Interestingly, the current Moon cycle began in the cardinal air sign of Libra (October 12th), and today's Full Moon is in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. Both signs are ruled by Venus!
We began this Moon cycle looking for partnership (Libra) with which to create Beauty in the world. Today, we look to Self on how "I" can create Beauty in the world, hands-on, something that is concrete, incorporates all my senses AND activates the senses of others upon receiving it. What will this BE?
Each Full Moon brings ILLUMINATION - a spotlight of AHA! moments - as to what your True Self has been looking for until this moment in time. Leading up to today's Full Moon we have all undergone a HUGE release on so many levels, especially over this weekend. The trigger has been two-fold:
The T-square planetary formation pointing to Pluto in Capricorn from the New Moon duo, Moon and Sun in Libra, in opposition to the Aries duo, Uranus and Eris both Rx (retrograde brings the energy deeply within each of us to transform and heal) that the onward-moving Moon kept triggering along the way, until today; and
The 3-hour solar flare that emitted from our Sun on Thursday, October 22nd. How many of you had the sudden urge to sleep, soundly, that afternoon? Just before the Sun left Libra to enter Scorpio on Friday too!
Now let's break down more of the details of this T-square formation affecting all of us:
At the apex,or upper point of the T-square, Pluto sits in the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn which rules all our traditional trades, institutions and big picture of work (i.e. government, health, education, corporate companies (now global than ever before), construction, insurance, banking - you get the picture) all of what we have relied upon these past 2,000 years at least that will somehow, Take Care of Us. We now take them for granted. "Always been there, haven't they?" Pluto has been transforming all of these foundational ties to our collective past since 2008 - creating economic downturns all over the world, now finally catching up to we Canadians big time. Causing everyone, from world leaders to the woman/man in the street, to readjust HOW we relate to money, which in turn adds to, or takes away, from our Material Gain goals and dreams (Capricorn). Pluto lifts up the carpet to see what each of us has "swept under the rug" to hide away and not deal with - fears of lack, fear of losing jobs, fears of not being able to make ends meet etc. Ego Fears. Past life fears we brought into this lifetime. Look back these past 7 years of your life - how have you fared? How have you had to readjust to walk through those fears? Pluto also transforms the INTEGRITY of How we've been doing business with one another since Christ died. Close to 2,000 years ago now. What have we learned? The daily news tells all. Here and Now, Pluto wishes to bring us EMPOWERMENT vs. power over, married to greed, lusting for more. Power and control struggles have ensued over the centuries, getting louder and louder with each war within countries, between countries and greater world-wide involvement. STOP!
Side note here: we Canadians went to the Electoral Polls October 19th (just after the Crescent Moon phase, while the Moon entered Capricorn and activated PLUTO therein!) to elect a new Prime Minister to rule our country. Not only did we vote for a complete party reversal (we went from 9 years of Conservatism to going Liberal again) AND we hired a young and untried leader! Son of a former Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Similar to the Bush father and son leaders of the USA, or will it be different up here? Time, and integrity, will tell.
The New Moon position of this T-square formation began this Moon cycle in Libra, another cardinal sign(in and of itself brings initiating something NEW of DOing or BEing) in Air - how we communicate, socialize, relate to one another via PARTNERSHIPS. All kinds of partnerships out there - from friends, to loved ones, to business and everything in between. Libra, ruled by Venus, brings the Scales of Justice - what can we DO for the good of ALL within this relationship/partnership? The Moon AND Sun began this Moon cycle in Libra - Moon brings the Feminine attributes of receptivity, intuition and feelings. The Sun, Masculine attributes of taking assertive action, heartfully, soulfully. Within Libra, how well do YOU, as YOU, stand within your relationships and partnerships? Still standing, or lost in the crowd, or long forgotten, or taken for granted?
Now we bring in the other end of the opposition that tied itself to the New Moon: Uranus and Eris in Aries, both Rx. We're getting down to the nitty-gritty! Here is where my favourite Astrology phrase lies. "Free To BE ME!" (aka Uranus in Aries) holding hands with Eris - sister to Mars, warrior/mother/sister, goes to any length (if forced to) to fight for the rights of Self AND Others. Eris brings in a gender-role rebalance, whereby men aren't the only breadwinners, the only warriors to do battle out in the wider world. Women AND Men equally are being re-worked around the Universal Chess Board of Life to BE Equal Partners, in All Things. "I can fix a car as well as the next guy!" 'Tisn't perfected just yet. Uranus rules Aquarius - BE your True Individual Self (aka individuation), a HUMANitarian, AND assist others along THEIR way as THEY assist YOURS.
Within a T-square formation, two factions are opposed, bringing in polarization (being at odds with one another) or working together over time to bring compromise, a team, a new partnership. DOing so, in this current scenario, will accumulate a lot of good energy that will push UP to the Pluto in Capricorn position towards EMPOWERMENT - I have power, you have power - we ALL receive that which we are seeking. For the Good of All.A lot of the real work comes from the opposition between what began as our New Moon (October 12th) in Libra with Uranus AND Eris, in Aries (these two Rx). The Rx portion is key here. Deeply-held "ALL ABOUT ME!"issues have been zeroed in upon since Uranus entered Aries (March 13, 2011). Since then, all of us have been learning HOW to still BE ME (my true authentic self coming through Uranus) within a WE (any relationship or partnership we've been experiencing ever since). Our WILLINGNESS to BE ME, always and in all ways, yet honour Your "ME" at the same time (I honour Your process of Life as You honour My process of Life and together we can hang with one another until it is just a reason, a season or a lifetime to share with one another). Get it? Four and a half years of change within ME and therefore, our respective WE's. Some WE's have weathered the inner storms, some have not. Many have left the planet to assist us from the other side.
If you have access to your birth chart, look for where 13 degrees of Capricorn lies- this is where Pluto is currently passing through your chart. This is your apex position of EMPOWERMENT you have been working on (consciously or not) since 2008. The House Pluto is in now, in your chart, brings this awareness forward to you, about your own power and control issues in YOUR Life.
Now look for the New Moon position: 19 degrees of Libra 20'- this is not only where our current Moon cycle began (Moon and Sun together) it is one side of the opposition in the T-square you've been healing this Moon cycle especially. Hence, looking at the big picture of what we are collectively seeking this Moon cycle, namely initiating a NEW way of BEing within relationships and partnerships!
Next look for the Uranus Rx + Eris Rx position: 18 degrees of Aries + 20 degrees of Ariesrespectively. Here is the other end of the opposition position. The push-me-pull-me tug of war between these two aspects of YOU have been working hard to get your attention about your own battle of ME vs. WE. The KEY is: the MORE we allow ourselves to be truly ME, we let go of the bondage of feeling we've been stuck in a jail or isolated camp of our own making all along.
AND, we also allow IN...wait for it...VULNERABILITY. This can totally freak out our respective Ego-selves big time. "OMG! You want ME to BE SEEN as the REAL ME?!!! By Others? Always and In All Ways?" Yep, Love Thyself as Thy Neighbour. Love conquers/dissolves All. Love is the Answer. Love Self, to Love Others. Simple, no? Tell your Ego at this moment how much you Love it, how much it has always been loved. Hugs too - go ahead, hug yourself! AND BREATHE...keep breathing...and read on.
To complicate things just a bit more, the other Key to creating an AND between the Aries/Libra factions, is the SQUARE that occurs between Aries and Capricorn AND between Libra and Capricorn. Ready?
Square positions are like four people sitting around a square table.I see the person opposite me quite clearly (face on) and can decide to agree, argue or compromise and work as a team (so this is our opposition tangent). The people sitting to the right and left of me, I must adjust my head (and sometimes a bit of my body) to SEE them, speak with them, relate to them. In other words, some mental, physical and perhaps emotional adjustment is required here.
Let's pretend where I am sitting is where Pluto sits in Capricorn. To the left of me is Uranus Rx and Eris Rx in Aries (they are sharing a seat this time) and to the right of me sit the Moon and Sun in Libra. Between these two partnerships (now isn't that interesting?) they have been deciding and working towards whether or not to BE a team, or stay polarized since this Moon cycle began October 12th.
AT THE SAME TIME, each duo notices Pluto sitting there, over to the side. "Do you see that guy? What's his gig do you think? Shall we include him, ignore him or just wait to see if he talks to us first? What do you think is the best strategy here?" Do you SEE what's going on here? LOL! Oh life is so cool...
As we deal with two opposing sides of ourselves, we also notice that Pluto guy "over there". Now we have to decide, do we invite him to join us in this party or do we ignore him? If we ignore him, what will happen? How loud does it have to get before we are forced to finally SEE and acknowledge him? [Remember folks - this is YOU I am talking about - three aspects of YOU deciding whether to work together within yourself, or not.]
Being the warrior types, the Aries duo may decide "We're okay by ourselves. Really, we are. We don't NEED anybody else. We are OK just as we are!" so they sit there, arms crossed across their chests, and wait to see what happens next.
Being used to partnerships, the Libra duo (New Moon peeps) decide to change position by turning their heads into Pluto's direction, saying "HI! How are you? What do you bring to this table and this party? How can we find a middle ground here, equal footing, to SEE one another 100% of our respective 50%? Us? Well we're married, for a time, then we separate a bit, see one another across the way at Full Moon, remember what we liked and loved about one another, then let go of whatever it was we thought drove us apart, and come New Moon again, we are together! Go figure! LOL!"
In other words, it may be that your Libra position in your chart (that also is a representation of YOUR ability to relate and socialize and partner with others this Lifetime) will be the first to take a step to EMPOWERMENT via this T-Square formation that is bringing ALL of us an opportunity to GROW towards greater equal relationships. The Aries side can be ensconced with BEing alone, playing by myself, all about ME, and forget there are Others in their world who want to play too!
How all of YOU have worked this out in your respective lives - yay for you! There have been some interesting tug-of-wars within each of us since October 12th. Now comes the last BIG on.
On October 22nd, in between the 1st QTR Moon phase Oct 20th) and the Gibbous Moon phase (Oct 24th) our Sun emitted a HUGE solar flare that lasted for THREE HOURS! Totally unheard of by our scientists. That day the Moon was in Aquarius, asking us to BE our true individual selves AND humanitarians AND assist others along the way as we are assisted by them. To remind everyone, this is when we all felt the deep need for a nap.
That evening the Moon entered Pisces - our Divine, Spiritual Selves - wanting to BE of service beyond the realm of Earth. On Friday the Sun entered the fixed water sign of Scorpio, activating deep-seated feelings of fear and angst we've held onto Or NOT (Pluto rules Scorpio, so talk about timing eh?). By Sunday, the Moon had moved into the ARIES portion of our T-square. This Activated any resistance to creating an AND between our Libra selves with our Aries selves.
Note to everyone: we ALL have all zodiac signs within our charts; I am a Pisces because my Sun is there, however, I also SEE what I am learning from the two Houses that have Libra and Aries in my chart + where Pluto resides in Capricorn. I am ALL of these parts of ME. Just to be clear.
Sunday, believe it or not, was the day the wall between the Old Age of Pisces and the New Age of Aquarius came tumbling down! Remember that table of people from before? Add two more peeps - one called Aquarius and the other Pisces, they sit beside Pluto. In the Zodiac these signs sit side-by-side. As in any seating arrangement, people sitting next to one another are very aware of the other. But they don't necessarily SEE one another, eye to eye. Again, an adjustment must be made to KNOW each other.
We've been heading through a transition between the Age of Pisces (the 2,500 year Age we've been leaving behind) and the Age of Aquarius (the Age we are entering) for a while now. No one knows for sure the start/end dates of this transition. What I can tell you, truthfully, is that the wall holding back the Old needed to come down for us to access the New. See where Aquarius and Pisces sit in your chart. This tells you where NEW connections will be made from this time forward in your life. We create an AND world now - no more duality remember. Pisces is our Divine Selves connecting with, finally, our True Individuated Selves (Aquarius, ruled by Uranus) to BE embodied for now on (Full Moon is in Taurus - our physical body).
I will complete this Full Moon in Taurusthesis in the next post. Stay tuned!