Way earlier this morning - as in 12:24 pm MDT just after midnight - the Moon and Sun came together as the New Moon phase, at 11 degrees Aries 30' Celestial Longitude, for those of you following along in your Birth charts.
The Moon and Sun do their monthly dance coming together (New Moon phase) then angle off with one another, connecting 7 times more - for the full 8 phases of each Moon cycle - over and over - 12-13 times a year. You have 12-13 opportunities for Emotional growth, in other words. At some time, during the solar year, there will be a New Moon and Full Moon in your Moon sign, the one you were born into.
This New Moon also contains both Mercury (at 09 degrees Aries) and Chiron (at 12 degrees Aries) bringing forth the need to be mindful about what we're all healing these next 29.5 days. After all the Piscean subtle energies from the previous Moon cycle (which continues with the upcoming Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on APRIL 12th, and both Venus and Mars soon to enter these watery Spiritual depths in April) it's great to have some ENERGY coursing through our veins/minds to ACT.
There will be something Destined/Fated occurring at some point this Moon cycle, country-wise, family-wise, and/or nurturing-wise. OR all three areas will be impacted, somehow. Know your limits! Aries, our Cardinal Fire sign, loves to INITIATE CHANGE THROUGH ACTION. Be mindful to not bite off more than you can chew! We must continue to hydrate, sleep and rest and rejuvenate along the way.
Wherever 11 degrees of Aries lies in your Birth chart - this is where the ACTION is most likely coming from. Aries brings forth the Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer archetypes from Within to be outwardly moving forward. Take advantage while all the planets continue to move Directly!
Mercury's second Retrograde/Rx timing (pre-Shadow) begins APRIL 26th - going Rx as of MAY 9th - JUNE 2nd - from the late end of Taurus into the early degrees of Gemini (more details as we get closer to this, later) while Pluto stations Rx APRIL 29th at that 28th degree of Capricorn - another Cardinal sign of initiating change. No time to delay any longer folks! Time to complete those projects and get whatever you've been procrastinating on - DONE! Once the planets start to go Rx, their energies move more slowly, going Within, for the majority of the rest of 2022. Slowing things down. Heed to Call to Action - NOW! Most of them will be Rx as of SEPTEMBER! Don't wait until the Fall to get your ducks in a row.
I've been waking up each morning for a week or more with new ideas re class exercises to use for the next level in my Astrology classes I'm teaching OCT/NOV 2022 - I'm taking notes, going through all the handouts and worksheets I've already created from past classes, in order to be READY by September, when things all slow down. None of us know what's coming the rest of 2022. All we can do, each of us, is Trust In, Listen To and FOLLOW our INTUITION. Always, in All Ways.
Meanwhile, the upcoming positioning of the grand conjunction (first one in 166 years) between Jupiter and Neptune at 23 degrees Pisces APRIL 12th, continues to feed a love line to where that South Node in Scorpio is - helping all of us to RELEASE deep-seated feelings - sadness, depression, fears, anger, trauma-related, from this, and previous, lifetimes, EMOTIONALLY. 2022 is like an ongoing Balsamic Moon phase right now - LET IT GO! Do you want to take any of this with you to deal with in another 166 years? I don't, thank you!
Feel the Fears and Do it ANYWAY - and drink from that Cup of Courage (Aries) to do the action portion of this program. We're also moving through releasing anything that gets in the way of having a clearer Throat Chakra right now too - within the Fixed Air of Aquarius - what are you ANTICIPATING for the FUTURE here? What needs some rebel energy in your life? To speak authentically - perhaps for the first time in your life? Interesting times, folks! Interesting Times!
Mercury's upcoming Retrograde/Rx period throughout all of MAY into June will be connecting with URANUS, ruler of Aquarius, bringing forth UNEXPECTED CHANGE our way. Speak your Truth! Stand up for your Values! Know your WORTH! 2022 is waiting for no woman or man or child. Move forward, accordingly, honing in on what your Intuition and Spiritual guidance systems are heralding for each of you.
BE mindful. HEAL what needs healing. REST when you need it. Not kidding here. HYDRATE. Spend time in NATURE. Take ACTION as it calls you to do so. Take Your Leaps and Bounds NOW in order to BE ON TIME by AUGUST/SEPTEMBER. The Ruler of the Aries New Moon is Mars - currently in Aquarius - and he is already connecting with SATURN - who's been slowly moving through here since DEC 21, 2020! What ACTION NEEDS TAKING re your future-oriented Dreams/Wishes/long-term goals all combined that you've been mulling over these past 15 months? Mars/Saturn are exact as of APRIL 4th - MONDAY - so get yourself ready to ACT on them. Namaste
Photo Credits: UNSPLASH photo artists - you all rock! Namaste