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"Let's Get Physical, Physical...."

I thought I'd spend a wee bit of time mentioning all the Physical Body issues being triggered by this year's Moon cycles, eclipses and solstices/equinoxes.

Whether we are conscious of it or not, understand it or not, all of us are connected energetically with one another, to Nature and the solar system and therefore the Universe. End of.

Each eclipse and quarterly solar event (solstices/equinoxes) and Moon cycles plus transits of our planets, energetically connect with us down here on Mother Earth. And because we have been on a journey of Ascension since 2012, whether you believe this or not, coupled with the solar flare activity that peaked (and now is pretty much silent) and the Northern Lights activity - all of this and solar winds, is energy and how could we not feel it physically?

Here is a list of possible physical, emotional and mental symptoms that seem to be building up for many of us:

  • Some days I have energy, other days I do not. Even within the same day - up and down like a yo-yo!

  • Burping, belching and sneezing - all ways that we move energy through and out of our physical body. Seriously, yes it is.

  • Digestion issues, elimination issues - all due to the Virgo Pantheon of planets moving through this earth sign of the health of our Physical Body. How well we process the issues of our day, while we eat, what we eat, in response to them all - all of this plays a part in how well we are coping with the current digestion of new energetic Life processes in our lives.

  • Speaking of eating - I don't eat the way I used to. I seem to snack more or graze rather than the full meals of even a month or two ago! Yep, you're not alone on this one...

  • Emotional ups and downs - really allowing the tears to flow, the anger to be expressed (non-violently please!) - in other words, really noticing the Emotional Body in play, therefore in connection, to our Physical Body more and more now. Talk about BEing sensitive, eh?

  • Almost instantaneous response to our intentions, pleasing and not so much, to remind us how quickly our thoughts/spoken words energetically create current reality....just saying...

  • Signs, symbols and synchronicity - have sped up too. Are you noticing them?

  • TIME - has definitely changed. Every day can feel like a month or a year of activity, the whole spectrum of emotions, thoughts and dreams, moving through us. Or it seems to stand still and makes us believe we've been watching that rainbow for hours already! Zeroing in on the beauty, the amazement, the joy of it all....

  • Confusion, frustration and is it still Mercury Rx or something else getting in the way? As if our thought processes are being re-wired with our intuitive/creative mind more and more, so much so that the logical side of things isn't what it used to be....

  • Emotional connections more and more within areas of business, formal settings, and interviews - do you 'see' we are connecting with one another heartfully now?

Today's Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse connects our Emotional Body (Moon) with our Physical Body (Virgo, earth sign) AND our Spiritual Body (Aries, fire sign), while our minds (via Mercury Rx and our Mental Body) go on circuitous journeys inward then connect outwardly to have intimate chats with significant others (Libra) of what we have found therein.

The time of today's Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is slated for 8:50p MDT where it peaks at Full Light to Illuminate how well we are creating anew our instinctual need to BE and ACT from our Physical self (Aries) AND show up in a balanced way with Others, connecting socially, conversationally, mindfully (Libra = air sign). All our Bodies seem to be in connection with one another more and more now - so no wonder the Physical body is acting out a bit, eh?

Love the process, Love yourself within your own process, and Love one another - no matter what it all looks like on the outside, from the inside!

Blessed BE!

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