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Writer's picture Laurie Rae Rezanoff

Blue Moons and the 'Dog Days of Summer'...

When is a Moon blue? There are a few ways, actually.

When there are TWO Full Moons within one calendar month - as in July this year. The first Full Moon occurred July 1st in Capricorn. When the Earth erupts with volcanic ash, which in turn skews the skies and changes the colour of how we see the Sun and Moon from Earth - hence the blue tinge. And the same thing happens during major events of forest fires - the ash from these fires alters the sky and hence the colour of the Sun and Moon we see from Earth.

With all the forest fires in the NW of Canada and the USA, I am sure there are regions where heavy ash in the air has changed the colour of your view of the Moon. Today's post notes Friday's Full Moon in Aquarius as the second Full Moon in this month of July, therefore a Blue Moon. At 4:43a MDT on Friday, the Moon and Sun sit opposite one another, whereby the Moon reflects the unconscious desires of the Sun, ILLUMINATING or putting a spotlight on that which our Soul (Sun) truly wants us to know this Moon cycle. The Full Moon is at 07 degrees of Aquarius 56'and the Sun is at 07 degrees of LEO 56'.

We began this cycle in Cancer, on July 16th (the ancient date of the heliacal rise of the fixed star, Sirius, indicating the rise of the Nile River waters at Memphis, ancient capital of Egypt) and now we 'see', emotionally, what we've been GROWing through these past two weeks! I mention Sirius, the Dog Star, to bring in the 'Dog Days of Summer'phrase we hear this time of year. Returning to ancient Egypt, these 'Dog Days' corresponded to Sirius, the Dog Star or brightest star in the night sky, of the constellation Canis Major. This star was highly regarded and revered by the ancients because its heliacal rising (meaning, star rising just BEFORE the sunrise) would light up the Queen's Chamber in the Cheops Pyramid at Giza Plateau, just outside of Cairo, pronouncing the Planetary New Year (July 26th in current era time). The Sphinx, the constellation of Orion (his belt of three stars is used to find Sirius in the night sky), the Great Pyramids of Giza and Sirius itself were all intertwined with Goddess Isis and God Osiris mythology. Sirius was the Pole Star at the time of the building of the pyramids. Some believe Sirius was the Star of Bethlehem, and that the three stars of Orion's Belt foretold the Three Wise Men's journey to see Jesus' birth. [I just had to add this bit, quite interesting! There is a excerpt from the book, Secret Chamber, by Robert G. Bauval, within a post titled "The Egyptian Star of Bethlehem"on his website, Read it and see the correlation to how the original myths of Isis and Osiris have morphed into current myths, as well as what the traditional Christmas Carole, "We Three Kings" referred to - very interesting!] And the Dogon tribe in West Africa have a tale to tell about all of this too. Google it to find out!

Here is the saying re: those Dog Days of Summer:

Dog Days bright and clear Indicate a happy year. But when accompanied by rain, for better times our hopes are vain.

Those 'Dog Days of Summer' occur between July 3 and August 11th, when the heat of the brightest star (Sirius, the Dog Star) combined with the heat of the Sun, bringing with it our hottest days of the year. The timing is said to be 20 days prior to, and 20 days after, the conjunction of Sirius and the Sun. The Sun does enter the fixed fire sign of Leo anywhere between July 19 and July 23rd until August 19 and August 23rd (changes each year), hence the FIRE/heat, the Sphinx (Age of Leo?), and on and on. Of course in 2015, we've had MORE rain than Sun, and methinks the last line of the verse above is telling us something for this next year to come...

Esoterically, and interestingly, Sirius is believed to be the Blue Soul Star of our solar system's Gold Sun Star, and when the two travel together in the sky (called a conjunction whereby the earth, Sirius and our Sun are in direct alignment) there is a 70 day period of NOT seeing Sirius due to the light of our Sun over-shining it. This 70-day period was thought to be the time when Isis went into labour, to birth her son, Horus. Hence a re-birth and re-generation period for all. Here in Calgary, the timing of the heliacal RISE of Sirius (due to elevation and latitude) occurs August 27th at 4:25a MDT and it SET back on May 2nd at 19:48p MDT.

Which means - Sirius went underground (behind the Sun) for 117 days (not just 70) and will RISE again, BE RE-born as of August 27th for Calgary and area. Interestingly we've already had a Mercury Rx timing during May and June, plus a Star of David planetary formation (some say SIRIUS means Star of David!) and now this Moon cycle of emotions and rain! How will YOU BE reBORN by August 27th? Sirius is currently sitting at 14 degrees of Cancer 14'- FYI...this New Moon began @ 23 degrees of Cancer... [For those of you living elsewhere in the world, I suggest you visit Isidora's website, her post therein, dated July 19th, to find the link to the online astronomical calculation to assist you to find when Sirius rises and sets for any year up to 4712 BCE, where you live. Very cool!]

In 2015, there is the Lion's Gate Harmonic Alignment (earth + Sirius + Galactic Centre lined up) due to the 8-8-8 (August 8, 2+0+1+5) which began July 26th, peaks August 8th, then wanes until August 12th. This creates a Galactic Portal of downloaded cosmic energy/information to all of us on Earth. This is a tumultuous emotional time for all of us, whereby staying CENTRED and GROUNDED is most important, and meditation helps too! The Galactic Centre resides at 27 degrees of Sagittarius 04' as of July. Check your charts to see where this (and Sirius) activates your Life!

Coming back around to the upcoming Blue Moon/Full Moon in the fixed air sign of Aquarius, we also see Venus is Rx (Retrograde or going backward/inward) at 00 degrees of Virgo 03'- a new cycle of how we LOVE and LIKE the Service we do in the world AND with the health of our physical bodies! Inwardly moving through all fears and issues surrounding this theme in your life. The Full Moon in Aquarius brings us face-to-face with our Future Self - new insights of HOW to do our daily habits (Moon) for now on! While the Sun, sitting in Leo, brings new LIGHT on the action we take to CREATE and have FUN with it all in the process.

As always with an opposition (Moon and Sun this time) we want to create an AND here - so at Full Moon phase Friday, how well do you COMBINE the needs of your Future Self with our Inner Child just 'wanna have fun!"? What do you need to do to bring BOTH to the table and combine both sides of yourself here? We also have TWO Grand Trines (triangles) hooking up 3+ planets each in the same element: one is in the element of Fire signs, and the other is still in the element of Water signs. They are:

  • Grand Trine in Water: continuing on from the New Moon, Chiron Rx in Pisces connects to Saturn Rx in Scorpio and connects to Mars in Cancer, who in turn connects up with Chiron Rx in Pisces. Taking emotional (water) responsibility (Saturn) for our deeply-held fears (Scorpio) of how we are still traveling along that old Age of Pisces' Drama Triangle (Victim or Rescuer or Persecution) which we truly want to heal (Chiron). AND, then we take action (Mars) to assert ourselves to better loving emotional care of self and family (Cancer).

  • Grand Trine in Fire: this has popped up anew, just in time to bring us 29 degree Celsius weather on Friday here in Calgary!!! Do you see a weather pattern happening? Here the Sun in Leois connected to Pallas Rx in Sagittarius who connects to Vesta in Aries, who in turn connects back up with the Sun in Leo. Illuminating (Sun) the creativity and fun (Leo) of your Inner Child with that self-involved (Aries) Self focus and concentration (Vesta) at home AND wanting to BE out in the wide world (Sagittarius) looking for your Higher Truth of your mission here this lifetime, as the Warrior of your feminine side (Pallas) and yes men, this means you too! We have a combination of masculine (Sun, Leo and Aries) and feminine (Pallas and Vesta as feminine asteroids) energies here that want to take ACTION (fire) in some way. In other words - BE in your feminine energy while DOing your masculine action, and vice versa! Combine and blend it all together as best you can.

Ceres, yet another feminine asteroid, sits at 00 degrees of Aquarius 45' in Rx (so inwardly working with us). She is the Goddess of the Harvest, Grains and how well we are nourishing ourselves. As I write this I notice how much GRAIN I've been eating this week already! Damn! Here we have an opportunity of a NEW cycle of how our Future Self wishes us to FEED our physical bodies - emotionally eating or mindfully eating? In a balanced, original way.

Aquarius beckons us to BE original - so whatever the current dieting trend is, out there, doesn't mean it is meant for YOU and your body...follow your Intuition (Moon) to figure it out! Your body knows and it will talk to you (review what I wrote about Cancer in the New Moon post!) if you are NOT following what it needs in nourishment at this time. And where Ceres sits, in opposition to the Sun in Leo, allow the Sun to ILLUMINATE what is right and true for you!

Another interesting note, where the Sun is in Leo, it creates a connection to Neptune Rx in the sign it rules, Pisces. The connection is one where our Soul (Sun) is really really wanting us to LET GO OF OLD PATTERNS OF CONDITIONING whereby we go into that Drama Triangle of Victim et al vs. VICTOR aka standing in your power, BEing emPOWERED rather than feeling others have POWER OVER you....does any of this sound familiar for you? Or we can be DELUDING ourselves. The key here (Chiron), working with Soulful action via the Sun in Leo, is to BE creative, come from the HEART, and LOVE yourself through whatever these stored-up emotions represent in your life. Being Rx, Neptune asks us, deeply within, to BE real, SEE your reality, and IMAGINE (Neptune) that Life can BE happy, fun and playful (Leo). Rise UP beyond the Ego-self and TRANSCEND aka master your Inner Child's tantrums.

Not to say we won't have meltdowns in the future - we will - just how often, when and how long is the key (Chiron) to change. Drama is drama (Shadow side of Leo by the way), and to what extent is your choice, every time. If you have felt or experienced ANY of the above - Yay you! It means you are right on time, in Divine Timing, as always, in all ways. Love YOU, BE You, and all the rest will follow.

Blessed BE!

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