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New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Virgo...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff
"You don't become a mistake just because you have made one!" - Author Unknown

How very much a Virgo Shadow illusion this quote is. How many of us, over a lifetime, actually believe this to be true, deep deep down? Be honest with yourself here....just a tiny bit perhaps?

Part of Virgo's Shadow is trying to BE perfect, along with the judgements and criticisms of Ego-Self and Others along the way. How many of us continue along this vein, in any area of our lives? Especially in the area where Virgo resides within your horoscope chart? Interesting....

In a few hours from now, we will experience a Partial Solar Eclipse - the darkest part of its shadow, cast by the Moon coming in between the Sun and Earth, will not seen by us here in the Americas - mostly southern Africa, Indian Ocean and Antarctica areas of the world. A partial eclipsemeans the Moon in between the Sun and Earth aren't all aligned perfectly(!!) in a straight line, hence the Moon will only partially cover the Sun's disc.

A solar eclipse only occurs during a New Moon, and only when the plane of the Moon's orbital path around Earth is inclined at a 5 degree angle to the Earth's orbital plane (called the ecliptic) around the Sun.

The points where the two orbital planes meet are known as the Lunar Nodes (North Node and South Node). Therefore a solar eclipse occurs only when a New Moon takes place near a Lunar Node!

Interestingly, the path of the current Lunar Nodes are sitting at 00 degrees of Libra (North Node) at 00 degrees of Aries (South Node always sits opposite of the North Node, in its opposite sign) with this New Moon (Moon and Sun together) sitting at 20 degrees of Virgo - just 10 degrees away from one another, hence the Solar Eclipse. The closer the Moon/Sun of the New Moon sits to the North/South Nodes, the more exact (total) the solar eclipse will be! I love how this Virgo New Moonis only a Partial Solar Eclipse - not a perfectly aligned Sun/Moon/Earth! Is this driving any Virgoans wild right now? AND especially because we cannot 'see' the actual eclipse?!

Eclipse energy is known, Astrologically, as signifying events that can be far-reaching. Some say it is just the day of the eclipse; others extend it by 3-6 months prior to/after the eclipse occurs; others think this energy can last up to 3.5 years afterward. I think of it this way: the few months leading up to an eclipse is like the New Moon cycle, waxing its energy to peak at Full Moon (the eclipse event) and then slowly letting go over time until the next New Moon - or in this case, the next set of eclipses. Usually there is a 6-month wait between eclipse seasons (usually in the  Spring and Fall).

Also, the sign in which the Solar Eclipse occurred in the Spring (on March 20th this year in Pisces) "completes" intensely energy-wise as it closes with it's opposite sign's Solar Eclipse 6 months later - for us, this year, just after midnight in Virgo. The Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 4th will complete with the upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse September 27th in Aries (opposite signs). This is why the early Spring and Fall months are so intense! Not just about the growing season beginning/ending here on Earth - 'tis the Inner Growing season deep with each of us (As Within, So Without) AND the letting GO of what no longer "grows corn" for our Soul.

Looking at this Pisces/Virgo combination of eclipses in 2015, we 'see' how illusions, delusions, addictions, and escapism that we once held near and dear to our hearts 6 months ago no longer do so now! Virgo rules the service we DO daily (aka work) AND the health of our physical body. Do you 'see' the progress you have made these 6 months in the Actions (Solar) taken to let go of the Old Piscean Shadow issues that have led to where we sit now, on the cusp of this New Moon/Solar eclipse in Virgo - initiating change and taking NEW ACTION re: how we are of service AND Being of service for the health of our respective physical bodies? You will also 'see' what new action is required NOW that you weren't quite able to handle before NOW. Do you see this perfection of how we don't need to do it all perfectly now this instant? Life is a process...and so are we.

I must chat about the Moon's Nodes sitting at 00 degrees of Libra/Aries for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse. As cardinal signs (Air and Fire) these two signal the beginning of the Fall (Libra) and Spring (Aries) seasons - huge energy of INITIATING change and new direction here on Earth re: our growing/dying seasons. AND, the New Moon signals our intention to INITIATE change and something new within our Emotional Body (Moon) and Spiritual Body (Sun). Lastly, both Nodes are sitting at 00 degrees of their respective signs - again, INITIATING a brand NEW cycle. Let's break this down further...

The Lunar Nodes travel backwards through the Zodiacal signs (whereas the planets move forward - from 00 degrees through to 29 degrees - then into the next sign). It takes approximately 22 months for the Nodes to travel through each sign. The current Nodal journey through Libra/Aries began January 19, 2014 (beginning at 29 degrees) and will finally leave Libra/Aries as of November 13th, 2015 when they enter Virgo/Pisces (again at 29 degrees).

Look back at your own Inner Journey of self-growth to 'see' how you have let go of some shadow aspects of this Libra/Aries pairing of the North Node (the Dragon's Head- the direction our collective Soul wishes to grow into because we haven't explored this area much at all) and the South Node (the Dragon's Tail- the direction from which we bring past talents/skills AND unresolved issues from past lives and earlier this lifetime - where our Ego-self loves to live because it is familiar).

Libra signifies the need to partner, share, BE your true self in tandem with another (be it close personal friends, clients, partnerships - personal and/or business). How well have you allowed your Soul's need to move into the direction of BEing INTERDEPENDENT rather than co-dependent within your relationships with others? Hhhmmm....

Aries brings in the instinctual need to BE ME, all about 'Me, Myself and I' - independent from others (and for some, at all costs). Truly expressing your Self-Identity, unique to you. Here the Ego-self can get tangled into totally forgetting that Others exist in their world (or in the world) and "I can do it all by myself thanks!" comes into play.

The passive/aggressive parley between the two extremes is what we have been working upon and learning to heal. With Libra/North Node/Dragon's Head - we have been moving forward into more loving, harmonious and balanced relationships - across the board, while 'seeing' the relationships that are NOT. These have to change or be left behind.

The Aries/South Node/Dragon's Tail has assisted all of us to sweep away (with the Tail) all unresolved issues from our pasts - moving away from BEing an Island, I am all alone in this, and I can do it all by myself - letting go of insisting on 'Me, Myself & I' to create space for SHARING, CARING and BALANCE of 'ME time' AND 'WE time'! ME = Aries; WE = Libra. Balance, creating an "AND" here yet again.

This New Moon/Solar Eclipse assists us with taking NEW inSPIRed Action (Solar = the fire of BEing In Spirit - or inspired - via our Inner Spirit/Soul) with how well we have perfected the process (Virgo) of looking after our true Self-Identity AND keeping true to this Self within ALL relationships we make along the way. No more sacrificing, denying, hiding the Light of our Soul Self! Like the beacon of a lighthouse, BE that beacon, shine your true inner Light, with LOVE, for all to see! BE You, yet BE in partnership, equally, with others. We have until November 12th to finish off the last pieces of this, shifting, ebbing and flowing with it all along the way

Saturn sits at 29 degrees of Scorpio for this New Moon/Solar Eclipse, therefore we are tying up any loose ends of how our Ego-self sits in FEAR of taking responsibility (Saturn) for our actions (or lack thereof) out in the world (Sagittarius - the next sign Saturn will enter). Take Soul-ful action (Solar Eclipse) to WALK through any remaining fears to BEing seen out in the world, authentically, that your Ego-self is still hanging onto. This can occur through just not showing up to begin with as you could, or eating so much that your true physical body is hidden away (hiding your true authentic self), or taking on Others' responsibilities as an excuse for not living your own true authentic life! These are a few examples to chew on...

Jupiter continues to expand and amplify our awareness of how we wish to BE of service out in the world (and how well we are doing with our diets, exercise programs etc too!). Anyone seeing MORE eating of less healthy food/drink these past several weeks? This is a great indicator that the Ego-self is still in control, not your Soul-self. Use Saturn's energy to help you LET GO of any remaining Ego-self FEARS to BE authentic for the rest of this Moon cycle. Scorpio is the ICE form of the water signs, so what do you need to assist with the melting of those fears you are carrying deep inside? Ask for these fears to 'melt away' with ease and grace, releasing resistance to the changes your Soul is beckoning you forward into. We can be "frozen with fear" and deeply so.

We continue to experience the Grand Trine (triangle) in Fire - very much a formation of Love to inSPIRE Soul-ful ACTION (fire) to create something new in our lives for the good. Here Venus in Leo (Desires from the Heart to create) + Uranus Rx in Aries (Unexpected Changes to be 'Free to BE ME') + Pallas in Sagittarius (incorporating mind/body healing techniques from around the world) play their parts within this Grand Trine. See where Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are in your birth charts - these are the areas of your life where you will take Soul-ful Action this month! If you are NOT inSPIRed to do so - In Spirit - then don't make it happen! This is the Ego-self way - making it so, and now, to check another item off its To Do list...a friendly reminder...

Summing up: perfect yourself via the service you provide to Others and to your physical body AND continue to free up, let go and heal those Ego-self fears of BEing SEEN as your true authentic Soul-self AND take responsibility for your OWN actions/in-actions along the way. How you conduct yourself leading up to, during and in the aftermath of this New Moon/Solar Eclipse will impact your life for this next Moon cycle and perhaps for the next 3.5 years, energetically, physically, work-wise, and health-wise....just saying....

And if you are inSPIRed to learn more of how this New Moon/Solar Eclipse and upcoming Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse will be impacting/activating your life, give me a call to set up either a Moon Cycle Report reading or other in-depth readings. See my contact information on the right side of this post. I look forward to hearing from you, and

Blessed BE!

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