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The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present & Future...

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Updated: Jan 22, 2019

This current Moon cycle, which began November 29th at 5:19a MST at 07 degrees of Sagittarius 43', had both the Moon + Sun standing together in the sky within the element of mutable fire. Sagittarius brings out How and What we Seek about our respective Higher Truths. Our philosophy of "Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?" We were all in the Dark about some aspect of this theme at this time.

By Full Moon, December 13th at 5:07p MST at 22 degrees of Gemini 26',we all saw something of ourselves Within the Light, if only a wee bit more. Gemini brings forth information, people, connections/communications/conversations. Some AHA! moments ensued, and sharing of what has been learned, even if it was just in your journals.

Today, the Moon phase of the Last QTR Moon begins at 6:57p MST at 29 degrees of Virgo 38', just hours prior to the Sun entering 00 degrees Capricorn (as of 3:45a MST) heralding the Winter Solstice or New Moon timing of our Solar (Sun) year. Our longest night is December 21st - the Darkest time of the year. Hence all of the Christmas lights, candles and parties to distract ourselves from this annual Darkness, that can sometimes plunge us into depression, anger, sadness, joy-lessness.

Embrace this Winter Solstice energy with Light in your hearts and minds, as you look forward to family gatherings this weekend! The Yule Log was a symbol of Light, and the Ancient Egyptians introduced the symbol of the tree at this time of year, believe it or not! NEW GROWTH, which is a very Cardinal thing to do (Capricorn being the element/energy of Cardinal Earth) and the more Light we have, the better the growth!

The Last QTR Moon phase brings about a Crisis of Consciousnessof some sort that creates a reorientation of some aspect of our Ego-self that has been in charge up until now. Due to whatever you have experienced this Moon cycle, so far, what comes to mind, as a habit or way of DOing while BEing, that is about to be jettisoned out of your life, perhaps forever?

Virgo brings forth the need to BE of service, helping others, learning a trade/industry, sharing in the processes of DOing the work, with others usually.

The Shadow side of Virgo brings the NEED to BE Perfect/perfectionism, procrastination delaying moving forward because "it's not perfect yet!", in all things to the point that we can alienate others because our Ego-self demands perfection - from THEM and SELF. Virgo also rules the health of the physical body, and those of us with either Virgo Sun/Moon or Virgo Rising or Virgo in the House it rules, the 6th House, our attention is always drawn back to how well we are looking after our physical bodies - the Temple that also holds our Inner Temple of our respective Spirit/Soul.

Virgo is also the opposite sign to Pisces. Here we learn to create an "AND" world by embracing both sides of ourselves (and yes, we ALL have every sign of the Zodiac in our charts, therefore we ALL undergo each sign's gifts for evolution: physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually). What we CHOOSE to do with these planetary gifts/cycles of opportunities for inner self-growth is up to each one of us.

A couple of interesting planetary formations have been going on during this Moon cycle. They are:

  • Neptune + South Node, in Pisces: Neptune rules Pisces, and their natural home is the 12 House of the Spiritual/Divine Self (Higher Self or God or Great Spirit - however you 'see' this to be), our Past Lives, and our Hidden Self (hence the Past Lives) whereby we can be trucking along, living Life, yet UNCONSCIOUSLY undermining ourselves via self-sabotage, hence the 12th House of Self-Undoing...

  • The South Node, the Dragon's Tail that brings forth old unresolved issues from our past, to be swept away, (from this lifetime/past lives) for us to SEE and FEEL and re-EXPERIENCE, with the intent to become conscious of this issue, heal, forgive and let go of, if possible (sometimes we only take yet another layer off, to be continued another time).

  • Neptune and the South Node have been slowly coming together all summer, and were EXACT (together, at 9 degrees of Pisces) from November 13 - 23rd during the previous Moon cycle. That was the 'full moon' peaking time for these two. Now, within this Moon cycle, they have passed one another, yet still close together to create tension to DISSOLVE (Neptune) those illusions/delusions our Ego-Self has been navigating under for who knows how long. Where in your chart is Pisces? This is where the themes of that House have been affected by illusion/delusion - Ghosts of YOUR Past. Here we are 'seeing' that Old Age of Pisces' Drama Triangle trilogy - vicim/victimize - rescuer/rescue me -  persecutor/bully others. How are YOU doing the "o woe is me!" stance of Victim? Then perhaps rushing out to rescue some OTHER to disregard your own situation? Or perhaps blaming an OTHER for it all, thereby not taking responsibility for YOUR actions/inactions? The previous time the South Node travelled through Pisces was January 26, 1997 until October 20, 1998 (Jupiter helped a wee bit to make it LOUD and CLEAR what needed to be healed back then). What did YOU experience of any of these themes back then? How have you grown since? What still sits unconsciously Within? Neptune's been in Pisces since February 3, 2012 until March 30, 2025 - still a bit of a journey ahead. I will list all the outer planetary transits through Pisces below, later on in this post.

  • Mercury Rx (Retrograde)! OMG! Yes - a FOURTH cycle of Mercury Rx that usually occurs just three times a year! The actual timing of this Rx period is December 19 to January 7, 2017 in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn - how we think about Material Gain, our reputations, the goals we set for our Future Self, and the integrity of who / how we do business with in this world. Taking current resources and transforming them into something NEW that is required to be shared for the good of all. The pre-Rx Shadow timing was from December 1st to 18th; the post-Rx Shadow timing will begin January 8 - 27, 2017. Think of the actual Rx period as the "peaked or full moon" time, with the lead up - then fall away, energetically, before and after, respectively. When Mercury, the planet of communication, conversation, learning, sharing knowledge, and data gathering, is Rx, our logical brain goes offline and we dip into the intuitive / creative side instead. Here reason doesn't matter. Straight-lined thought no longer exists. Thinking outside the usual boxes is key, along with reconnection with people from our pasts, and clearing up paperwork/closets/garages etc. will be the norm this Christmas! LISTEN, to your INTUITION. BE CREATIVE with problem-solving. Laugh at yourself as much as possible. We are all human beings journeying our respective, wonderful processes of evolution - a beautiful work in progress! Sincerely, heartfully, yes you are! Mercury Rx asks us to change our minds about HOW we DO material gain. If it hasn't been working for you until now - what needs to change? And then DO IT. What House is Capricorn in for your Life? From 15 degrees Capricorn 07' back to 28 degrees Sagittarius 52' - we are revisiting ALL the thoughts, conversations, decisions we've been making since December 1st! Need a do-over? Now's your chance. Ghost of Your Christmas Present! What are you learning about yourself that you didn't know you needed to know? Mercury rules our self-talk too! How are you coaching yourself, internally? And how mindful are you of this process? And, Expect the Unexpected along the way!

  • Both the Moon and the North Node are in Virgo as of today's Moon phase, and we are,  at the same time, letting go of AND moving forward FROM that space, all at the same time! The Moon sits at 29 degrees of Virgo, and the North Node, the Dragon's Head, sits at 05 degrees of Virgo 57'.The Dragon's Head/North Node beckons us onward INTO the Future, INTO the Unknown in some regard. Ghost of Your Christmas Future- what are you letting GO OF, that your Ego-Self has held onto for far too long, creating havoc within your daily work/physical health regime? What aspect of these two themes needs to 1) BE Released, and 2) NEW avenues of daily habits embraced, truly now, for a healthier YOU in future? No coincidence that many people are down with flu/colds right now...I love Astrology! True Blue planetary cycles of TIMING, every time!Before I forget! Venus regained her Necklace (aka Throat Chakra - finding our true voice!) as of December 3rd during the Crescent Moon phase, at 25 degrees of Capricorn!Do we see a theme here! LOL! Where's Capricorn in your chart? What haven't you been able to 'voice' before now re: your financial needs/wants? Think back to November 7, 2015 when we all removed that Necklace. What died Within since then, that now comes forth with greater integrity, truth and honesty, for you?

While I researched the Pisces end of things today, I looked back at previous cycles of the outer planets through Pisces - all setting us up for what we are undergoing now! Let's begin with the Ruler of Pisces - Neptune:

  • Neptune's orbit lies between Uranus and Pluto, and takes 165 years to orbit the Sun, therefore the Zodiac and our charts! The last time Neptune was in Pisces was from April 1847 to April 1862 - and the world underwent revolutions in Europe, the Communist Manifesto was written by Marx & Engels, the USA saw the beginnings of the Confederacy (with their Civil War occurring in 1876), the Atlantic cable was completed under the ocean, and Darwin published Origin of Species in 1859. There was an explosion of metaphysical/spiritualism teachings and groups forming (theosophy), and Ether was discovered (Pisces is nebulous after all) transforming medical science at the time for surgeries. What have we seen since 2012? I like Steven Forrest's take: "Binge TV watching of TV series becomes a national pastime." I'd say it is global! Pisces is all about escapism, addictions and how our Ego-Self finds ways and means to create the illusion/delusion that we are NOT connected to God/Spirit, that we are NOT an eternal spiritual being experiencing a life of feelings and senses in the physical. Check this out for your own life. And, think about the thoughts / feelings / intuition you've been having since 2012 about YOUR spirituality. What is it? What does it mean for you? How do you DO it? You don't - you BE it! Ego Does, Spirit IS/BEs!

  • Uranus was last in Pisces as of December 31, 2003 until May 29, 2010. Here is when our communication devices exploded (Uranus rules technology and the fixed air sign of Aquarius, and the New Age of Aquarius) and who doesn't have a smartphone these days? Well mine hit the water a while back and I'm thinking of getting a new one in 2017! LOL! No pun intended (water - Pisces, get it?). iPads and cellphones and reading tablets rather than books - who knew we'd get so close to Star Wars/Star Trek life? Previous to this time: Uranus entered Pisces April 2, 1919 until January 13, 1928 (hence those "Roaring Twenties"!) ending just prior to the Crash of '29! In between the two World Wars - look at all the escapism then. What do we have today? Pot smoking, cocaine addictions, alcoholism and gambling galore - or marathon TV watching! Whatever your addiction - take heed. Now's your chance to CHANGE that tune! Embrace the Virgo as the opposite sign's cycle to create NEW healthy habits.Saturn traversed through Pisces January 29, 1994 until April 7, 1996.

  • Saturn brings structure and restriction/constriction into our lives. Jupiter likes to expand things; Saturn the opposite. Let's get serious, responsible and set goals! Pisces says "Nah, let's not and pretend we did! Party hearty!" Or "Let's meditate on that a bit, k?" Where were you back then? Did you begin any new spiritual practices, visit groups who opened your mind and heart to spirituality? How were your escapism/addictive behaviours? Where are you now, with all of this? Anything left off on the side of the road, forgotten along the way these past 20 years? The next round of Saturn in Pisces will occur from March 8, 2023 until February 14, 2016. Don't wait - use the current cycle of Neptune and the South Node to LET GO of old outmoded habits, and create your NEW spiritual structure now - or at least bring forth baby steps of change...

  • Jupiter was in Pisces from January 19, 2010 until June 6, 2011, before that Feb 5, 1998 until February 13, 1999, and before that Feb 21, 1986 until March 2, 1987. Jupiter beckons us to EXPAND our horizons, embrace other cultural spiritual truths, try them on for size, and perhaps GROW spiritually as a result. Look back and 'see' where you were during these noted times, and check out where you are with them now. Any changes? Any revisiting of old ideas that, again, were thrown off to the sidelines of your Life? Hhhhmmmm....what needs to be reincorporated now into your daily life?

  • And I had to include the North Node - we currently have the South Node in Pisces (letting go old outmoded stuff from the past). North Node in Pisces asks us to move gently, lovingly, and heartfully INTO our Future Self's need for spiritual connection in some regard. To BE is Spiritual; to DO is Ego-oriented. We can BE as we DO! Think about it, meditate on it, walk in Nature and ruminate over it. Every 19 years the Nodes return to the sign they were in 19 years previously. Last round for the North Node in Pisces was from June 23, 2006 until December 19, 2007. Previous to this it was December 3, 1987 to May 22, 1988 - do you see the overlaps of several planets and the years gone by? The North Node is our Soul's way of getting us to evolve ourselves in a direction not walked before, or not often. Hence our Ego-self's reluctance to move forward with any excitement about doing it! 'Tis a challenge to keep on keeping onward and upward - why else would we live so many many many lifetimes? Check back to where you were pushed beyond your known world during the noted times above. How well did you allow yourself to do so? How does WHAT you allowed/or not allowed NOW an issue, this year especially, that needs healing or letting go of? Any illusions/delusions you grabbed onto (sometimes so that the Ego-self ensured "I AM RIGHT! HUH! Go figure!" rather than what was TRUE for you) that now don't seem to be healthy or truly YOU? Be honest...

I have shown our Past, Present and Future scenarios of new Inner growth themes herein.We have endured a lot as a global community through the Ages, and now as evolved spiritual BEings. What does the current cycle of Neptune + South Node in Pisces bring forth for you as opportunities for Spiritual change? How will Mercury Rx help you to "change your mind" about how you go about gaining, materially/physically?

What will tomorrow's Winter Solstice in Capricorn, the first day of Old Man Winter's reign (hey! what was that -30C degree weather earlier this Moon cycle anyway? A heat wave!?) bring forth as a NEW way to set personal goals in your life? What DO you wish for yourself in 2017? Honestly, truly, heartfully? Beyond presents and things - what DO you truly wish for? Imagine (Pisces) the BEST! Trust, follow your intuition and your feelings/emotions and BE! Then DO!

MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone! Love and Hugs to All, and to ALL, a Good Night!

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