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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon in Sagittarius: Seeking Spiritual Connection or Drama?

Tomorrow, Friday December 7th, 2018 at 12:20 am MST we experience the beginning of another Moon cycle - New Moon phase begins - when the Moon and Sun sit together at the same celestial coordinates of 15 degrees of Sagittarius 07'.

Sagittarius is our mutable fire sign - going with the flow - of INSPIRed creative action (in-spirit) - as we determine our INTENTIONS for this Moon cycle. The Arrow of the Sagittarius glyph signifies our Quest of Purpose: "Why am I here? What IS my purpose? What have I to offer in the outer world, beyond my locale?"

The mutable sign of Gemini is the opposite sign to Sagittarius, signifying our locale - people we live with, interact with, grew up with (siblings, neighbours, long-time family friends) and the merchants/retail stores we visit on a regular basis. People who we speak with, locally.

This New Moon cycle, beginning tomorrow, brings us closer to the global connections of our respective worlds. What are you intending, as next steps, to be OUT in the larger world? Where are you headed? What are you wishing to learn?

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter (also currently in Sagittarius!) and resides in the 9th House of WE SPEAK within the natural wheel of the zodiac. The themes for Sagittarius (as put forth by Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology) are:

  • Your Quest for Truth: searching for answers to answer "Why am I here? What's my purpose?" via religion, praying/meditating via higher guidance, going to places of worship, being frank and honest, directly discussing your quest with others. Any or all of these come into play during this Moon cycle. Interesting that we will experience the most popular religious time of year - Christmas. How meaningful is this time of year for you - especially this year? What will you explore further, as your quest for truth?

  • Peace of Mind: found in Nature as you connect Without, to listen Within, for guidance from Above. Listen for and follow your intuitive knowing. What are the subtle whisperings from your Higher Self saying?

  • Travel/Freedom/Adventure: many people travel to warmer climes this time of year to embrace the Sun/warmth/solar fire, escaping the reality of -23 degrees C with the windchill mornings up here in Canada (or colder!). Spontaneity, seeking adventure, having positive expectations of the long-distance and perhaps foreign travel, to EXPLORE other cultures, religions, sacred spaces - to perhaps FIND or SEE Yourself mirrored there. "Why am I here? What's my purpose?"

  • Legal Issues: Sagittarius rules attorneys, lawsuits, ethics, morality, conscience and court proceedings - anything to do with the Law of the Land. With Mercury about to  Station Direct at 27 degrees of Scorpio (yay! Mercury Rx is almost over!) Expect the Unexpected from planned events, previous discussions, misinterpreted conversations, and delays in usual straightforward motion and contracts. Revisit previously agreed-upon strategies - you may find items previously missed!

  • Faith & Optimism: there are times in our lives - usually around the holidays with family gatherings, to-ing and fro-ing the house/office parties - where our Faith can be tested - especially with thoughts of loved ones passed on, feeling lonely for their hugs, voices, laughter - missing the people who are no longer with us. And there is that generous spirit of giving, perhaps having the good luck to afford presents this year when in previous years, not so much. And gallantry - wherefore art thou? LOL! The optimism can also turn into wishful thinking/hoping - ensure you have a good dose of reality mixed into all of this...

  • Finding Solutions: through mentors who've been there done that before you, connecting with Higher Education institutions (colleges, universities) if your search for your Higher Truth takes you onto a different life path, seeking the philosophy that calls to your heart and soul as you seek the answers your soul/spirit quest. All in aid of finding the solutions to wherever it is YOU ARE NOW.

  • Overcoming Excess: here we encounter that over-optimistic faith that "If I buy this now, I'll be able to pay off my credit card next year!" How many years has the consumerism in the larger world brought us to our knees as the colder January snows and temperatures show up? Watch out for shortcuts that end up creating worse scenarios, being self-righteous about ill-fated decisions, making assumptions, excesses and extravagance, blunt communication and Pollyanna approaches. BE TRUTHFUL as to your INSPIRed Actions - coming from your Soul/Spirit Self or Ego's need to other than itself? These are the pitfalls of Jupiter/Sagittarius...

  • Physical Health Ruled by Sagittarius: hips, liver, sciatica, thighs and upper legs. These are the areas of the physical body that will 'speak to you' via pain, accidents, the need for exercise (vs. excess!) that will be carried forward into the New Year if we're not looking at the bigger picture...take those walks, jog, ski, skate, dance, hike - do whatever it is you need to do - drink more water vs. spirits (!) - to flush those toxins out. Visit the people who can help you determine the Higher Truth of what may already be going sideways in your physical body. Why wait for 2019? DO IT NOW!

The Sabian Symbol (from The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle by Lynda Hill & Richard Hill) for this New Moon's celestial longitude:


  • Key Wisdom: This pictures a situation of dependence and sometimes co-dependence. Don't look to others or have others look to you for opportunities and nourishment, for you may miss your chance of being creative and independent. Who's looking for scraps? Are they worth it? Diminishing your essential worth while trying to please a specific need. LOSING SIGHT OF ALTERNATIVE POSSIBILITIES.

  • Shadow: Waiting for scraps that may not even be worth it or may not ever come.

In other words: LOOK for YOUR HIGHER PURPOSE - no one else will or can do it for you! Seek that which calls out from your heart of hearts. BE optimistic that yes, you WILL find that pot of gold at the end of your Life Path's rainbow. And it won't be found if you don't MOVE yourself, TAKE ACTION, in some regard. Sagittarius mutable fire - go WITH the flow AND ensure it's the flow YOU wish to go with! Not someone else's! Heed your own Inner Call!

This New Moon (Sun + Moon) position will create some stress and tension, Within, from the help of Mars + Chiron, both within the mutable water sign of PISCES - our Spiritual connection. Mars wants to take assertive Action AND Chiron wishes to HEAL the pain and/or Drama you've been carrying Within (be it physically, emotionally, mentally and/or spiritually). Yes: GO WITH THE FLOW and SEEK YOUR SPIRITUAL HIGHER SELF / TRUTH / PURPOSE - in every Action, Prayer, Decision, Conversation, Book, Person, Video you encounter - between Friday December 7th and January 4th, 2019!

Let go of the victim/rescue me/I feel persecuted or bullied roles of that Drama Triangle - step OFF this triangle by going Within, Seek your Higher Self, and Listen to your Heart. With Love, Faith & Optimism - look for the signs and symbols of this season to help you to Keep on Keeping On.

MERRY MERRY - Happy Christmas to One & All - Blessed BE - Namaste

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