It's been a bit of a roller-coaster ride since February 19th when the Sun entered Pisces (00 degrees), joining Mercury and Neptune (sitting at 15 degrees). Then the New Moon began at 15 degrees (Moon and Sun together) as of March 6th, with Mercury newly Stationed Retrograde (Rx). The Pre-Rx Shadow period of Mercury began February 19th too...bringing us all into a Mental Body, Emotional Body and Spiritual Body journey.
Dreaming, imagining, drama, victim-oriented thoughts/feelings, seemingly swimming, floating and feeling our way forward ever since! Pisces is our mutable Water energy element - ability to go with the flow - of energy, thoughts, dreams, feelings, intuition - whatever floated your boat! No straight lines of logic here! Circular, spiral, rippling towards the eventual seemingly necessary destination - of what? Where were you headed mid-February and where have you ended up now? Was the journey getting here better than you could have imagined? Magical even? Unexpected twists, turns, connections, disconnections, reconnections along the way?
Today we have TWO Astrological events happening:
The Sun leaves watery mystical spiritual Pisces(and the last sign of Winter!!) at 3:59 pm MDT to enter the cardinal FIRE of Aries at 00 degrees - bringing forth courage, assertiveness, warrior energy, pioneering and exploring new areas of your Inner You to create NEW Action outwardly these next 3 months until Summer Solstice. So begins the Vernal or Spring Equinox and the season of Spring! Snows are melting, birds are chirping, greening is just waiting to burst forth - especially here in the Canadian Western prairie regions where we've undergone a frigid Polar Vortex for weeks on end. A Blessing as Winter ends.
The Moon moves directly opposite the Sun 4 hours later at 00 degrees of Libraat 7:42 pm MDT, to become the Full Moon, bringing ILLUMINATION, a spotlight, upon the need for Emotional Balance. The Full Moon reflects the Unconscious Desires of the Sun. What could a Fiery Sun be reflecting in the Light of the Full Moon in Air?
This day the Sun is in Aries - Fire, New Beginnings, Self-Focus, Innocence/Authenticity, Self-discovery, Independence, Courage, and Disengaging Self-Absorption (according to Jan Spiller's New Moon Astrology); and the Full Moon is in Libra - Air, Union/Marriage, Negotiation Skills, Harmony, Sociability / diplomacy, Refinement, and Healing co-dependency. Those close one-on-one relationship conversations you've been meaning to follow up on.
The Sabian Symbols for these two events are as follows (from Lynda Hill & Richard Hill's The Sabian Symbols as an Oracle):
Sun's entry into Aries: A Woman Has Risen Out of the Ocean, A Seal is Embracing Her- new understandings and awareness are coming to light. Something new is emerging and it needs to be welcomed and nurtured. This is the beginning of a whole new impulse, creative and responsive. Emergence of a whole new potentiality. Emergence of the feminine into concrete manifestation.Â
SHADOW:Â using the masculine drive to overshadow the emotions. Refusing to move into a new state of being because one is held back by previous life conditions.
Moon's entry into Libra: A Butterfly Preserved and Made Perfect With a Dart Through It- beauty in shape or from has been frozen in one moment, denying the natural process of decay. An archetypal death is symbolized, perfection through sacrifice. As inspiring as this process can be, this can bring difficulties in moving on or changing the situation. Perfection and beauty made immortal.Â
SHADOW:Â stopping others from growth and change for personal satisfaction or needs. Surrender and immobilisation.
Here we MUST embrace our Feminine side AND allow the Death of an ideal we witnessed and perhaps wished to experience MORE of during the Pisces journey. It is time to come into the sunlight, deal with reality AND BE MORE of our Spiritual self whilst listening in to our Feminine gifts (men and women both!) of feelings, intuition, insights, receiving rather than doing/acting. The acting comes AFTER we receive the Wisdom from Within. Not before...the before action comes from Ego-self wanting to DO SOMETHING NOW!
Chomping at the bit so-to-speak.
Enjoy the new sap of energy coursing through your veins, yes! Take note of the creative inspirations of whatever NEW creative ideas are coming your way, yes! AND be PATIENT. Aries can bring Impatience. Libra can bring INDECISION. Weigh and measure the pros and cons - yet don't overthink - you may miss out on that NEW opportunity!
Create an "AND" as much as possible this week and these next 3 months. It doesn't have to be Either/Or. We can have BOTH. Namaste
Posted by: Laurie Rae Rezanoff Astrologer | Teacher | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator