It's In The Stars...
By Laurie
Sun in Pisces: Imagine Your Next Spiritual Steps Forward
New Moon in Pisces: Know Your Spiritual Worth; Transform It!
Full Moon in Pisces: Imagine Your Dreams of a Higher Service
Full Moon in Virgo: Grounding Worthiness & Empowerment
New Moon in Pisces: Mystical Leaps of Faith into the Unknown
New Moon in Aquarius: Restructuring Through Humanity
Full Moon in Cancer: Nurture, Empower, Emotionally Connect, Find Your Joy
New Moon in Capricorn: Choose Your Goals Responsibly for 2022
New Moon in Scorpio: Secrets, Lies & Fears, O My!
Catch a Falling Star & Put It in Your Pocket - Jupiter Rx in Aquarius
29th Degree of Taurus: Sedna's Fated/Destined Work on Your Future Values & Worthiness
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sag: Make Your Leap of Faith into the Unknown to Heal Your Past
New Moon in Aquarius: How Uniquely Are YOU Being Authentic?
New Moon in Scorpio: Intuitive Spiritual Awareness of Renewed Adventures!
A Perfect World? A Perfect Person? Heartfully We're Broken?!
Unexpected Spiritual Destiny: Dreams vs. Illusions vs. Reality
Spiritual Emotional Desires - Return to Your Heart!