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Current Transits Report

How the Planets are Now Activating your Horoscope!

  • 1 h
  • 89 Canadian dollars
  • Online Meet Up

Service Description

Going beyond your initial Birth Chart Reading, here's where we look at how the Planets are currently creating Change and / or Challenge in your life! You'll receive a Current Transits Report of the dates of the key Planetary Timings coming your way in the year(s) ahead, especially according to your own Life Time Planetary Cycles in play. This Report also gives you Insights and possible coping strategies to use, going forward. All based on your Birth Chart, therefore this Chart is created using your Time, Date and Place of Birth. A BiWheel chart is then created, showing how the Planets are currently showing up, circled around your Birth Chart. Visually bringing it all to life. This 1-hour Reading is done via ZOOM video which is recorded. The Report will be Emailed to you prior to the Reading, after payment is received. Learn how the energies of the Planets are supporting your Soul / Self growth! Cost: $99 via Etransfer or PayPal

Contact Details

+1 5874373520

Sheep River Dr, Okotoks, AB T1S, Canada

Book an Appointment for Readings and Consultations
Tel: 587-437-3520


All Readings by Appointment Only
Tuesday - Saturday 
9:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Okotoks, AB Canada
READINGS offered by
Phone or Zoom video
Email or Call for details!

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