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Twice in a Blue Moon: Full Moon in Libra

Writer's picture:  Laurie Rae Rezanoff Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Hi Everyone! Today we have a second Blue Moon (Full Moon) event within a calendar month this year of 2018! Cool!

2018 began with a Full Moon within the cardinal water sign of Cancer (perhaps why we're all experiencing so much MORE snow/rain in 2018?! Record-breaking snowfalls for us here in Southern Alberta since 1958!) and ended with a Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse January 31st within the fixed fire sign of Leo - shining our individual Light of Creativity out into the world.

March began with a Full Moon within the mutable earth sign of Virgo -going with the flow of how we each wish to Be of Service out in the world - perfecting processes, organizing our respective worlds along the way....

Now, today, March 31st, within this Easter long-weekend, as of 6:37 a.m. MDT at 10 degrees of Libra 45', we bring forth ILLUMINATION within the cardinal air sign of Libra: re-balancing that which has been out of balance. Where in your birth chart does Libra reside? Here is where the re-balance is activated by the Moon's Light (our Emotional Body), reflecting the Unconscious Desires of the Sun (Soul/vital self).

Cardinal signs initiate CHANGE and something NEW this way comes - what are you 'seeing' for yourself, and to be open to receive, now? Libra, ruled by Venus (our Desire Body) brings forth the need for equality, harmony, peace, beauty and love within our close 1-on-1 relationships/partnerships - be they personal and/or business-oriented.

Libra's glyph depicts the Scales of Justice - hence equality, harmony, the legalities of life here on Earth. Justice, the Goddess, is blindfolded, creating the illusion of non-judgement, diplomacy and negotiations in good faith. I use the word 'illusion' here because of how unbalanced our legal systems seem to be at the moment: within chaos and change - that the Dark side of life here on Earth seems to be gaining more than its usual toehold within society at large.

Each Full Moon brings forth ILLUMINATION: AHA moments of awareness as to what we've each been searching for, in the Dark, that has now been brought into the Light, from Within, to face, embrace, heal (if need be) and either integrated into a new daily habit, and/or let go of as an old bad habit. All since New Moon which began March 17th within the mutable water sign of Pisces - going with the flow Within your need to Be of Service beyond your Ego-self - connecting MORE through your Spiritual-Self.

How much drama have you seen Within/Without since March 17th? Mixed in with Mercury's Rx (retrograde) journey through Aries (cardinal fire) how patient has your mindset been? Quickfire thoughts/decisions/conversations, allowing you to mentally move through obstacles that before Mercury turned Rx seemed insurmountable?

Pisces brings forth the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow role-playing via the Drama Triangle: victim and/or rescuer/rescue me and/or persecuted/bully - where are you still residing within any/all of these roles, within your Life? This Moon cycle will have shown you self-awareness about this theme.

Today's Full Moon in Libra brings forth balance - however momentary it seems. Like a flash of lightning - cuts through the mental chaos to clarify certainty with heartfelt intention for Next Steps.

We want to RELATE with an Other at this time. We want equal face-time to air whatever is on our minds and in our heart of hearts. Interestingly, those of us living in North America, within this Mercury Rx through Aries (Inner Warrior/Pioneer/Explorer) timing have also been navigating the income taxes, connecting with our accountants and/or doing our taxes online ourselves (more the latter, as Aries is all about independence?). What "Information You Didn't Know You Needed to Know" came to you since March 9 re taxes?

Hence the reality of legalities of this Full Moon in Libra: which side of the right/wrong coin are you residing? Integrity is what Pluto has been transforming within the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn since 2007! There is 6 years more of this transformation - wonder what we'll learn/see forever changed? Our monetary system? Look back and remember ALL the public figures who have been felled due to their lack of integrity business practices! Adding to the mix has been Jupiter moving through Scorpio (since October) opening up many Pandora boxes of long-held secrets, lies and deception.

Interesting times we live up more of what was normal business practices from the Old Age of Pisces' Shadow we gain more momentum within this New Age of Aquarius - how are you BEing your True Authentic Self AND contributing within Community AND leading heartfully, with courage, to stand Within that authenticity? To Create something that will SHINE your energy out into this new world unfolding before us?

Check out the balancing act you are currently undergoing - is it more balance or more act? BE social, BE You within the WE, and share, listen, speak, and learn with each conversation, interaction...BE all of whom you truly are in every given moment.

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