Astrologically, due to ERIS (the gender role rebalancer ever since she was discovered earlier this century) and sister planet to MARS, dancing closely with Uranus (rebel with a cause, Expect the Unexpected, with individuation - how can I BE my true authentic self?) since June 2012 within the cardinal fire sign of ARIES- ruled by MARS! - we are seeing women taking back their power, yes. We are seeing men stumbling due to their abuse of power, yes. We continue to see the wars ensue in the Middle East, the underground wars re guns, drugs, trafficking of people etc.
The KEY planet who is helping along the way, who started her Synodic journey in ARIES back in March 2017, is VENUS - our Desire Body - bringing forth a renewal of HOW we Desire to do ARIES - helping to change the bloodthirsty, war-like energy that has been known as Aries since the Patriarchy began. Now with the two feminine planets - ERIS and VENUS - working together as their true individual aspects of the Feminine WITHIN the masculine energy of Aries - we are coming to the Full Moon point if you will - according to Venus' journey in the night sky, akin to the story of INANNA, we are currently undergoing a collective Inner Death as we walk with Venus in the Underworld - dying to our former selves - consciously or unconsciously - we are ALL undergoing this transformation.
By February 2018, Venuswill begin emerging as the Evening Star (she began as the Morning Star in March 2017) where she regains the vestments she discarded over 7 months last year. Now, the following 7 months, beginning in March with the New Moon energy, there will be a steady RENEWAL of how we all DO Aries energy in our lives - men and women, boys and girls.
Venus brings Love, Acceptance, Diplomacy, Equality, Discussion, Debate and 'seeing' beyond the Ego-self. Over time, this will grow more and more. The Venus Synodic Cycle is what I am talking about, and have been writing about (see my previous posts in three parts), where she meets up with our Moon, 7 times, to remove / cast off that which she no longer needs, letting go of the distortions of what she's been carrying with her up until now. For 7 months, after her walk through the Underworld (where we are now) she picks up a RENEWED sense of self, again 7 times, to become whole.
Each Venus-Moon connection (x 7) reflects one of our Chakras - the first round of 7 (since March 2017) had all of us removing the distortions from our Crown down to our Root Chakras (until October 2017). Do you see the timing of it all?!
Coming up in March 2018, we regain our Root Chakra, this time having let go of those toxic distortions we've been holding for far too long. And on for the next 6 months following, until again in October 2018, we finish off with the renewed Crown Chakra. Very cool how our solar system assists with our Inner/Outer Growth here on Earth!
At the same time, Jupiter has been in Scorpio since October 2017 - bringing forth all the ugly fears, deep dark emotions of abuse, power and control issues that have been buried collectively for way too long. Jupiter expands us beyond current boundaries and helps us take courage to walk a wider path than we ever thought possible before! Going beyond the boundaries we created for ourselves up until now. Jupiter calls us to expand ourselves; Venus calls for us to Love ourselves and each other; Eris calls us to assert the wrongs that BOTH genders have caused over time.
The current struggles, while BOTH genders deal with an equalizing of their Inner Feminine/Masculine energies, are indeed coming to a head. WITH LOVE, Acceptance, and honouring one another, we will see ourselves through to the other side. These next 10/11 months will be interesting to witness. We Live in Interesting Times.
All timely, which is why Astrology speaks to me and anyone who is looking for the WHY of NOW challenges we undergo as humans. The Ancients knew what they were doing 5,000+ years ago, assigning the right and proper archetypes to our planets, the Moon and the Sun, connecting our collective Spirit with our earthly lives as people evolving over Time.
It will be an incredible journey, for all of us, this year of 2018! Numerologically, 2018 reduces to the Master Number of 11 - to be of service beyond the Ego-self, to gracefully show up no matter the challenge, and to do so With Spirit and Heart and Love and Forgiveness.
Listen to your Inner Feminine AND Inner Masculine - be you man, woman, boy or girl. All genders have wonderful aspects to offer (always have) and within the New Age of Aquarius, we have the opportunity to RENEW these energies within the sense of allowing each of us to BE our true authentic selves, AND grow/evolve Within Community, together.