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New Moon + Venus in Gemini...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Today, at 8:59p MDT, the Sun + Moon + Venus will be sitting at 14 degrees of the mutable air sign of Gemini,initiating yet another cycle of NEW inner change, emotionally, with Ego-self examination along the way until July 4th's New Moon. Today marks our 6th New Moon of 2016.

Interestingly, having Venus in the same degrees of Gemini is key this month. Venus represents our Desire Body - heartfully, what do YOU desire in your life this Moon cycle?What feelings and intuitive insights come forth while you think on this now? Venus rules the fixed earth sign of Taurus and the cardinal air sign of Libra - what can I DO (Taurus) + what can WE DO (Libra) via creative change?

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, brings forth all things communication, learning, reasoning, thought-provoking, Inner Talk, and how we interact/socialize with our local peeps (from the people we live with, to neighbours, to local merchants and local community). Is it time for you to step into Community in some regard? Gemini also rules short-term trips - time-wise and distance-wise. Driving through Calgary these days is deemed a short-term trip!

The Lunar Mansions, first developed from the earliest Astrology which was Moon-oriented (not Sun-oriented as we have now) were followed by both Babylonian and Egyptian Astrologers.

Each 30 degree sign of the Zodiac (Aries through to Pisces) was sectioned into 3 parts, called Decans or decanates (3 x 10 degrees) within each sign.The first decanof each sign was thought to reflect the true essence of that sign's element (i.e. 0 - 9.59 degreesof Aries deemed to be Aries, ruled by Mars). The second decan (10 - 19.59 degreesof Aries) deemed having underlay energies of the next Fire sign in the Zodiac - Leo, ruled by the Sun. The third decan (20 - 29.59 degreesof Aries) has the underlay energies of the last Fire sign, Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. And so forth, through all 12 signs.

Hence, those of us born with our Sun signs within the first 10 degrees of that sign truly ARE that sign, whilst those born later, within either of the two remaining decans or decanates, will also have an underlay of energies of another sign and ruler within the same element. Another reason why people with the same Sun sign come across differently - it depends WHERE within the 30 degrees of that sign they were born into.

Today's New Moon + Venus sit at 14 degrees of Gemini - the 2nd decan of Gemini - which means the energetic underlay is LIBRA (next Air sign over), ruled by VENUS! interesting...hence what ARE your Desires, what messages/data are you picking up on, mulling over, this Moon cycle to help you DECIDE upon those Desires? What will be Your Next Steps forward? We are balancing out differences, viewpoints, needs and desires as best we can.

The whole Zodiac consists of 12 signs x 30 degrees each = 360 degrees.  The Lunar Mansionsfurther sectioned off the Zodiac by 12.5 degrees each - the Moon's motion is approximately 12.5 degrees a day, and its full cycle of 28 days from New Moon to New Moon. 12.5 degrees x 28 days = 360 degrees.While the Sun takes 365 days to travel the full Zodiac, the Moon travels it within 28 days. There are therefore 28 Lunar Mansions.

These Lunar Mansionszero in on the Moon's journey, monthly, through the Zodiac. No matter what phase the Moon is in, it is also in one of the mansions. Today I introduce the Moon Mansions within the Moon phases I blog about, adding yet another layer of INsight to our collective Lunar/emotional journey of monthly emotional Self-growth.

From The Moon Oracle card deck (by Caroline Smith and John Astrop, 2000) today's New Moon + Venus at 14 degrees Gemini means we are travelling through the 6th Moon Mansion (represents 04 degrees Gemini 17' to 17 degrees Gemini 08' of the Moon's journey). It is called BRIDGE, showing two people (Gemini's glyph is The Twins) standing with their backs to one another, facing in opposite directions, only touching one another via one foot raised behind each of them. The key phrase for this card, "Bridge of compromise; suddenly finding something in common." This card's meaning brings in both Mercury(ruler of the 1st Gemini decanate) and Venus(ruler of the 2nd Gemini decanate) and they express themselves differently, symbolizing opposing views:

  • Mercury is flexible and yielding, fast and versatile, for good or ill.

  • Venus is slow, and can be possessive.

  • They both share in the ability to socialize.

  • Hence why this mansion is about differing ideas and/or opinions.The touching of the feet by the two figures means the ability to form a bridge of understanding, mutual ground, and to strike a compromise.

  • Mansion six is about peace-making, bringing forth the possibility of a harmonious outcome in a situation in which there has previously been great opposition.

  • Question is: where in your Life has there been opposition? Do you wish to make peace? If so, how will you go about it this Moon cycle?

Again, we return to Venus - what do You Desire from this situation? Look to your birth charts - where does 14 degrees of Gemini reside within it? This is the House of Life Experience that requires a PEACEful resolution now - something in your life that has NOT brought you peace in a long while. This New Moon in Gemini (going back to The Moon Oracle cards) is a dormant sign (as most air signs are) no real growth potential, except for REVISION- revising current situations/circumstances that create a Win-Win outcome for both/all parties involved. IF both parties are ready, willing and want to move forward.

The trilogy of Moon + Sun + Venus in Gemini create one-fourth of a dynamic planetary formation this Moon cycle - that of a Mutable Grand Square- connecting the Gemini planets with the following players within the other mutable signs:

  • Jupiter + North Node Rx in Virgo - expansion + amplifying our Soul's forward movement into where we wish to BE of service daily, perfecting our processes to that end. Moving BEYOND boundaries we'd set in place many many Moons ago!

  • Saturn Rx in Sagittarius - structure of our current life, and constricting our focus upon seeking a Higher Truth of our purpose out in the wider world. Still deeply held Within - not fully realized for outer action just yet.

  • And Neptune + South Node Rx in Pisces - culling through our Past escapist/addictive tendencies (are we still on that Drama Triangle of victim-rescuer-persecutor?) and/or that need to BE Martyr (all shadow aspects of Pisces) - to be aware of, then let go of, in order to master our Ego-selves into Higher Service, beyond the physical/Earthly dimension, yet still HERE on Earth, within our physical body.

This Mutable Grand Square brings tension/stress Within, a need to go with the flow, yet yielding only so much - we NEED to hold our ground, stand up for Self's needs and the direction for Our Soul's intentions - in other words, don't be pulled OFF your path to go the way Others want you to.What is required here is BE your own person, find a compromise to create a win-win for all, AND still move forward upon YOUR Life Path. This is what we are all learning, together, how to do within this New Age of Aquarius. BE ME, And BE with others, not aggressively so. Lovingly, kindly, with open minds and hearts, as we learn together, yet each of us moves forward upon our respective Life Paths - not FOR others, nor abandoning our need for our OWN life.

Gemini rules the hands, wrists, arms, lungs and nervous system. How many of you have noticed numbness already this week in any of these areas of your body? The lungs can hold past grief/grievances. I highly recommend the book, The Secret Language of Your Body by Inna Segal for further INsights on the possible emotional/mental blockages created within the body by you, until now.

Today's society is inundated by suppression, denial, escapist tendencies to NOT deal with our emotions/thoughts on a daily basis. Bring the wisdom of Athene, the White Goddess who rules this Lunar Mansion Six, to the table. Her emblem is the Owl - Inner Wisdom. Athene tells us that we do possess a wealth of inherited talents and gifts. Are we using them for advancement, for the good of others OR just looking after our own interests?None of us are an island - we need one another, in cooperation, to move forward on our respective Life Paths. Each problem brings a chance for creative thought and resolution.

Gemini is versatile, and broad-minded OR can hoard information/power = knowledge Ego-Self control issues. Bring in your scattered ideas, have a think, chat with others, then take action when your intuition deems it time to do so. Not before.

Remember: this Moon cycle is a time for REVISION - take stock of where you've been and how you arrived to where you ARE NOW. BE honest with yourself, take responsibility for your past actions and words, then decide upon a new plan, cooperating with those around you. Win-Win.

Blessed Be

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