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New Moon in Virgo: Service & Health?

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

September 9th, 2018 at 12:01 pm MDT the Sun and Moon stand together in the mid-day sky at 17 degrees of Virgo 00' celestial longitude. The Moon is dark, the seed of unrealized potential awaiting blossoming by Full Moon. Each New Moon phase brings change of some sort. What will this Moon cycle bring you?

Virgo, our mutable earth sign of the Zodiac, represents our ability to be of service (daily work we do) and looking after the health of the physical body. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, our communication/thought-processes/learning ability planet, bringing into focus how well we process all of the above.

Perfectionism and procrastination and delaying is the Shadow side of Virgo - all honed by the Ego-self to prevent further Soul growth - if we allow it to be so. This New Moon's chart shows an opposition between the Sun/Moon in Virgo and Neptune in Pisces (ruler of Pisces) still Rx (retrograde) bringing home personal truths of how we idealize situations, focus on illusion or delude ourselves into staying on that Drama Triangle role-playing of either Victim-thinking, wanting to be Rescued, feeling Persecuted or all of these.

Neptune calls us to imagine our personal Garden of Eden here on Earth - a better life, a new perspective that releases us from the bondage of Ego's fear of letting go, surrendering to the Unknown, the Divine, the greater part of ourselves - the Higher Self - while tuning in to listen to our true heart's feelings, intuition and follow through from there.

The Magic, Movies and Illusions that surround us can be tricky to discern one from the other. The Ego latches onto the Known, stable and secure. If anything or anyone threatens this status quo - look out! DRAMA! O woe is me! Fix me! Rescue Me! We all experience these moments of intense panic, of thoughts of failure, unworthiness and inability to move forward according to Ego's dictates. The Ego has desired outcomes - which, if not manifested, creates panic and drama Within and Without.

This New Moon in Virgo also shows a love line between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio - mutable water to fixed water - go with the flow or stand frozen in fear. Your choice. Jupiter's journey through Scorpio since October 2017 has shown us how limiting our fears can be, especially where Scorpio resides in your birth chart. Passion is what Scorpio is all about - deeply felt - and it can scare us, that depth of feeling. Ego will lash out, with fear, to stop the flow of moving Divinely on our life paths, not trusting or having faith that All Will be Okay.

Those desired outcomes (within the TIME-frame, dictated by our Ego) are the Illusion. We delude ourselves when we follow Ego's desires and thought processes. We misconstrue Ego's desires from our true heart's desires. How can we tell the difference? Making decisions out of:

  • Desperation

  • Drama

  • Fear-based thoughts/conclusions

  • Victim-thinking - o woe is me/blaming others

  • Hopelessness

  • Depression

Virgo asks for us to BE of Service on the earthly plane, learning from, and teaching, others as we learn new skills of service. Current economic trends here in Alberta, Canada has a lot of people totally masked within fear, unable to see other possibilities, opportunities, avenues of NEW Service.

This Moon cycle will show us HOW to look away from that PERFECT set-up/opportunity, to be grateful for what we already do HAVE that is working for, and with, us, while allowing ourselves to be OPEN TO RECEIVE, heartfully, whatever NEW is being seeded now.

Fall is already showing it's colours, with frost to come this next week. Snow is showing itself on our Rocky Mountains. The world outside is beginning its death dance, about to go to sleep by Samhain (Halloween). Pluto in Capricorn sends its own love line to this New Moon in Virgo - Pluto transforms the Ego's need to have control and power over our heart's truest desires. Pluto wants all of us to BE EMPOWERED, from Within. Creating a win-win scenario for all involved.

Within Capricorn - traditions have been falling away since 2007 - and how we attain traditional goals with traditional responsibilities - again, falling away. Capricorn always asks us to take current resources and somehow CHANGE the way we use them, creating something NEW to be used, hands-on, now, for the greater good. Here is the process of Life-Death-Rebirth. What seems to be dying, all around us, is just another RENEWAL - deep Within, to change what is Without.

Look beyond the physical/obvious, and seek the ability to Go With the Flow - listen to your physical body's needs, be open to 'see' other possibilities and opportunities. Know that Illusions/Delusions manifest only from Ego's fears. Look BEYOND those fears. Look heartfully Within, and KNOW you already know your next true steps forward.

Each New Moon brings new opportunities, new focus, and initiates possible change. LOOK for all of this! Be mindful and heartfull all at the same time! Create an AND as much as possible - and LISTEN to your Inner Voice - positive and loving is best, all round.


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