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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

New Moon in Scorpio, November 11th...

Wednesday, November 11th is Remembrance Day for most Western countries. At 11:00 a.m. on the 11th day of the 11th month we've been remembering all those loved ones who fought and died for our freedoms since 1918, the end of the Great War. My paternal Great-Grandfather Jesse Robinson was gassed in that war and lived 94 years before he passed on. He worked as a guard for an internment camp here in Canada during the Second World War. There also were brothers of my Great-Grandmother Rose Robinson (nee Candy) who fought in WWI, one of whom died as a POW.

My paternal Grandfather, Bruce Schwager, worked in Thomasburg, ON, Canada as a mechanic, repairing all the planes that flew from Canada during WWII. I recently received two of his photo albums full of pictures he collected or took himself of the planes they worked on and the barracks he lived in.  And Mom's elder brother, Vernon Schwager, was a Canadian Navy officer, first working on submarines on the East coast, and ended his career at CFB Esquimalt, Vancouver Island, BC as a commanding officer. They will be remembered with love.

The same day, just 12' prior to the 11th hour, we begin another New Moon cycle, in Scorpio. At 10:48a MST, both the Moon and Sun will sit together in the sky at 19 degrees of Scorpio 01'. They are joined by Mercury, sitting at 15 degrees of Scorpio 30 minutes. Together they give all of us the opportunity to allow our psychic/intuitive flashes of insight to step up a notch or two this Moon cycle!

Scorpio is the fixed water sign, deeply passionate, its emotional depths can hide many things! It is the most private sign of the Zodiac, and people with a Scorpio Sun, Moon, Rising sign or Midheaven will naturally hold back speaking about themselves until they "trust" it is safe to do so. All of us have Scorpio somewhere in our charts - here is where you may hold back, distrust self and/or others, and deal with ongoing Ego-self fears that can be deep-seated, hidden from view, until the right TIME-ing comes along to pull back the carpet and "see" what's been holding you back all along!

This Moon cycle also brings a YOD or Finger of God planetary formation pointing to Uranus, Rx, sitting in Aries. Here the theme is "Free To BE ME!" that's been playing out in all our charts/lives since Uranus entered Aries March 13, 2011 (and will continue through Aries until March 7, 2019). I've written before about Eris, one of our newer planets, who has been closely riding along with Uranus for a while now. She adds and brings in the "apple of discord"into the mix, whereby adding to the Uranus "Expect the Unexpected"quality! Eris wants to bring harmony and peace into the equation, and being sister to Mars, she will do battle if necessary to stand her ground for the good of all. Just when you thought Life was hunky-dorry, peachy-keen, here comes Eris with her apple, to show us how our life is NOT as harmonious and peaceful as it COULD BE. Read on...

Together, Uranus and Eris are rising to the fore to equalize the following:

  • BEing our True Authentic Selves- each of us are shedding the coats we've been wearing during, and since, the Old Age of Pisces in order to reveal to ourselves (and others) WHO we truly ARE in this Age of Aquarius - and ruled by Uranus! Unexpected events in our lives (and the world) over the last several years have been instrumental in that skin-shedding process. Not only are we BEing asked to BE REAL, we are also embodying our Spiritual/Soul selves for the first time, ever! Guess what House Aries rules? The 1st House of our self-identity AND physical body...need I say more? I love Astrological timing...always on time, in all ways!

  • Gender-Roles as Feminine and Masculine- here deep within us, and AS a female or male on the outside, we all carry a mix of divine feminine power energy and divine masculine power energy. This "power" has nothing to do with "power and control" of Pluto/Scorpio and the 8th House they rule. This "power" is the Inner Knowingness of How to Receive (feminine) and When to Act (masculine) and HOW. This is what we've been learning about for eons. Lifetime after lifetime, as a female or male human BEing, we've been learning to BE comfortable in our own skins, JUST as a female or male. NOW Eris comes along, sending in her "apple of discord" to help us notice WHAT needs to change deep within to BALANCE out the inner genders in order to BALANCE out the outer traditional gender-roles we've known for o so long now. We are learning to BLEND our Inner feminine/masculine selves to BE one, in balance and equality.

Let's return to that Yod formation. Uranus is the point of the Finger of God. Who's at the base? We usually just have two planets, but because we are special (!!) THIS time there are FOUR! They are:

  • The NEW MOON! Aka the Moon and Sun, in Scorpio, bring in the emotional baggage (Moon) and shine a Light on this Moon cycle's subject - TRUST - (via the Sun) - together assisting us all to LET GO and heal whatever Ego-self fears we're still hanging onto that block us from Loving self and others unconditionally via TRUST. Not emotional blackmail, nor manipulation to "get what I want when I want it!" (Ego-self). More of TRUST, passion, depth of BEing, connecting to our psychic/intuitional self!

  • Mercury! Also in Scorpio, he brings our mindset, how we learn, how we communicate what we learn, how we share our knowledge, etc. Interestingly, this Moon cycle will REVEAL that which has been HIDDEN, up until now, That which we've not trusted self to reveal to others, out loud, in print/email/text. This is going to be quite an interesting ride, no? Remember: whatever has been HIDDEN, can mean hidden from SELF too! We will be unveiling, uncovering, recovering some aspect of Self that has been deeply buried due to past traumas/hurts this lifetime or in past lifetimes! Cool! I love past life work! I work with it all the time.

  • Last and not least, is Jupiter!In the mutable earth sign of Virgo - amplifying and expanding our usual boundaries re: HOW we wish to BE of service right now. Jupiter's been working on all of us through this sign since August 12th, bringing LOUD signals and situations to our attention as to what IS working and what is NOT working in our lives re: BEing of service. Raise your hands if you've lost your job since August? Or been out of work for more than a year? Or your industry has just died (autocad work) or is in its death-throes (oil & gas)? What signs and signals have been waving their hands to get your attention re: your daily work AND how you deal with the health of your physical body? Hhhhmmm....any physical ailments talking to you of late? Just saying...

Okay, now let's put this Yod formation together. The apex, or pointing Finger, is Uranus who is Rx (retrograde) at the moment. So his energy dives deeply to encourage inner growth to heal something we've been afraid to deal with, very personally. Uranus encourages authentic individuation - how do I BE my most authentic ME? Not sometimes, all the time? Look back to March of 2011 - how have YOU changed? Are you more YOU now than you were then? Take stock on this for a moment...

BEing in the cardinal fire sign of Aries - instinctual, acting before thinking, being natural in the physical body, all about ME, myself and I, your Inner Warrior, and Explorer that is curious enough to walk along new Inner Roads of Self. Assertive Action or Aggressive Action? Hhhmmm...there is a difference?

Now let's look at how the Moon/Sun/Mercury in Scorpio connect with Jupiter first, then we'll discuss how these four amigos must work together to allow old patterns of conditioning to be let go of in order to give Uranus Rx the energy he needs to BE more ME within ME. See?

The connection between the Moon/Sun/Mercury and Jupiter is called a sextile - a mini-love line asking the four amigos to work together as a team, if they haven't learned to before now. So, emotionally (Moon) how am I feeling, and soulfully (Sun) what action do I wish to take, and mentally/mindfully (Mercury) what thoughts and words do I think/speak (AND TRUST that it is all okay to feel, act, think, speak let alone share any of this!) in order to expand and amplify (Jupiter) beyond my usual boundaries I've put in place before now, re: the daily work I do for others and for my physical body?

Overwhelmed yet? LOL! This Moon cycle will assist ALL of us to re-connect with our PASSION for Life, Living, Connecting, Networking, Working, Health, rather than disTRUST, misTRUST Self and/or Others! How many of you LISTEN TO and TAKE ACTION upon your Intuition? BE honest matter how illogical, crazy or whatever you judge those insights to BE, they are being sent to you via your Higher Self/Spiritual aspect of YOU. Higher Wisdom, Eternal Wisdom - and you are dissing it? Hhhhmmm...

The mix of a fixed water sign with a mutable earth sign can bring MUD (water + earth mixed together) or a standstill. Aka Ego-self resistance, BIG TIME! Fixed signs are slow to change, if ever. They are also focused and able to deal with the details, and in the case of Scorpio, ALL the details it can get its hands on! LOL! Anyone know a Scorpio who can tell a short story? I laugh at myself because I have most of Scorpio in my 3rd House of communication - how many short posts of mine have you read?

Here we can get bogged down by TOO MANY details, loosing sight of the Big Picture of "what was I working on, thinking about, about to do again?" And then emotionally connect with the Ego-self's fears to boot! Yikes! Then the earth of Virgo - needing things to BE perfect - then I'll get it completed and handed in! Delay tactics on the part of whom again? O yes, Ego-self...

So you see how the mini-love line between all these planets may have some issues to agree to work TOGETHER? Once they DO, wonderful things will emerge this Moon cycle for you! You'll be able to 'see' via your intuition or thought processes NEW directions, original thoughts (Uranus) that you never imagined before now, re: work, health, Life, etc. Yay!

Bottom Line: get out of your own way, with LOTS and I mean LOTS of love! Love your Ego-self to death if you need to (but don't kill it completely because we cannot live without our Ego-self down here on Earth). The more you LOVE whatever comes up for you this Moon cycle, the MORE you feed Uranus Rx in Aries - your true authentic self will show up! Yay! And rise above whatever has been holding you back before now. Uranus has been in Aries long enough for all of us to sip from the cup of courage (Aries) and BE courageous! NOW is the time to TRUST that yep, I am ready! Yep, I will take a risk and a leap of faith and Dare to BE or DO something different than I have given myself permission to do before now....breathe, breathe, breathe!

Also: both Nodes are at 00 degrees of Libra (North Node - direction our Soul beckons us into) and Aries (South Node - where we are used to BEing, or unresolved issues from our past getting in the way NOW....). The 00 degrees = NEW CYCLE - let's DO it different this time people! Aries is a cardinal fire sign - inSPIRed action from Spirit to create something NEW. wait for your inSPIRation, via your INTUITION, then take ACTION towards your new YOU, LIFE, and WORK!

Blessed BE!

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