEARS: Here Venus, our Desire Body, within Scorpio too (!) has turned Rx (retrograde) as of October 6th, creating a personalized/sensitized Inward-moving energy. Venus, that Mirror of Self, is now mirroring our deep-set FEARS that sit like HUGE monsters seemingly blocking our passage forward to those High-Minded Dreams, Desires, Needs etc. If your Desire is great enough to move forward DESPITE those fears, you will move past them, to see they were an illusion/delusion tactic your Ego-self devised to keep you small, safe and at a standstill. So many power & control scenarios this Moon cycle to overcome and transform INTO emPOWERment! Are you up for it?

  • Something Fated/Destined This Way Comes! Yes, the Vertex is at the same degree/sign as Venus Rx - in SCORPIO - signalling to all of us that it is TIME to deal with those monsters of fear that have held us back for far too long! Latch onto this opportunity for further Soul Evolution - during this Moon cycle - and know that we ALL are undergoing the same journey, for different reasons! We are NOT alone!

Nothing to fear here, is there? LOL! As the Light continues to wane from our daylight hours, the Darkness looms nearer and nearer. Samhain (All Hallows Eve or Halloween) signals the time of laughing at our fears, despite our beliefs otherwise. October 31st brings forth another opportunity to laugh at our fears, see beyond the physical, and FEEL our way through the darkest waters of our psyche.

We'll be at the Last QTR Moon cycle that day too - Crisis of Consciousness- so be aware of what you are becoming conscious of this Moon cycle, emotionally (Moon) and mentally (Libra). Reason it out with close personal friends, find connections, then do your own work, Within. We have the greatest opportunity, now, to heal those old patterns of conditioning that hold us back from BEing the powerful, compassionate and loving BEings we truly ARE and always have been!


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