Today, November 18, 2017, at 4:42 a.m. MST,the Sun and Moon, together, created the New Moon phase at 26 degrees of Scorpio 19' - and began a new Moon cycle within fixed water (ice) - Scorpio - our most private sign of the Zodiac!
This New Moon position (where the Sun + Moon reside within Scorpio) is connected with Chiron Rx (retrograde) at 26 degrees of Pisces 27', to lovingly HEAL more of the wounds we're collectively holding onto, emotionally, from the Old Age of Pisces. When planets are Rx the energy is directed inward, Within the Self, personalizing (as in bringing us face-to-face) with where, in this scenario of Chiron in Pisces, we're still playing the old Drama Triangle roles of either:
Rescuer/Rescue Me
Or a combination of any/all three roles! Be aware of where you continue to harbour deep-set fears (Scorpio) that keep you in any one of, or all of, these roles from the Drama Triangle!
This current Moon cycle brings forth further conscious emotional awareness for each of us. Anger is buried fear. Projection is manipulation, trying to make your fears someone else's. Fear is an illusion the Ego brings forth, tricking us to believe our world is being threatened from Without in some regard. Is it, truly? What does this trigger reaction truly mean for you?
Scorpio rules the following themes:
Power and Control Issues -here the Ego-self hides and resides, doggedly clinging to keep the status quo - safe and secure within the illusion of NO change, leave things as they are, no need to rock the boat people! Ego's deep-seated fears of everything that threatens (seemingly) Ego's view of how life should be. The key here is to move from power and control into Empowerment! We learn this through the process of attracting people, situations, circumstances and relationships that bring up and out of us that which we still FEEL the need to control - no matter what! Look closely to 'see' what is being triggered Within, emotionally, that causes emotional upsets, fear, the need to Fight or take Flight (escape, run away, hide). I find it fascinating that some of the JFK assassination files have recently been released - long held secrets buried for over 50 years.
Jupiter is in Scorpio for the next year, expanding our current tightly-held boundaries created out of fear, power and control needs, to allow each of us the opportunity let go of our long-held secrets! I wonder what else will be revealed? No matter how manipulative President Trump is currently being by putting off the release of ALL documents until early 2018, Jupiter will bring forth the call for change, loud and clear.
Fear of Change -I've already addressed this. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and he is the ruler of this Moon cycle. Pluto is at 17 degrees of Capricorn 29' holding hands with Ceres at 19 degrees of Capricorn 30' - together they bring forth the transformation (Pluto) of how we nurture self then others (Ceres) - did we learn it via power and control struggles from our parents and siblings? Can we change HOW we do change now, via EMPOWERMENT instead? Create a win-win for ALL involved? Forgiveness, of self and others, is key. Compassion is required too - of self and others. We each are doing the BEST we possibly can, at ANY given moment in time! Less judgement and criticism; MORE love, acceptance and forgiveness is required now.
Skills to use during Crisis situations - here's where our compulsions and obsessions come out to play! Living on the edge, extreme risks to gain power (of any kind). Okay to use when in a REAL crisis (life or death) however, these days, our Ego-self seems to believe it is in CONSTANT crisis, hence the compulsion/obsession within society with the need for power (see the Bully and/or Persecutor role playing out here?) at any cost. Drink as much caffeine-oriented beverages as you can to keep yourself revved up and "on edge" is one extreme example.Ready for combat sir! - are you in the army or navy or air force? Daily? Truly? This is one way our Ego-self brings forth the Illusion of the need for MORE power. Consciously or unconsciously...
Self-Mastery - of the Ego-self, to bring forth MORE of the Higher Self/Divine Self as the guiding Light Within. Here's where more time spent in meditation, listening to your intuitive INsights, which in turn brings guidance to your True Best Next Steps, for You! The Ego-self will bring forth all sorts of reasons, excuses, fears, escapism, to prevent us from connecting Within to our Inner Wisdom - we each have access to this - that guiding Light of Wisdom. That Inner Voice that speaks to us when we feel lost, hurt, abandoned - you name it - the voice of reason, reassurance, love. Go ahead, listen to the Ego-self, follow the illusory road, OR have the inner strength to follow your intuitive Inner Wise Woman/Man, heartfully trusting in another way through the current crisis.
Soul Mates and our Sexual Desires/Needs - here we feel our deepest emotional passions, needs, connections and FEARS of all of these! Scorpio is where we deeply connect with others within our life. We absorb each other on deep emotional levels - so much so we may lose ourselves completely. Co-dependence issues. Possible power and control issues, again. I'll be rescued by so-and-so if I is yet another avenue we experience the empowerment of ME within the WE relationships. How well do you DO this?
Shared Financial Partnerships - be they personal and/or business - shared money, resources and values. What each partner brings to the table within the relationship of partnership. Is it an equal connection or does one person hold the upper hand? How can you create a win-win here for the good of all? EMPOWERMENT...and again, triggers occur from the fear of money (lack consciousness) - where's the ROOT of this coming from?
Misuse of Power - aka revenge, jealousy, harsh judgments, destructive urges (our addictions/obsessions) power struggles, suspicion and deep-seated feelings of guilt. All Shadow issues to true Empowerment. Trust issues abound with Scorpio. Trust in self, and in others. Being honest Within Self = being honest with Others. It all begins Within You.
Physically, Scorpio rules - all our hidden places - rectum, colon, bladder, and organs of elimination, PMS and menstruation, sexual diseases and the male/female sexual organs. Here is where our deeply and long-held fears may manifest long-term, chronic illness and/or ailments, over time. If we take a look at the bigger picture, socially, we see how much of the current illness out in the world relates back to these areas of the body. All due to fear of being powerless in some regard, deep Within.
Hhhmmm...Scorpio IS the most private sign of the zodiac, ice water. Here we can 'freeze' those feelings, emotions and fears at the time of crisis or trauma triggered events - and never go back to deal/heal them! Or, we can change all that, open the box or vault we've hidden them in, and begin to heal (remember, Chiron is already here, lovingly awaiting to assist you with this!).
The chart for this New Moon cycle holds TWO of the following planetary formations:
Grand Trines: in Water and Fire - emotional + intuitive INsights easily accessed AND inspired creative Action. Ease and flow come about within a trine. Listen to your intuitive hits of INsight that, in turn, manifest the INspired creative (as in 'out-of-the-box') action of your Next Steps! Be aware of wallowing within the emotional loop! Be aware of always taking action without checking Within when to stop, listen, take stock, before further action!
Grand Squares: in the Cardinal and Fixed signs. Cardinal means initiating the NEW, bringing for Change! Fixed means dealing with all the details AND let go of the rigid fears to change along the way! "My way or the highway" feelings/mindsets will stall your forward motion. Stress and tension come about within squares. The louder it feels, the greater chance you'll have of consciously revealing and dealing WITH the Ego-self's resistance to CHANGE!
NOTE: both the Sun and Moon (as New Moon) create the Scorpio portion of this Grand Fixed Square! It all stems from there...see where Scorpio resides in your chart - here's the probable ROOT to your Ego-self fears of change...
And the upcoming Mercury Rx timing (I'll write about this in another post) within Sagittarius brings forth yet another element of change in mindset whilst looking for our Higher Purpose during the emotional deep-water diving we'll be experiencing this Moon cycle! Here is the key to coping with all the emotional/fear stuff - keep asking yourself, "What IS the Higher Purpose with this issue for me? What IS my Higher Purpose within this process of Empowerment, Change and Letting Go? What IS my Ego-self's NEED for power and control truly covering? How do I get to the ROOT of it?"
Ask for Higher Guidance. Listen to your feelings and your intuition. Jupiter in Scorpio brings BOTH into extreme focus, LOUD and CLEAR, and in-your-face over this next year. This Moon cycle jump-starts us all into clearing out our blockages. You are NOT alone! We are in this together!
Blessed BE and Namaste