It's been yet another wild ride for most of us human BEings during this latest round of solar flares (turning into solar winds and storms down here on Earth), stargate downloads reminding us all WHY we are still here (!!) and the usual weirdness of a Full Moon just before the thin veil Between the Worlds of Halloween or All Hallow's Eve.
Every month, during a full Moon cycle of approximately 28-29 days, we experience a new round of conscious awareness via listening to our Emotional Body's messages, signalling the latest news and views emitting from our Ego-self (consciously or otherwise) that require the following:
What to DO with the awareness
Hopefully allowing the release, letting go of Old Patterns of Conditioning around this awareness, then
The healing process begins (aka rest, weeping, yelling, walking, talking - whatever it is that helps you to release the Old), then
Acceptance of what WAS to allow the NEW to unfold as it will (again, YOUR process that is unique to you, and you alone), which leads to
Greater Self Love, hence more love to share with Others.
The KEY to all of this Moon cycle awareness, release to heal, acceptance and soul growth, TIMING wise, is the following:
Am I Willing?
Am I Ready?
Do I Want To?
All three of these steps must be answered with a resounding YES! We must BE Willing to step towards our Soul's desires, away from our Ego's fears and its need for the status quo.
We must BE Ready to go through ALL of what our unique process entails to heal, let go, heal, let go, accept and LOVE ALL aspects of ourselves along the way.
We must WANT to move towards a Higher BEingness, consciously or not. To BE our most True Authentic Soul-self we can possibly BE, every moment we are Aware of Self. That we are aware of Breathing. That we are aware of BEing down here on Earth.
I did up a chart called "Between The Worlds" timed for midnight of November 1st. The Celtics believed that the veil between the physical world and the Unseen world (where our loved ones and ancestors, who have passed-over, now reside) became quite thin as of All Hallow's Eve and All Soul's Day (October 31st to November 1st). At this time of year, as we see more darkness and less light each day, we can connect more easily with those Ancestors and love ones to remember them, give thanks to them, forgive them, and love them. And to ask for insights, knowledge, guidance - whatever we need now in our lives.
As I looked at this chart, I saw a Grand Trine in the water signs (so many of us have been wondering WHY am I weeping and crying so much of late?) connecting the following planets in this emotional/intuitional love-line triangle:
The Moon in Cancer at 12 degrees and 17'- the Moon rules this cardinal water sign, and the Home & Hearth, nurturance, family and our emotional familial line way way back in time. How does your family of origin's emotional patterns keep you from moving forward? What needs to be let go of, healed?
The Sun in Scorpio at 08 degrees and 32'- the Sun entered this fixed water sign as of October 23rd @ 11:47a MDT. Since then the Sun has been Illuminating/shining the Light of awareness into the deep waters of our Ego-fears of whatever the flavour of this Moon cycle is revealing. Trust issues, the need to dive deeply for greater detail and awareness of the WHY of things in our respective lives, HUGE Ego-self fears re: Anything and Everything imaginable - NOT rational at all at all! It is what it is folks!
Neptune, Rx in Pisces at 07 degrees and 06'- Neptune rules Pisces and our 12th House of our Hidden Self - that which we don't quite see or understand most of the time. How does one explain our connection to Spirit to self, let alone others? Or meeting up with a past life that has unresolved issues NOW to be healed, that otherwise blocks us from moving forward in this Life? Neptune brings the Illusions, and Delusions into REALITY, if only for a brief moment, for us to grasp "What the H is going on now deep within me?" With Neptune being Rx (retrograde) to boot - means really deep-felt, personal confrontations with our Inner Victim, Rescuer/Rescue ME! and Persecutor/Feeling Persecuted (aka the Drama Triangle) that we are still releasing ourselves from (Old Age of Pisces flotsam and jetsam).
As of the Full Moon in Taurus, October 27th, there was a love-line connecting the Sun, newly entered into Scorpio (03 degrees and 45') with Neptune Rx (07 degrees of Pisces 24') plus Chiron Rx at 17 degrees of Pisces 24', heralding a great HEALING (Chiron) of any spiritual separation (Neptune in Pisces) we're still clinging on to due to our Ego-self's Fears to trust in this reconnect (Scorpio). The Chiron healing and the slow building of the planetary dance towards the Grand Trine is what we've all been FEELING since the Full Moon.
I ask you all again: Are You Ready? Are You Willing? Do You Want To? Tuesday the Moon heads into the Last Qtr Moon phase in Leo at 6:25a MST. This Moon phase heralds a Crisis in Consciousness - do we allow our Ego-self's desire to return our heads/hearts back into the Sands of Denial (from Fear and Resistance to change) OR, do we allow ourselves, with courage (Leo rules the Heart and is NOT the cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz fame) to OPEN our hearts even MORE, to SHINE Unconditionally, for Self and Others, AND Create a New Future for ourselves?
Are You Ready? Are You Willing? Do You Want To? BE More? Let GO of the old barriers holding your Heart back, to CREATE space for the NEW (Unknown to you right now - and that in itself can totally freak out your Ego-self!) to come floating into your Life as it is intended - no Expectations.
Look to your charts to see what sign(s) are in your 12th of your Hidden Self. Here is where past life issues, unresolved before now, can be getting in your way to BE open-hearted to yourself and then others. If you don't have a birth chart right now - call me. I'll be happy to assist you in unveiling possible past-life connections, revealing the WHY of current challenges in your life. Know that the TIME is right only if You Are Ready, You Are Willing, and You Want To.
Blessed BE!