As I write this post, the following planets are still in Virgo (all about processes) with Mars and Venus soon to join them:
JUNO (!)- this Feminine Asteroid, who orbits within the Asteroid Belt situated between Saturn and Jupiter, I totally forgot to mention in my Virgo Planetary Pantheon post. Juno represents the Sacred Marriage, the blending together, equally, of our true Inner Feminine power energy with our true Inner Masculine power energy. We are all ONE - outwardly we may look either female or male - inwardly we are both. Within Virgo, Juno is teaching us our respective process of how we do this blend, how well we allow ourselves to receive, intuit and feel or BE (Feminine Power) AND how well we assert, take action or DO (Masculine Power) here on Mother Earth. Juno has been traveling through Virgo since July 3rd and will move into Libra as of September 23 - the day of the Autumnal Equinox.
SUN- continues to Illuminate our processes through Virgo, via our Soul Body or Spirit Body. Here we 'see' beyond the physical black and white world of old. We connect with the lessons our Soul-self wishes to gain experience within, and without.
JUPITER- will be moving through Virgo for yet another year (or close to) expanding our current experiences of how we do our daily processes beyond what has felt comfortable up until now. Jupiter will also amplify it all - make it LOUD - to be seen, heard and felt in ways not possible before, in order for us to embrace NEW experiences past our usual Ego-self fears of walking beyond the Known.
Upcoming, MARS will enter Virgo as of September 25th, and VENUS as of October 9th.They bring Assertive Action via courage (Mars) and our Desire to attract that which we truly Like and Love (Venus). This will be interesting...very very interesting.
I awoke this morning inSPIRed to write this post. We each have our own respective PROCESS in living Life down here on Mother Earth. Our PROCESS is this:
It is what and how we have done, learned and lived already,
And what and how we are currently doing, learning and living,
And, most importantly, what we LEARN and grow from our experiences, and then TEACH others.
This, as part of the Virgo experience, is what makes us unique from the other. We DO and BE, we show up and walk through with courage. or run away and hide/escape in fear. How we do all of this, mixing it up along the way, is OUR PROCESS! It is neither right nor wrong - IT IS WHAT IT IS.
It is our Ego-self mindset that tells us what horrible people we are because we didn't do or say such-and-such the way so-and-so would have or did. Stop this right now! Throw out that measuring stick that you use to beat yourself up with! So very much the Shadow side of Virgo - the self judgements and critical voice (remember, Mercury, our planet of communication, rules Virgo and our inner SELF TALK too!).
Learn to LOVE your own unique process of Living Life down here on Earth, in this physical body your Soul calls Home! Embrace your Soul-self AND your Ego-self! BE All and Both. You are All and Both.
I look back to the previous two years since I returned to Calgary, having been called home to help Mom and my youngest sister deal with the fact that Dad and our middle sister were both in hospital (two different ones!) within a day of one another. Mom predicted that I would, at some point, "hit the wall" of the LEARNING CURVE that was all about the processes of grieving, dealing with our healthcare system here in Alberta, and rejoining the family dynamics I had left almost fours previous when I moved to Vancouver Island. And I did, very much so. Mom and Mich had already been living through two years of all of this prior to my catching up to them, physically. Now it was my turn to "catch up"!
Virgo is all about Learning Curves - throughout our lives we are always LEARNING something. Mercury is all about HOW we learn and think and process all the mind stuff along the way. How we discern, decide upon and reject ideas and beliefs and impulses - be they Ego-self oriented ones or Soul-self ones.
What I have learned about Virgo (my opposite sign and Rising Sign or Ascendent, therefore what I Embody as my self-identity) is that MY process, up until these past two years, was to run away as much as possible (all those Ego-self fears) and not show up consistently. What I walked into two years ago I describe as a combination of: dropping through a rabbit hole; walking through a mine-field; and navigating a maze. Totally unreal, not anything I had ever experienced before in my life, and wondering if I'd every make it out alive.
Being the eldest of three sisters, I felt I was supposed to KNOW how to DO stuff - always. Or figure it out! No matter how fearful I was, how shy I was, how unprepared I was. This is why I was such a great Temp in the work world! Drop me into the deep end of the pool and see if I swam or sunk! Swam, and then some, most times, most days.
Virgo rules the 6th House of our daily work, and how we look after the health of our physical body. Mercury, our Communication planet, rules both too. Here we are dealing with the MINDSET of our Ego-self AND what our Soul-self wishes us to experience. In equal or unequal doses, we will all experience those learning curves of Life - when we begin something new that we've never ever experienced before. We always have a new learning curve when we begin a new job. We are the student for a time, then eventually we master the skills and the duties that come with that job, and are then able to take on MORE responsibility and skills, or not.
Depends on our PROCESS. At some point we do become the teacher, able to pass on our knowledge of what we've done so far. And here is the cool part: some of us are better students than teachers, some of us better teachers than students, and some of us can do both equally well. Do you see the Process within the Process?
Two years later I am able to WALK through most unexpected situations, dealing with all the peeps and circumstances with ease and grace (while also feeling anxious or fearful!) along the way. I still FEEL what my Ego-self brings to the table. I still DEAL with all the ways and means my Ego-self tries to sideline me, distract me, escape the current scene it doesn't want to experience. Our Egos just want to stay safe and secure with the status quo. End of. Period. I now allow my Soul-self to show up more and more, with Love, Kindness, Compassion and Laughter.
Here is why I love love love Astrology! The regular cycles of:
Our yearly Sun moving through the seasons (and therefore our birth charts or horoscope),
The Moon's monthly movement around the same, and
All the other planets/asteroids within our Solar System via their respective cycles -They all bring opportunities, people and circumstances into our respective lives to assist us with our respective PROCESSES of showing up, DOing and BEing along the way, within our unique mix of how our Ego-Self AND Soul-Self show up to experience it all! Cool!
As all of you read this post, contemplate how well you show up to learn your Learning Curves of Your Life. Are you walking through most of the time? Are you running away? Do you do both? And when you run away, WHY? And when you show up, WHY? How do you show up? How do you run away? THIS IS YOUR PROCESS - no judgements - it IS what it IS.
What YOU learn from it, during your lifetime down here on Mother Earth, is all up to you. It always has been. We ALL have Virgo in our birth charts. We ALL have the planets and asteroids that make up our solar system. We ALL experience the opportunities the Universe (and our solar system) bring to us to experience MORE Soul-Self, learning to master our Ego-Self along the way. This is the realm of Earth-life experience that has the Universal peeps lining up to experience! Standing room only people! Believe it, or not.
BE your process; SEE your process; LOVE your process; DO your process. Experience your unique Rainbow-self! The rest is just flotsam and jetsam.
Blessed BE!